Sunday, January 6, 2019

Soap Box Time -Apologies!


If you follow my blog, and I hope you do, then you know I steer away from politics. But today, I just can't. You may not agree with what I say, and that's okay, but please don't send me hate posts. I'm not trying to upset anyone - just stating the facts.

Issue number one: officials are getting $10,000 raises. As the saying goes, the rich get richer, and well, you know the poor get poorer. 

Do any of the "powers to be" in Washington ever stop and think about us regular folk? Um, doesn't seem like they do.The "little" people, even though they're temporarily out of work, still have to put food on the table, pay utilities and mortgages. Of course, it's possible that lenders may make some leniency for people who can't make their house payment. But probably not forever. They have to make money too.

Another little thing that is seldom mentioned is that food aid and tax refund could be adversely affected. Again, back to the regular people. When you have a family, food on the table is kind of a big deal. Have to wait on a tax refund, in my mind (only my opinion here) isn't nearly as important as feeding people.

Food stamps, which really helps out the low income families, There are approximately 38 MILLION who survive on low wages, and food stamps. While I never had to use food stamps, there was a period in my past (before Jeff), where my coworkers knew I was in a bind. While money wasn't given to me, I was taken out for free lunches frequently. I would try to insist on paying the bill, even though I had no money. But pride can sometimes get in the way of allowing people to prop you up, if only temporarily.

Before Jeff came along, my son and I would go grocery shopping - I guess you could it that. I would buy stale bread, expired cans of food and anything else I could buy for a low price. Luxuries, such as named brand cereal, for instance, was completely out of the question.

One of the first things that Jeff did for me, while we were dating, was to take Kenny and I grocery shopping. We had two carts. Mine contained the stale and outdated cans and food. Jeff's cart was filled up with just about everything a "poor" (at least that's what I thought of myself) person might want/need. When we got to the register, I told Jeff that there was no way I could afford all the groceries he had bought. Turns out, it wasn't a problem, he paid for both baskets! Be still my heart. Where has this guy been all my life! Maybe the stars just aligned in the right pattern, to make our lives connect. This is a good man, who said his vows, for better or worse. Unfortunately, I feel bad that I think we're in the worse part of our lives. To that end, I really do try to be an active participant. Trouble with that is, I normally just crash and burn.

When somebody gives you a hand-up, be gracious and accept the help. There will be a time when you will or might be in a position to help somebody.  

This many years later, I remember the kindness of coworkers, who took up a collection, so that I could go to a doctor (too many bounced checks in the past). These were just people I worked with. Some were friends of mine, others were just coworker, but all of them knew I was in a tight spot. I will never forget the kindness they had shown me.   

Paying it forward for me, is treating Stacey and perhaps now Wendy for a "ladies day out" toes and nails. It's good quality time for all of us. I pay for meals at McDonalds. and any other small thing I can do for the "girls". While it might be hell on the budget, but the high I receive for giving back, even just a little bit, makes me feel really good about myself.

To all of the people, who are directed affected by all this nonsense, I can only offer you that hopefully in the near future, things will work themselves out, and you will be given the support from the government that you so badly need.

Off my soap box now. I'm not trying to be political, I'm just an angry old person, who doesn't understand what's happening now.

On a more positive note, it's a beautiful day for a ride with the top down, which is exactly what Jeff and I are going to do this afternoon.

Happy Sunday.



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