Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year Everone


There I did it, my first "2019" written/typed this year. Let's hope I can keep the trend up!

Our neighbors were having a party last night, and we didn't want to go to bed, until everyone had left. Reason? Car doors slamming, people talking, stuff like that, would set the girls off on a barking campaign.

Not that you're keeping count, but tomorrow I will have the last of my returns sent off. Since I've managed to get the returns ready, I can now dispose of the empty boxes finally. I don't want to prematurely get rid of a box, and then need one!

If one of your New Year's resolution is to get in more exercise, today would be a good time to get into the gym. Also, toss out all sugar temptations (this may not pertain to everyone, but it sure does for me.

A new year has endless possibilities. All we have to do, and it sounds simple enough, is to grab onto those possibilities and run with them. I, vow to take out my rollator for a few loops around the circle every day. Okay, most days.

I want to worry less, and have less stress. This resolution may be hard, if not impossible for me. I worry when I don't have anything to worry about. I know this makes Jeff crazy (not like my kind of crazy), and there are no apologies that I can give him, to make things better for him. 

I should also stay current with paper filing. And, there is a lot it. At one time, I used to sort paid bills by category: utilities, medical and stuff like that. I no longer feel compelled to do that now. I have a box and I just cram all the paid bills into the box. Now, if we need to pull out a paid bill (fingers crossed that we never will have to do that), retrieving said bill could be a nightmare.

With some limitations, I will try and move around more. Even doing the laundry and dishes count as "moving around".  Okay, just a little bit of exercise, if you will, but it counts toward exercising.

I hope all of you rang in the new year, with streamers, some kind of noise maker and good food with good friends.

Talk to you soon.

Image result for picture of 2019


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