Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Hi, Ho, If's Off To Work We Go!


What should I talk about today? Hmm. Most days, when sit down with my coffee, I have an open mind (or what's left of it) that's just rolling around in writing limbo, if you will.

Oh, I know. Not big news to everyone, but Jeff and I, and particularly me, have at the moment lost of our tv channels. Horrors I know. It just happens to be a channel, but it's a channel that has some of our favorite shows. 

Apparently, Verizon (our company), has gotten themselves into a p***ing contest with a company called Tegna, whoever theyare. It appears as many as I MILLION subscribers are affected. And, of course that includes us too. So, while the bigwigs continue, or not, to set up a suitable agreement, the "real" people - you and me, bear the brunt of this standoff. Even though we know that the CBS channel isn't working, it doesn't keep us from checking and rechecking to see if the channel is back. So far, it's not. True, we can watch other channels, and we are, but feel like we are hostages in a "war" between two companies. I'm sure the executives of both companies, are continuing to receive their mega salaries. But, as Rhett once said to Scarlett, "Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn". And, that's what I would like to say to the people at the top of the television food chain, who apparently don't want to play ball with one another. 

While I don't follow sports, apparently the NFL final game of 2018, Super Bowl LIII, is supposed to be shown on CBS. This kind of news will make football fanatics, go crazy.

Lucky for me, I was given several books for Christmas. Mind you, in order to read those books, I need a magnifying glass and some reading specs. But, as a true book lover, I can tell you that I can absolutely get it done.


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