Tuesday, April 30, 2019



Today, is a non-event kind of day. Watched American Idol, and I sure wish that the singers, could/would sing a song that I remember. But, thinking about it, I realize that the singers were born long after the 60's. To bad, because music from those years, I happen to think were absolutely the best. These are just my thoughts.

Stacey, and other home schooler (sp) Moms, took the kids out on a field trip. One of the things that the kids were able to do, was to pan for "gold". Who knows, maybe when he's older, he might go to the Yukon, to search for "oodles" of gold. If it was a sure thing, who knows, maybe Jeff and I would move to the Yukon area! Just kidding, of course!

It's likely that we'd find about as much gold, as we do on a lottery ticket. Which is zero. You can't win, if you don't play. I am truly envious of the people who win millions. Heck, I'd be happy if I only won, let's say, oh about $50,000. I don't think that's asking for too much. I mean, people get big winnings, and I would like to be the recipient of mega bucks. If we did win, some huge amount of money, I think I'd get in the bathtub and cover myself with money. A dry bathtub, of course. Otherwise, it would be laundering money!
(Did you get that)?

I'm trying to stay calm about tomorrow. I have bought several, easy to put on, dresses, actually they are more like loungers. I bought mostly sleeveless dresses, because the last think I want to do is try and put on a top that has sleeves. During my recovery, it's going to be all about comfort. To that end, I have recorded a lot of television shows, and today will take off the non-essentials off of my side table. My goal is to make taking care of me less of a burden for Jeff. But, since I'm only "mildly" crazy, Jeff still has his hands full on taking care of me.

We're leaving the girls alone in the house, and the backyard. With Bella on her own, we need to lock down things. My shoes come to mind! We'll shut most of the doors which will limit where the girls can go. Still, we hate that we can't take her tomorrow. But, a surgery center is just not a good place to take a dog. That's just my opinion.

I'm hoping by Friday, that I'll feel up to returning to the keyboard.


Monday, April 29, 2019

What's New In My World


It' Monday (duh) and not a great looking day outside. For me, and my thermostat has been "broken" for years, I think it's downright chilly. Jeff's thermostat swings the other way - he's always hot. So together we're are an ideal couple. 😃

Yesterday was "shop" day. That means, in case you were wondering, and I know you weren't our weekly trip to Costco and WalMart. And, yes that also means me riding in the stupid little carts. I fee more disabled than I do when just walking around. Trouble is, I'm not able to walk far, hence the cart. Two things come to mind when using a cart: (1) people get in the way; and/or (2) staring (possibly my imagination) wondering why you're in a cart. You look healthy enough. Going forward is one thing, but I'll do just about anything to avoid backing up. When you back up, you get a constant beep-beep sound. I don't like that sound, so I'm not adverse to going around in a circle to get to where I want to go. Yup, it seems that I always take the hard way to do things. Such is my life.

As usual, for a Sunday, it was me, the TV Guide and a highlighter. I "mark" all the shows that I want to watch for the upcoming week. Lunch was a burger and dinner was pizza. And, not that we're in a "rut" of any kind, but we always have pizza on Sunday. The girls like pizza day, because they get the "pizza butts" (i.e, the crust). I wish that we could teach the girls other things, besides eating crust. 

As usual, Bella was just the best. She is truly flawless when her vest is on. On Wednesday, when I'm having surgery the girls will have to stay home. We're giving Bella and Daisy run of the house and backyard. No worries about Daisy getting into nonsense. Bella not so much. I think we'll probably close doors, and put a gate up so that she can't go upstairs. 

Benjamin called me and wanted to thank Pop Pop and myself for the money that was inside his card. He's trying to save money, so that he can buy something. A new video game comes to mind. But, then what does a grandmother know!

Oh, on Shark Tank last night, a lady came on asking for money for her "invention" basically cats DNA. She's working up to dogs and then horses. I want you to think about the last time you seriously wondered what the background of your pet was. The only time, this becomes relevant, in my opinion, is if you have a purebred dog. You get a paper to give you the "family" tree of dogs that gives you all the knowledge you need to know. What do we know about our dogs? We know Bella is a black tonged hound cur. I think that last word isn't a nice word. The definition of a cur is
A cur is a dog that isn't very good — or is a mixed breed. ... When you use the word cur, you're talking about a dog that's either a mutt, very unattractive, aggressive, or all three. Since I don't like the word cur, we just say that she is a hound, at least I do.Well, Bella is for sure a mutt (although we don't think of her that way). She's really very pretty and not aggressive. The only aggression she shows is when the doorbell rings or there's something going on in the backyard. While she is considered on the small size of a "guard" dog, she sounds like a much bigger dog. We know that Bella believes she is protecting her humans.

Other unbelievable products demonstrated on Shark Tank include: a pocket square holder, mouth tape (for sleeping), pool for the bed of a truck. And, my personal favorite is the pop-it-pal pimple  toy. Basically, it's a toy that you put some kind of "stuff" inside, and well you can figure the rest out for yourself. The cost is minimal, less than $20.00.  And, I know it's a better way to deal with "fake" pimples, rather than doing so on your face. Would I buy it? Nope. I know it's cheap, but for me, a bit gross. I'd like to spend that $20.00 some place else!

I wish I could wish you a good morning, but it's late (again no excuse), so good afternoon.

By the way, since I'm having a bit of surgery on Wednesday, there will be no blog that day and perhaps even the day after. But, don't worry, I'll be back at the keyboard as fast as I can.



Sunday, April 28, 2019

Oops - Missed A Day


I don't remember why I didn't sit down at the computer, and knock out a few paragraphs. Apologies.

Yesterday, we went to Scott's house for diner. Wendy is a good cook. We had spaghetti, salad, french bread and Aunt Ruby's pound cake. Aunt Ruby was Jeff's great aunt (I think that's right), and had a most delicious recipe for pound cake. The ingredients are deadly: butter, sugar, etc. After it's baked, there is this crunchy sweet top, which I could eat just that all day long! Just saying.

We left our girls out in Scott's front yard. Because our back yard is fairly small, if the girls get the opportunity to do a "run about", they take full advantage of doing so. Of course, they ran toward one of Scott's neighbors, who didn't find the girls as cute as we do. To make matters worse, one of the girls did her business in this man's yard. It was getting dark, but if it had been earlier in the day, we for sure would have gone to pick it up. But, it's pretty hard to find something that is really small.  The rest of the evening, the girls remained inside. It's never good to be at odds with your neighbors, whether you live next to them or an acre or so between them. I have found generally there is one - - - hole, in every neighborhood. I wish we lived somewhere where the girls could just flat out run and burn off some of that energy. But, we don't. We do occasionally in the later afternoon, let the girls out front and they love being let out of the house. They don't go far, just behind a few houses across the street, and then come home. Correction- Bella comes home, but it's harder to get Daisy back inside. Since she finally does come into the house, I figure that she must like it here!

Today, is shopping day. We need a few things from Costco such as fertilizer for the yard. Jeff has the grass seed and Scott's spreader, so that he can, like in our "olden" days, feed the yard.

Giving you advance notice. I will be having shoulder surgery on Thursday, so there won't be a blog that day, and possibly so even on Friday. Forgive me for not being able to blog right away. And with an arm in a sling, It's likely that I won't be able to speed type, as I do now. My memory of current things, like forgetting what Jeff tells me, has not affected by ability to still type fast.

Closing for now, back tomorrow. Happy Sunday.



Friday, April 26, 2019



Critters - really? Yep. It's the time of the year when people are frequently bothered by things that fly, creep, sting, as well as ticks.

I thought that I had an agreement with the mouses that live full-time in the garage. I "told" them that they could nibble on the stuff in the garage, loose bits of kibble come to mind.  But, they were never to come inside the house. Seems like a fair agreement, but sad to say that the mouses aren't keeping up their part of the agreement. I find "evidence" that the little buggers have been in the pantry. To a mouse, my pantry would be their idea of heaven. Lots of boxes to chew on, as well as bags where they can and do add holes. I don't need to remind myself to clean up the pantry, once I see a shred or drop of evidence, I start to pull out all the "mouse friendly" items, and throw away anything that looks odd. They appear to not yet be able to open up cans!

Our windows are now open, and the screens are in place. And, still flies, some of which are big enough to ride (kidding) find their way into the house. I hate the buzzing sound, as they make their way through the house. I do have a fly squatter thing, and I'm not afraid to use it. But, the first challenge is waiting for said fly to land.

At our mailbox, at this time of the year, until autumn, there is a bumble bee that hovers around the mailbox. I hate bees, wasps, etc., and frankly I'm afraid of them.

When we had some landscaping done last year, there is a large hole, I guess you could call it that, underneath the porch. The men putting down the mulch, refused to get close to the opening, because they could definitely see a critter, a mole or gopher comes to mind. Jeff and I have known for years that there's somebody or perhaps multiple somebodies under the porch, but unless they make the porch collapse, and that doesn't seem likely, we'll all just try to stay out of each other's way.

Lastly, Jeff's favorite - the mosquito. Jeff and I can be sitting next to each other, and the mosquitoes zoom in to bite Jeff. Me, they leave alone. Perhaps they leave me alone, because I'm mean!

Perhaps, you too, suffer from some of these spring and summer "critters". Oh, I forgot about ants. This is the time when they come marching in the house two by two. Hate ants.

Absolutely crappy day outside, which means I will stay inside.

Happy Friday. 



Thursday, April 25, 2019



There was a time, when I couldn't have cared two cents about what was happening in the world. When the paper arrived, I headed for comments from Heloise and Ann Landers, and, of course, the comics.

I lived this way for many, many years. Most of the news when I was a teenager didn't make much of an impression on me. With some exceptions: John and Robert Kennedy, moon walk, and things like that.

International news. What's that about? And, then slowly the world changed, and I moved along too. A shock to the system was sitting down every night to watch the news. Of course, there are stories that just aren't that interesting to me. The reports of killings, arson, just to name a few, don't are generally fast forward for me. It's not that I don't have sympathy for people who have lost their loved ones, or their homes.  But these things are just an example of where we are now. 

Most of us (but not me) have cellphones, which appears to have taken over the world. With a cellphone, people can be connected to other people. That makes sense. I, personally don't have a cellphone. Well, I had one about 3 years ago, but Bella, who was only a puppy, took it outside and ruined it. At this moment in my life, I'm generally never left alone, and don't drive because my shoulder is broken.

Boy, did I wander off the subject of news. I'll try again to stay focused on news. Okay, back to the story at hand. I said I watched the nightly news, minus the more than once part about weather. Frankly, I don't know if knowing what's going to happen (perhaps), does me any good. After all, it's not in my power to do anything about the weather - it is - what it is.

Because of all the political nonsense going on right now, I actually read the front page of the paper. Shocking I know. With the exception of talking to Jeff, I keep my thoughts and opinions to myself. I'm not a person who wants to take a stand on issues like Roe v. Wade, or whether you think the President is doing a good job. Mind you, I have a strong opinion on both of these subjects, but Jeff is generally that one person who actually knows how I feel. Oh, to go back to the 60's, minus the Vietnam War, when life was simple and the music at that time was fantastic. I can't say much about today's music, other than I don't like it. The music of our teen years, is now being played as "elevator" music. I doubt that today's music will attain that kind of fame, if you will.



Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New Game


I have found on television a new game show called "Mental Samaria". The contestants are given 5 minutes to answer 12 questions. So far, only two of those contestants answered all the questions correctly, and they have worn $100,000.

When the show began, I thought that the winners would all be "brain nerds". That's simply not true. A man who runs a soul cycle class, was only I think two questions away, from winning $25,000.00

A woman came on the show, perhaps feeling a bit cocky, as she is a member of the Mensa Society. Sadly, she was stumped by one question and didn't win. Happy to say that her husband, who has only a lowly PhD, did better than she did, but he also failed on a question. Thing of the bragging rights!

There are two questions that seem to trip people up. And, that category involves music, musical artists, songs, etc. Either the contestant is too young to know much about new music (if you can call it that), or the contestant is too young to be familiar with the older songs. You could mentally train your brain with putting things in order, doing a crossword puzzle and things like that. 

When I'm watching the show, I like to "play" along. Unfortunately, in every episode, I fail at more than one question. So, no $10,000 for me - sad.

I used to watch Jeopardy, but I couldn't seem to answer any of the questions. That wouldn't be a good game choice for me!

Yesterday, it was sunny, bright and warm. Today, not so much. Shorty pants or not. That is the question I have to ask myself every day. It's a long pants day.

I have always been fascinated by the Royal Family. The Queen rules her family with an iron glove. Pretty sure you don't want to be on the outs with her. I check every day for news about the royal baby, but up to now, there has been nothing.

I'm a week away from my shoulder surgery, which I really need. Because I'll be in a sling for some large amount of time, I have been looking for as well as buying sleeveless dresses. Most of the dresses have snaps or buttons on the front, which will make dressing easier. Of course, wearing a sling has a number of issues, and dressing is only one of them. There is only so much that you can ask your partner to do for you. 

I do remember a few days before delivering Andrew, Jeff shaved my legs. As a man, he doesn't understand, but all of us women do! While in the hospital, your hair is one thing that goes all whirly-dirly (made up word) even after a short stay. Even with short hair (me), I will end up looking pretty much like I've been through a hurricane.

The day is getting away from me. I know, you're thinking so what's new about that. Believe me, I always start off my day, believing (not actually) that I won't let my day get away from me - and then it does.

See you tomorrow.



Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Spring Is In The Air!!


After our winter, which wasn't really much of a winter at all, it seems as though spring is officially here, as far as I'm concerned. I think it's safe at this point to put the snow shovels in the basement.

When spring comes, it seems to pop up everywhere. Spring plants, like daffodils for instance, are dormant one day, and poking through the ground the next day.

In our neighborhood, you can hear the sounds of lawn mowers during the week. Leaf blowers are a necessity, but are so noisy. While my ability to get around is limited right now, I still like to sit on the porch and watch the world go by. And, if I'm at one end of the porch, I can see my flower beds, which aren't in good shape at all.

Yesterday, one of our neighbors, who unfortunately for them sit higher than our house, and when they're on their deck, they have a birds eye view into our backyard. And, I'm fully aware that some work needs to be done in the yard. Several trees that have been in the ground for 30 have lived out their purpose. One group of these trees were plants in front of my kitchen window, which faces directly into the window of a neighbor, who lives behind us. Basically, I don't want to be in the kitchen and have him wave at me. Replacement plants? I have no idea at the moment. But, at least for me, I don't want to plant another set of Leland Cypress trees. But, it's entirely possible that Jeff, may feel differently.

The girls were on high alert as the neighbor's land-caper was working in their backyard. Our landscaper came out yesterday, to discuss with Jeff what work needs to be done in the backyard. While I listened to the conversation between Jeff and the landscaper, I tried, and it was hard for me, not to voice an opinion. Basically, trees will come down and the yard will once again be seeded and fertilized. Jeff did buy some grass seed, but the store was closed, so he wasn't able to buy fertilizer, but it's on his list.

It's such a nice day outside, I will do some loops around the circle. Since I'm using a rollator, I can stop walking and rest between laps. My goal, and it's a small one, for most people, but huge for me. Doing 5 loops generally results in my sitting down between the loops. Aw, I'm really loving getting old! 

Happy Spring Time.



Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunny Monday


For all of you who work, and I know that's a lot of you, it's always nice when the week starts off as a beautiful day. Monday is probably the first day of the week, that nobody enjoys. At least, I didn't when I worked!

Happy late Easter everybody.  Yesterday, as most Sundays, I didn't blog. Not that I didn't have anything to say, but felt that I had nothing "real" to write. I know that doesn't make sense.

I remember, when the boys were young, that Easter was a big deal for them. Easter baskets, that horrible shredded "grass" that went everywhere. And last, but not least, chocolate. Bunnies for sure, and if you don't know this, I'll tell you that the proper way to eat a chocolate bunny is bite the ears off first! I guess that's so they can't hear you munching on the rest of the body! 

Boiling eggs. Again, years ago, Jeff and I would boil somewhere between 12-18 eggs. Newspaper was laid out on the table. We put those little colored tablets into a mixture of vinegar and water. Once the tablets were dissolved, then the fun really began. The first few Easters, the boys just dunked their eggs into only one color. And, then later, they took the eggs and put them in several different cups. Doing this, was fun for them, but we ended up with more than a few ugly eggs. Visually, the eggs turned gray, which I didn't then, nor do I today, believe that these multi-colored eggs (i.e., gray)  are among the "proper" and time honored colors: pink, blue, yellow, green and purple for example.

Do you remember those little stickers that came in the dye box? For years, we tried to get those stickers actually onto the eggs. Nope, not happening. 

After bedtime, the bunnies went to work. Again, when younger, you could put eggs just about anywhere. Inside their shoes, behind a pillow, or sitting on top of a chair. Fun (actually not fun) fact, the bunny should always count the number of eggs that were distributed. One year, Jeff and I lost count, but it didn't take long for the "aroma" to invade our senses. We only made that mistake once. We are, after all, quick learners.

When the boys were older, the bunny started getting really creative about hiding. One year, we put an egg on one of the ceiling fan blades. It took them forever to find it. And. what hunt would be fun, if some kind of hunt was involved. Years ago, we would tell the boys they were getting hot or cold. And, because we had once lost count of the eggs, we remembered how many eggs we used, and more importantly where those eggs were!

I'm sure that you ladies all wore your Easter Bonnets yesterday. As children, my sister and I were always dressed in some kind of scratchy dress, white socks with ruffels and occasionally a hat as well. Of course, that was in the day when people dressed up when they were going to church, watch a performance, etc.

When we first moved here, we took the boys to an egg hunt put on by the local town. Scott was not very successful in finding many eggs. Andrew stepped into help him and by the time the hunt was over, both baskets we
re full!

I hope you had a happy Easter (a bit late on my part). 


Image result for picture of elegant easter bonnet


Saturday, April 20, 2019

What a beautiful morning


Once again, Mother Nature has done a 360 turn around from yesterday. It rained most of the day and night, with some significant wind. Let's put it this way, it blew our front door open! Mind you, the door was unlocked, but still. Of course, an open door or gate gives the girls an opportunity to escape. And they did. Bella always comes back super quick, Daisy not so much! Terriers can be very stubborn, and she's no exception.

Lately, we have left the dogs out so they can do their "walk about". They don't go far, basically just behind a few close houses. Our backyard doesn't give them as much room to romp, which they both need.

Today, it's a bright blue day, complete with fluffy clouds. In other words. a window open kind of day. 

Exercise. Today, the rollator and I managed to make 5 loops around the circle. The 5th loop got a little iffy, but I forged on. I'll "walk" around the circle again this afternoon. I know, by most people, a few loops around a circle doesn't seem like much. But, it's huge for me. Small steps, and one foot forward. This is big deal for me. We live at the top of a hill I guess going down the hill might not be a problem, unless the rollator picks up speed - not good. And an even bigger problem is getting back up the hill. Pretty sure, Jeff would have to "push" me a little bit up the hill, and more likely he would have to do a lot more work by pushing me up the hill. I'm so afraid of falling, which makes sense because I've started falling a "tad" more than usual. I do wear a very loud whistle around my neck, that if not Jeff, a neighbor would come to see what my problem was. Likely, they would just find me on the ground, unable to get up.

Benjamin will be 11 on Monday, and I can't believe it. While it was a lot of work, and sometimes frustrating, I miss the little Benjamin. The one that would and could sit on my lap, which was such a joy, and made me very happy. Now, when he sits with me in a chair, there is a bit too much body to fit comfortably. And, being the good grandparent that I am, I jokingly tell him that it's his fault that we no longer fit. 

Most of us, when we are having our own children, there is little time to stop and smell the roses. With a grandchild, at least for me, I can and do more things with him. I have more time. If you work full-time, like I did, there is a strain on your  patience. Juggling career, keeping up on housework and laundry, supervising homework, for example, can wear a person down. That's why grandchildren are truly a blessing. Don't get me wrong, having your children is also a blessing. It's just that grandchildren are cherries on top of a sundae. 

I've opened up all the windows, because before we know it, summer and humidity will be here. After that happens, the a/c runs nearly all the time until autumn arrives.

If you're hunting for eggs today or tomorrow, I hope your little person finds many. I know one year, when Kenny was older than Scott and Andrew, we put an egg on one of the ceiling fan blade. Here's another hint, do count the amount of eggs you hide. Even boiled eggs, left too long without refrigeration, become smelly eggs. When that happens, it's generally a no brainer where the culprit is hiding!

 Image result for picture of egg hunting basket


Friday, April 19, 2019

The American Farm


I found a new show on the History channel. And, you all are thinking - of course I did. It's one of the things I do best.

The show documents the life of farmers in several different parts of the country. The farmers battle drought, run-away cows, too much rain, or not enough of it. Such, is the life of a farmer. I think, when we go to the grocery store, that we forget that family-run farms are still out there. These small farms, along with the mega forms, has made it possible for us to go to the grocery store and buy such things as chicken, beef, milk, eggs, etc. Picking up these items and more at the grocery store is no big deal to us. For the most part, few of us, including myself, gives a thought about how these products end up in a store.

My Grandmother and Grandfather had a farm, the name of which I have forgotten. It was, by today's standards, a small farm. My Grandparents grew corn, as well as other products, but I was young, and don't remember. In front of the growing corn, my Grandmother's corn, she planted cornflowers, mega cornflowers - they were beautiful.

When we visited the farm, which wasn't as often as I would have liked, my brother and I made a bee line to the brooder house, filled with chickens. Of course, the baby chicks were so much fun to pick up and stroke their baby fur. The grown chickens had no appeal to us.There was a chore for use, which was smelly and horrible. We had to use our hands to scoop out the poo, etc., from either water or perhaps something else, and sling it to the ground. I truly hated this chore. It made my hands stinky, and I was after all a girly girl! But I survived, and washing with soap took care of the smell!

Grandma, also raised turkeys. She kept the turkeys far away from the chickens. And, in case you are wondering, turkeys are stupid. How do I know this? Grandma had my brother and I go down to where the turkeys were, and with a short hose, chase them off the top of their cover (I guess you could call it that). The turkeys would literally remain on the hot stainless steel even though they're feet were burning.

Okay, armed with our hoses, my brother and I went down to the turkey pen, Mission: get the turkeys off of the metal roof where they would stand until their feet became burned.  We were supposed to shoo them off of the roof. What Grandma failed to tell us, is that when turkeys are on the ground, they have a large wing span. On more than one occasion, my brother and I were "gifted" with manure. Ick. Grandma always told us that when it was time to eat a turkey, go for the hens, not the toms. This I still remember. 

There was a flower garden in front of the house, and I spent much of my time, wandering through the garden, talking to myself. 

When it was time to go home, Grandma always made us a batch of black walnut cookies, which by the way, really hold up in milk or coffee. Trouble was, the cookies were so good, that having a daily ration, didn't suit me or my brother. 

I have such pleasant memories of vacationing on Grandma's farm. She eventually sold of our livestock and moved to town. I loved having her house just a few houses away from ours. On my way to high school, I stopped at Grandma's house to chat. And if it had been movie night, I would eat the cold, greasy popcorn. Oh, and listen to the radio from Chicago which played the popular songs at that time. Everybody, should have a Grandmother like that. Unconditional love as well as a box of Chiclets in her purse! I loved her so much.

When you go to the store this week, and you buy produce or dairy products, give a pause to remember the small farms. I googled, of course I did, and here's what I found: 88 of American farms are classified as “small” by the USDA. You’d be forgiven for thinking “small” refers to acreage, but it actually means that the farm’s annual gross revenue does not exceed $350,,000. Forty-one percent of small farms turn a profit each year. Excluding organic farms, most small farms approximately farm about 444 acres. Obviously, as a child, I was unaware, unless I was eavesdropping on conversations, how many times Grandma had to get a loan. I believe (and I may be wrong), that a lot of farmers need to take out loans to carry them through the bad years.

Likely, the produce and dairy products in the stores, didn't come from a small farm. They came from factory farms. This is a market that small farm can't begin to compete against. The numbers of factory farms is: 99% chicken, 85% pigs and 78% cattle. Impressive numbers to be sure.


Houses in Farm Against Cloudy Sky

Thursday, April 18, 2019



We agree that I have lots of free time. This is true, which also means that I have time to study things.

One of the first things I observed (let's call it seeing), was that when I watched football games, most, if not all, of the players had long(er) hair. I suppose they could be making some kind of fashion statement, at least when they're not on the field. I don't know.

When watching baseball, I notice that with few exceptions, all the players had short hair. Frankly, I like short hair. During the game I saw that all the players, wore special shirts with the number "42" on the back. Jackie Robertson's number was 42. In April 15th, since April 15, 2004, is Jackie Robertson's day. I thought that it was a very nice tribute to a very special man.

I watched all manner of reality shows. Now, if I was on a show filming in the jungle (Parker's Trail) comes to mind, the first thing I would do before going into the jungle would be to cut my hair short - really short. With every episode I watch, I see how much trouble their long hair is. It's a dirty business searching for gold, so why not make it easier on yourself, and cut your hair? Think about how much cooler you would be. 

When the boys were young, each summer we gave them a choice: (a) wash and comb your hair every day, or (b) have a buzz cut, which required no combing. The boys, when they we're younger they always opted for "b". 

I watched Amazing Race this morning while I had my breakfast. The players this year are from Survivor, Big Brother and some other reality show that I can't remember. One team is made up of two women (duh, they play in pairs), who were on Big Brother. When I saw what they we're wearing, I was startled to say the least. One of the women had on a short, and tight dress. Who runs a race in a shirt? They both are blonde, but I don't want to make any assumptions.

Here's something else I've observed. The very large oak tree in the front yard - 32 years old is dying. We've had tree people come out and look at the old girl, but nobody seems to know how to save her. What Jeff and I saw after we realized that the tree was dying, we noticed that our neighbor's oak tree, along with many others in the neighborhood, were also dying. This means, of course, that no acorns fell this year, so there was no need for squirrels to hang around - nothing to eat. During the fall, you never walked on the driveway without shoes. Stepping on an acorn, is akin to stepping on a Lego piece! Painful to say the least.

Now, I observe that the clock is ticking it's way to noon. I absolutely must be dressed by noon. If I don't, I feel like a slacker. 

Happy Thursday everyone.



Wednesday, April 17, 2019

National Treasure


Yesterday, people mourned all over the world when Notre-Dam caught on fire. The damage to this very old Catholic cathedral. A bit of history: the building started in 1163 and was finished in 1345. That's a lot of years ago. Odiously, over time the cathedral has had some repairs. This cathedral holds, among it's treasures, the Crown of Thrones.

Watching the report of this fire on television, is probably, for the French people, is akin to the damage done here in 2001.

As a child, while Dad was stationed in France, we went to see the Notre-Dam. I was young, maybe 7 or 8 at the time, and was not impressed (who is at that age?) by the glorious stained glass windows, and the architecture of the building itself. What I remember was a dark and cold building. But, I was a young child, and found, like so many children would, boring. My brother and I were not particularly an old church, as we were wondering when did we get to eat! Such is the mindset of young children. 

One of the treasures inside the cathedral was/is the Crown of Thorns which was gifted around 1231. Apparently, yesterday, Parisians formed a human chain to save as many relics as they could, the Crown of Thorns being one of them.

This cathedral is one of the most popular places to visit while in Paris. There is, of course, Arc de Triumph, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.     

You really become sad when you think of all the hundreds of years, that this Cathedral has withstood the measure of time. Over the years, the Cathedral received necessary renovations (not to change the Cathedral) but to bolster up aging pieces.

If you find yourself in Paris, this Cathedral is definitely a must see. I know that if was to visit it now, as an adult, I would stand in awe of the beautiful stained glass windows, as well as the immensity of the building itself.

Vive La France, which means patriotism to the French people.



Tuesday, April 16, 2019



First, and foremost, for people everywhere, yesterday was file your tax returns. Basically, the tax month can be a tense time for everyone. A long time ago, you could receipts as a deduction. During those days, I wasn't proud, I would pick up receipts wherever I found them. Unfortunately today, sales tax, at least I believe this to be true, is not a deduction. Basically, for most of us, the biggest deduction is the the interest on your house. Also, in that same time era, you generally had a professional tax person, to take care of this yearly chore. Now, with the help of Turbo Tax, It's pretty easy to fill out a 1040. How much money did you earn, and fingers crossed, how much money will you get back.

Yesterday, Jeff and I went to see a neurosurgeon to see about taking the pain simulator in my back. Here's what we both liked about this doctor: there was no computer in the room. He wrote his notes with a pen on paper. How old school is that? He spent the entire appointment, which lasted longer than the usual "x" amount of minutes allowed. It was refreshing to say the least, to have a doctor actually look at you, and not at the computer. We both came away, and agreeing, that it seemed likely that he would be able to help me. Once this surgery is over, I will be able to have MRI's again. Mind you, I don't like going into the "tube", but perhaps when I have one done on my right leg and foot, they might find, fingers crossed, the root of my problem. Wouldn't that be grand?

I've been watching American Idol, from the start and now to the finale. How do you know that you're old? I'll tell you - it's the songs that these contestants sing. With few exceptions, I don't know the original artist, much less the song they sing. I would so much to hear a constant sing, basally some kind of retro song (CCR perhaps). Pretty sure that's never going to happen!

It isn't a particularly nice day outside. There's no rain or wind, which we had yesterday. Nope. Today, we just have a so-so day. The sky is grayish, and looking out my window on days like this, doesn't make me very happy. Thank you my "SAD" light which makes fake sunshine for me.

When I look around at the kitchen, I'm overwhelmed by the amount of things on the counter. Most of those things are treats for the girls. I would really like to find a different home for all of them. Jeff would likely disagree about this, but I absolutely hate cluttered counter tops.

I think I've run out of steam for today. More tomorrow.



Monday, April 15, 2019

Mother Nature Again


First, today is the date of filing your taxes and/or extensions. I am "staying in my lane", so I don't know what Jeff is doing or has done. 

Since I am now forgetting a lot of things, I have put "sticky" notes on the backdoor to remind me where things are. Last week, I couldn't fine my glasses - they were in the car. Now, there's a note telling me that my glasses are in my purse. I always put my purse in the same spot, chances are I won't forget.

Yesterday, started off as a pretty good day. Today, not so much. All of our open windows, are closed once more. Mother Nature is so fickle. I planned to put away my "winter" clothes, and get out my spring and summer clothes. Glad I didn't do that, because today the wind is blowing, and going to a doctor's appointment, will definitely be a top up day for the car. I love having the top down, but it's just not as "cool". Mind you, we bought Jeff's car in January, drove with the top down, and the seat warmers on full blast. Actually, when you think about it, I suspect that most people don't buy a convertible in the winter. Why not? It's not going to permanently be winter. At least, I hope not.

Closing now, doctor's appointment this morning.


Image result for picture of mother nature and wind


Sunday, April 14, 2019



Yesterday, Bella and I went to do our weekly "shop". It was definitely a top down day, which always makes me happy.

First stop, Costco, where we faithfully followed my list. And yes, if you're wondering, I rode that stupid little cart.

I had a longer list for Walmart, but since our pantry and freezer are really full, we kept to the list, at least most of the time.

While we were there, I bought some fabric paint. I know after surgery at the end of this month, I'm going to be put in a sling. And, to be clear, slings are so boring. So, I'm going to "trick" my sling. I'll paint, probably flowers even though I'm not very good at painting. I have enough spare buttons here in the house, so I can put a button in the center of each flower. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Life is too short to put up with a boring hospital sling. I, personally, need and want to be sporting some kind of "bling".

Will decorating a sling make my shoulder feel better? Physically no, but mentally yes. And I need all the help I can get regarding mental stuff.

While we were checking out at WalMart, Bella was on a down sit stay. And, even with everything going around here, she remained off leash, and performed perfectly. Jeff and I are so proud of her. 

Jeff bought me ice cream in a cup. Now, to be fair, Bella does better when I have a cone. But, she managed to eat off my spoon (gross for some of you I know) and got enough of the sweet stuff.  

Because I moved around the house yesterday, like a crazy person, because I couldn't find my sunglasses. Finally, and after almost giving up, I found them. I need to put a sticky note on the back door, that tells me where my glasses are! Isn't growing old so much fun?

Mother Nature apparently has gone back under her blanket, because it is a very "gloomy Gus" day. This kind of weather, makes me want to stay under the covers as well!

Tomorrow, the tax man cometh (however you spell it). Where it used to be pretty much was a pain in the rear, is much easier now. Basically, you enter your wages, get credit for your house payment, and then file, the dreaded 1040. The only help I give Jeff, is to collect necessary documents for him.

See you tomorrow.



Saturday, April 13, 2019



Are you wondering what I'm talking about?
Well, hopefully this will answer that question.

We always suspected that there was an animal living under our porch. A few times, we've actually been able to see him, as her crosses from his den to somewhere else. When we had yard work done last year, one of the workers spotted our "creature". Basically, after seeing the animal, he was very wary of completing the planting of new shrubs.

For years now, I've had an agreement (with myself) with the mouse staying in the garage. The pantry is a no-no, but for a mouse, the pantry is a treasure trove of things to eat. I know the pantry is filled to the gills, because whenever Scott comes to the house, he is shocked by how much food is in there. And, he helps himself.

Next critter are ants. Where have they been all winter, and why don't they go back to where they've been. To put it mildly, I hate them. I know their small, but that's not the point. You don't get to survive once you come into the kitchen.

Flies is a problem once we start opening windows. They just suddenly make an appearance. And, in case you're wondering - I hate them. I do not appreciate a "fly by" around my head.

Once when I was at the doctor's office, I noticed that there was a fly suck between the double panes of glass. How did he get in there in the first place? I assume his life ended badly.

One "critter", that I don't mind, is seeing deer in the front yard. Mom, keeps track of the little ones, and they are so beautiful. The only damage they really do, is to eat weeds, and munch on grass. Not a problem at our house, but houses with flowers in front, will come out eventually, and notice that some of their flowers have come to untimely death.

Jeff, Bella and I are going to do the weekly "shop", which means Costco and WalMart. I'm riding along for two reasons: the top will be down, and I can let the breeze muss up my hair! One of the things we notice, at a stoplight, for instance, the drivers yell over that she's a pretty dog. No argument there.

Running behind schedule - and this is nothing new. By the way, while typing, there is a fly buzzing around my head.

I wish all of you, a happy sunshine day.


Friday, April 12, 2019

Unicorns and Magic


When my right foot became a real issue several years ago, I have endured countless amounts of therapy, shots and a daily round of doctors and students, who kept sticking needles in my foot. The rationale, was of course, to see if I had any feeling in the foot - I didn't.

I remember every time I saw a different doctor, I didn't ask for much, just Unicorns and Rainbows.
I'm not sure how I became so fascinated with this magical creature, but I did, and still do.

When I tell the doctors want I want, I'm sure they're thinking privately. that I must be on the wrong floor. Psychiatric patients were on a completely different floor. Of course, I was on the latter floor. Interestingly, is that I don't remember having received any special "mind" experience. I was locked on the floor, with other patients all of which had different diagnoses. The only thing we had in common was that we were, in one way or the other - mental. As they say, it is what it is.

Later in the year, I spent time in a residential program in Illinois. I was special because I wasn't bulimic or into cutting myself. And, it goes without saying, that I was also the oldest person in our residence. Around this time, I began to feel hopeless, as far as the right foot was concerned.

And, then without warning, I kept telling doctors that all I really wanted was Unicorns and rainbows. Sadly, I finally realized that my dreams of this magical creature was just something I had in my head.

Once I was finally home, I saw several doctors, and always told them what I wanted. Obviously, they were unable to fill my request!

But, my love for Unicorns has never died. In fact, through my family, I know have Unicorn mini figures, a tall Unicorn. Unicorn socks, bags (all sorts of them) a Uniform winter scarf, and even a lovely picture of a Unicorn moving through the forest.

Since thinking about Unicorns, I find that they are everywhere you look. When did Unicorns become a "thing". For a brief amount of time, Target even sold Unicorn ice cream. The only thing special about that ice cream is it came with sparkly bits. 

Netflix has a new and original movie, called The Unicorn Store. I was really tempted to finish the movie, but decided that I stop watching for now. I'll be able to finish the movie later today. The reviews for this movie, are pretty much negative. Okay, it's not a movie like Gone With The Wind, but for me, at least, I am enjoying the movie a great deal.

This week, there was one day that was celebrating Unicorn Day. Note: the Unicorn was first
mentioned in written stories around 2700 BC, and the Unicorn is described as a creature of great power and wisdom. So you see, I'm not not the only person in the world, who, at one time or the other believed in the power of the Unicorn.


  Image result for picture of a unicorn

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...