Monday, January 28, 2019



Here's what you need to know about writing. It's a lonely business. A writer, and I consider myself one, although certainly, not in the same category as famous authors. 

Over my adult years, and there has been many of those (ha), I have written in pretty much anything that is handy by. I have cloth bound, leather wrapped, not to mention just plain old spinal notebooks, at my disposal. And, I've written something in all of these. The best example of my "adult" writing, is the notebook I had with me on our honeymoon in 1974. It's in a spiral notebook, but sometimes I drag it out, not only for the memories, but to note how low the prices were back then.

When I was working, I tried to blog everyday. This wasn't very successful. I had to be at work at "x" time, so dressing and eating breakfast was about all I could handle at the time.

Now, officially retired, I have no excuse not to write. Some days when I feel I have nothing to really blog about, I blog with a statement, such as "empty brain".  It might be easier, if I were to write about just one thing, like some other bloggers do. You know, recipes, fashion ideas, stuff like that. But, putting my blog to fit into a finite subject, is too confining for me. I know that I'm not an expert on very many things, so there is no point in my attempt to always write on the same subject. For me, and it's just the way I think, variety is the spice of life. I, have in the past, shared a family recipe with everyone, but that's not what I really want to write about.

I want to write about anything and everything, even if all the paragraphs don't actually belong together. I have a stream of conscience, with little bits of this and that, some of which don't actually go together. This is not a problem for me, but for you readers, might not always make sense. I write like I talk, fast and sometimes with no actual thought to where my writing is going. 

I have taken several on-line writing courses, and have been successful in the assignments. Writers need feedback, and hopefully that feedback is more positive than not.

Now, that I've emptied my brain (mostly), I'm going to sign off for the day.



 Image result for picture of writer at a computer

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