Monday, January 14, 2019



Yesterday it snowed. And, it was a measurable snowfall. Not everyone gets a warm and fuzzy feeling when it snows. When I was working, in this kind of weather, I dreaded the automated phone call to work, hopefully saying: closed or a two hour delay. These days, I don't really care how much snow falls, it really doesn't have an impact on me.

When the boys were younger, Scott always wanted "foots" (not a typo) of snow. For him, the more snow the better. Even though the boys were old enough to stay home by themselves, doing so filled me with dread. We live at the top of a hill, and so sliding down the hill was a lot of fun. Pulling the sled back up - not so much.

Jeff shoveled in increments yesterday. The sooner you get the snow off the driveway, the better chance of Mr. Sun doing it's melting thing. He rested between shoveling, which was smart.

We also let the girls out for a bit yesterday to run around in the snow.  They jumped around and chased each other. But, I did notice that when I opened up the front door, there was no hesitation from them, about coming in the house. After outside playing, they were really calm and tired, and wanted nothing more than laying beside the fireplace.

Jeff was going to do his weekly shop yesterday, but he made his decision late in the day. I urged him to stay home, and for once, he listened to me. If he wants to go out today, I'm okay with that.

The paper today, reminded drivers to clean off the top of their cars. Too often, you are behind somebody who didn't do that, they brake and you are faced with a barrage of snow. Jeff always makes sure that my car is appropriately "snowed" off! A broom makes an excellent job of clearing the car.

I actually think that Jeff might be suffering from "restlessness". While I'm quite content to stay home, he needs to get out of the house. That's just the difference between us. I think one of the reasons I don't like going out, is that after much walking (for me), my body begins to hurt. To be sure, my body hurts at home too, but I'm mere steps away from a chair.

For some people, and I include myself in this category, growing old(er) is a pain in the tush! I bet you thought I was going to say another word - surprise! I'm a lady after all!

Auntie Kim and I joined a book club a year ago. I have decided to bow out of the club now. I have several reasons for doing so. I've discovered that I don't really like being told what to read. Don't get me wrong, I love reading, but want to choose what I read. And, then there's that little thing called short term memory. Even if I read the book in it's entirety, my memory fails me on recall. I can't answer any questions about the book, simply because, well because I don't remember these things.

I, am right now, really involved in a book by an author, that I like. I have trouble remembering who the characters are, but in the big picture, that doesn't bother me at all. Skip a few lines? Sure, I have always read a book this way, and I see no reason to change. Count me in as a senior, who doesn't want to change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Some things are better left alone, and in the big picture, shouldn't matter to anyone but myself.

Well, my dears, I'm off (really I am) to get something or anything done today.




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