Friday, January 25, 2019

Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood


After a few gray and gloomy days, Mother Nature has blessed us with a grand, sunny day. Oh, it's still cold outside, but I can live with that. 

Today, Jeff, Bella and I are headed to Hopkins for my last post-op appointment. At this appointment, I think (hope) that I will be getting my new prescription for glasses. I can see pretty well at a distance, but tinnier print is still causing me trouble. So, when your lawyer's office, for example, and he says read the fine print - for me - not so much. Not only does Jeff do the heavy lifting around the house, he now has become my "reader" of all things small!

If you happen to be on the fence about having cataract surgery, I highly recommend having the surgery. It has made such a huge difference n my life. 

While eating my breakfast, Jeff reads me bits and pieces of news from the paper. To be honest, sometimes (actually more times than not), the news is very depressing. Casting no stones, because I don't do that - BUT - I really feel sorry for the people who are furloughed and not getting a paycheck. Think for a moment what your life might look like, if you didn't receive a paycheck. I fear that the people we hear the most about, are the government people here in D.C. Numerous food banks have sprung up to give out food to those in need. And, I don't know about your area, but there are a lot of people here, who definitely live paycheck to paycheck. 

Jeff and I feel truly blessed that he is still working and that I'm drawing my social security. And, the more years you work, the larger your monthly payment is. I started working full-time in 1968 up until 2013. So by my calculations, and no I'm not so good at math, it looks like I had worked 51 years. That's a long time, and basically doing the same sort of work, which was secretarial, for all those years. 

Depending on the temperature when we leave for my appointment, will determine whether we go with the top down. Jeff's car has a very good heater, as well as a neck warmer, which is wonderful. All you really need is a coat (duh), gloves, and a scarf. The thing about riding around in a convertible is to not look cold, because then you don't look cool! We bought Jeff's car in January, and did our test drive with the top down. We looked like crazy loons, but couldn't have cared less.

I hope it's sunny and bright where you are. Have a good weekend.



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