Monday, January 21, 2019

A New Groove


Do some of you recall when "Stella Got Her Groove Back"? Using this as an example of myself getting a groove on, I (believe it or not) watched not one but two football games yesterday. Oh, and I also watched a bull riding competition. All I need know is a cigar and whiskey!

To be clear, I have absolutely no idea what's going on during a football game. I know what the ball looks like and can follow a touchdown, and that's where my knowledge ends. The comments about where the players are on the field, makes no sense to me so I just focus on goals.

While being a "lady of leisure" yesterday, Jeff was stuck in his office doing all manner of paperwork. When a year ends, then there all kinds of documents that have to be filled out and mailed out by "x" date. I'm in charge of putting our copies of these documents in the appropriate binders for both companies: 4A Computing and Jeffco (the plane). 

In 1974, as Jeff and I started out our life together, I promised to handle paperwork. And, I did. Initially, there were only a handful of papers to be dealt with. Fast forward to 2019, and to use a phrase that my sons like "there are crap loads" of paper! Enough paper, that periodically the binders for each company have to be purged out into an archive binder. It's a lot of paper. And, unlike bills that you have paid, company documents stick around forever.

It's cold outside today, and if we take Jeff's car out for my appointments, the top will definitely be up. It's hard to look cool, when your teeth are chattering.

Cutting this short today, have to go and get ready for my first appointment (head shrinking).


Image result for picture of person and cold weather


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