Sunday, January 13, 2019

An Answer to Yesterday's Question


The answer to the question yesterday, is that it has snowed and continues to do so. On a lark yesterday, Jeff took me to newly opened Trader Joe's. We left Bella loose in the house and kept our fingers crossed, that she wouldn't find and destroy something. Happy to report that there was no damage!

We like Trader Joe's, but it's very expensive if you are going to feed a family. Luckily, we just have ourselves, so we indulged with a few things (none of which were life altering). One poor man in the store, was explaining to someone (his wife probably) that the only milk in the store was almond milk. Ick. I actually don't feel sorry for those folks, who have had at least a week where the prediction was snow, haven't or didn't adequately prepare. Everybody knows you need the trafecta (sp!). In our house, that means: toilet paper, milk and eggs. Our pantry and freezer are already full of things we might want to eat. So shopping to prepare yourself for a snowstorm, at the last minute, makes no sense to me. Perhaps, that's just the Girl Scout in me!

We bought sourdough bread - not a necessity - just a want. We didn't need milk, and that's a good thing, and eggs were in short supply as well. 

Jeff has gone out twice this morning to shovel the driveway. He shovels in increments of about 15 minutes and then comes back inside to rest. Oh, to have the boys back, so they could handle the shoveling. We learned from a neighbor years ago, that it was better to shovel the snow from the driveway. If you keep the driveway clean, then if we get ice, you don't have to deal with digging through the ice to get to the snow. 

Jeff took the girls out this morning for a romp, Bella loved it. Daisy wanted back in the house almost immediately. Unlike the Labradors we previously owned, where snow would cling to their fur, making them look and perhaps feel ridiculous. Neither of the girls have long hair, so the worst that can happen is wet paws.

Jeff made dinner last night, and it was tasty. After we went to bed, Bella did her usual counter surfing. She hit pay dirt, when she found the bowl with the chicken inside. She licked the bowl clean, and didn't even take the bowl down to the floor. Knowing all of that, we should make sure before we go to bed, that food, of any kind, needs to be put farther back. Basically, I guess that Jeff and I were not thinking clearly enough, when we went to bed. As I've stated before, the only real food that Bella won't eat is a bell pepper. To be sure, she gets it off the counter and in the morning we find the pepper on the floor.

While I have poo-pooed the idea of watching football games, I have now watched several. Mind you, I don't have a clue about the rules.  My only knowledge is when somebody gets a goal. Still, I find it somewhat interesting, but have no earthly idea why.

Wrapping up now. Have some things I need (blah) or want to do. 

Happy Sunday.



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