Friday, January 11, 2019

Peace and Quiet


Good morning everyone. Even by Jeff's standards, the temperature today is a bit on the chilly side (29 degrees. In my mind, 29 degrees is no longer a bit chilly, it's downright cold. Thank heavens for the gas fireplace, it keeps the den nice and toasty.

If you know me well, then you also know that I live in an anxiety, among other things, producing world. It's been this way for a long time, but particularly noticeable after 2013. Will this condition improve for me? Through medicine and therapy, I am unfortunately out of control inside my head. It's just the way it is.

I live a mostly reclusive world, and for the foremost, I'm okay with that. It's not good for me mentally, but living this way, means I don't have to deal with a lot of outside stimuli. Jeff has for several years now, done all the heavy lifting as far as keeping me on the right track every day.

One way I get and enjoy inner peace, starts with Daisy (the terrier).  Whenever I sit in my chair, is likely not very good for me, Daisy is waiting for me to "assume the position". The position in question is having the recliner in a fairly upright position. Once I'm "settled", Daisy jumps into my lap and both of us are content with each other. Daisy isn't the smartest dog we've ever owned, but in terms of being loyal and loving, she's the absolute best. Daisy doesn't judge, she just knows that she's always welcome in my lap. Dogs, by nature don't actually ask for much in return for their love and loyalty. Treat them well, shower them with praise and love, and they will give this back to you tenfold. 

While Bella goes with us almost everywhere, and performs beautifully no matter where we are, Daisy stays home. We'd leave Bella home sometimes, but you can never be sure what she is going to get into.

On a table in the living room, which is used seldom, sits a decorative bowl filled with beautiful glass "candy". While sitting here in my office yesterday, I heard noise in the living room, and by the slinking away, I was pretty sure that Bella had been exploring the candy, and didn't find them chewable! We certainly don't want to have to pump Bella's stomach out, to find a missing piece of glass! 

I have just now, after 2 years, taken the gate down that prevented the girls from going into that room. I have recently removed the gate, and so far, so good. Next step is to take down the gate that keeps them out of the "formal" dining room, which is also never used, unless you count the many items on the table and on the floor. If it all blew away tomorrow, there isn't anything in particular, except for Jeff's pilot bag that I'd miss. Like clothes that you don't wear, the items in that room haven't been missed in a very long time. Purge perhaps?
When I finish "talking" with all of you, I will go upstairs and get on a sweatshirt to keep me warmer, and then proceed with putting the laundry away. Can you say boring? Of course, you can. The washing and drying of clothes is easy, and then it becomes to "fold" the clothes. And, that last little bit, is where I tend to stumble and fail. It would be super easy to just stuff said clothes into drawers. Some wrinkles I can live with.

While this isn't a picture of Daisy or myself, you get the general idea.

Happy Friday everyone.



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