Friday, January 4, 2019

Well Here We Are Again


We have survived the first week of the new year. Hopefully, none of you has had any kind of calamity so far. Jeff and I, so far been free of drama, and since the holidays are over, we are also stress free! We don't know how long that will last, but we'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Today, is drop off packages at UPS and the Post Office. Whew. I think that's everything that needs to be returned. Or, I hope so, since I have very few empty boxes left, and will probably recycle those next week.

Yeah, channel 9 has returned.  Hurrah. Some of the best shows we watch are on that channel. I don't know the how and why of the agreement, and don't care. Just give me my television back.

I see the eye doctor next week for I think a final check-up. I hope I will get a prescription for new glasses, probably just bifocals. I can see well enough for distance, a bit fuzzy, but something I can likely live with. What I can't handle, is that small print is my enemy. I have to have a magnifying class to read tiny print. Or, worst case, have Jeff read to me. But, you do what you gotta do to survive.

No weekend plans, and I'm okay with that. It's possible that Jeff will go out to one of the "farms"  to lend a hand. For me, I'd rather stay home. Can you say reclusive anybody? Yes, I am. Not overly proud of using that name to describe me, but it is what it is.

Getting out and about presents a challenge to me. I can't stand and/or walk for long periods of time. I am trying to make loops (2 loops yesterday) around the circle in front of the house. Not exactly record-breaking, but everybody has to start somewhere.

Most of the government is shut down. I feel sorry for the people who, at the moment, are laid off, for lack of a better word. Some of these people live paycheck to paycheck. There are bills to pay, groceries to buy, and the list goes on and on. You have to wonder whether the government really understands the hardship of the "little" people. Okay, I'm off my soap box now, I promise. Just needed to get that said.

I'm under a bit of atime constraint this morning, because Jeff says we are going out to run errands around lunch time. So I'd better be ready. I haven't left the house since Christmas, so this would be a good time for me to "walk" about. 

This was a short week for everybody, and we'll have to wait a bit for the next holiday.

Enjoy your weekend everybody.



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