Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ugly Sunday


By just about anybody's opinion, today is a dreary, rainy and going to turn cold day. I'm glad we ran our errands yesterday.

I took several new pieces of clothing in yesterday to be altered. The alteration woman knows me on sight. She also knows that my only request, and was again, making things shorter. It's possible that manufacturers don't really take into account the actual size of women. For instance, I don't like my pants to reach to the top of my shoes. It's a preference I know. The inseam, for most pants, is 28 inches - hmm. I'm having the pants altered to about 24 inches. So, first I have to pay for the pants and then have to have them altered! This doesn't seem fair. I also took in a rain jacket (sleeves way too long) and a denim jacket suffering from the same problem. 

As a short and round woman, I detest having to roll up sleeves on everything I wear. I hate cuffs. I don't think it's asking too much to have clothes tailored to your body. 

Netflix has an original show called "Sex Education". Don't let the title scare you off. Yes, it's about sex and teenagers. One boy, in particular, has a mother who is a sex therapist. Can you say awkward? It's worth the watch, I watch.

Jeff and I like, what we consider binge watching shows. So, we stayed up until midnight yesterday, to just one more episode. And, if you remain still in the bed, the girls don't start stomping on you at 7:30 like they used to. Interestingly, I get up first and come downstairs. The girls know that I'm not going to feed them, so they wait for Jeff. I'm actually okay with that.

I marked all of the shows we are going to watch this week. Jeff, actually doesn't get much of a vote! Clearly, not a democracy here. By looking ahead, it appears that Jeff will not have to talk to each other today, as well as a fewer other nights. If we run out of regular shows, we can always find something on one of the premium shows. 

Now that Christmas is over, Jeff has asked me, politely I might add, to try and curb my spending. To that end, I have written down the charges for the things that I have bought so far. Before buying something on Amazon,  Now,I do take a moment before I actually hit the "buy it now" button. I'm trying to find other things to do, but honestly dishes and laundry just don't have the same thrill. But, I'm really trying, I promise. This is difficult for a shopping junkie!

Cold and windy today, with the wind picking up. Temperature today is 28 degrees and a low of 12 degrees. Jeff, doesn't consider it cold unless we get into single digits, but I believe today will be a good day to stay inside. Once I turn the fireplace on, the girls will both gravitate to the fire.

Last night, while watching a show, I told myself to investigate on how much "x" makes. Of course, being me, the "x" look-up has long since left my brain. And, truthfully, may never return! It's just who I am know. I have made up my own diagnosis, "STMM" - short term memory me.

I made beer bread yesterday from a box. The bread is dense, you could probably hurl it at someone and do bodily harm. I will likely not buy it again. But, if you don't try it, you'll never know if you like it. Okay, I've tried it and don't really like it.

While I'm dallying down here, Jeff is upstairs working. He has his "work work", and then he has to close out the 2018 books for 4A, to get the necessary information to the accountant. When a year ends, there is a flurry of required documents to be sent to the different agencies. I don't know about Jeff, but this is actually not my favorite time of the year. Go figure.

Well, my dears, it's time for me to get myself in gear, and do something - anything!

If you're here in the East, stay warm.



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