Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sunny, Sunny Tuesday


It's cold outside, and I think even Jeff agrees too. But, on the plus side, we're talking about a beautiful blue sky and no wind. I've started the fireplace (gotta love those gas powered ones), and eventually the girls will find themselves sleeping beside the fire. To be sure, you don't get quite get the same ambiance as you do with a wood crackling fire. But, the boys, when they lived at home, stacked and built those fires. Real fires, pop and crackle, and sometimes a bit of the fire would find their way to the carpet. So, no worries now.

I'm watching the Bachelor (and I already hear all the groans. The show, to be sure, has to be staged, and it's very interesting to see how the beautiful (do they pick any other kind?) ladies viying (sp) for the bachelor's attention. A bit of backstabbing goes on. We all know that women can get quite catty if the need arises. And, in this situation, there is a push/pull thing happening all the time. I don't have a favorite yet, but the one "lady" who is definitely a cougar has to go - in my humble opinion.

I'm always curious, and I wanted to know how much the bachelor or bachelort (sp) get paid to be on the show. A tidy sum - $100,000! Not a bad paycheck for living in "paradise" and doing no actual work. The contestants get zero! Plus, they have leave their jobs - crazy right? I can just imagine the conversation: "boss, I need six weeks off to be on the Bachelor". After having said that, I'm pretty sure the room gets very quiet. For me personally, I don't think I could just give up a job, on the off chance that I might be the last woman standing. Very high stakes indeed. Also, you never see an "ugly" (not really ugly, but compared to everyone else, not particularly good looking, just normal looking). Why is that? Perhaps there should be a new show that features less than body perfect people. Now, that would definitely be a reality show, because the majority of people, aren't in the beautiful category. And, that's okay. 

It's cold enough here, that the girls run outside, do their business also outside and then scurry back into the house. I can't blame them. Even though they have fur, they can still get cold. And, I wouldn't even think about leaving the girls out in the cold for an extended period of time. I know that I don't want to be outside very long either.  

My high protein diet, which products are pretty expensive, are netting results for me. I've lost 12 pounds so far. I'd like to lose 30 more, and that will take effort on my part. But, in order to even consider getting a new hip, I need to be thinner. I am now religious about getting on the scales every day. And when, the scales move just a tad to the right, I'm that much more determined to move those numbers to the left.

Hate to leave you, but I need to get stuff done. I know, I know, I write this everyday, and then don't meet my household goals - unfortunately.

Stay warm if you leave in my part of the country. Drag out those winter gloves and scarfs. My scarf just happens to be a uniform one that Benjamin bought for me! How special is that?




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