Sunday, May 31, 2015

An Afternoon of Nothingness


Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I, armed with lawn chairs and reading material, went to Scott's townhouse so that someone could come and clean the house.  Scott found her on Craigslist and she was willing to come out on short notice.  She originally asked for $250, but Jeff got her down to $200, which meant she wouldn't do any dusting!  

Since the house has been completely redone, we weren't talking about a lot of dusting, just window sills and the fireplace mantel.  $50.00 for that was way too much.

Her emphasis was to be on the kitchen, which included cleaning the inside of the refrigerator and the bathrooms.  She made a passable attempt at mopping the kitchen and dining room floors, but didn't exactly work up a sweat during the three hours she was there.

Jeff and I sat in the living room, reading and/or "resting our eyes" while she cleaned.  Although we did nothing but sit, by the time we got home we were both exhausted.  Sitting around is hard work, particularly if you are basically watching the hands of a clock go round and round.

Today, Scott and Jeff are meeting with a real estate agent and hopefully we'll get this townhouse up on the market this week.  Though it's not "staged", it should show well with all new paint, floors, carpeting, cupboards, and bathrooms.  Basically, it's bring your furniture and move in ready.  Keeping our fingers crossed for a quick and profitable sale.


Friday, May 29, 2015

Townhouse Update


For more months than I can count, Jeff has been helping Scott remodel his townhouse to get it ready to sell.  Over time, every house, apartment, etc., needs a little, and sometimes a lot of, TLC.  The townhouse was in the latter category.

With Jeff and Scott working side-by-side on weekends, they tore out carpeting, flooring, cabinets, shower stalls and pretty much anything else that was attached to the house.  Yesterday, one of the last pieces of construction was finished - brand new carpeting!

Jeff took me over to see the townhouse last night and the place looks great.  Scott and Jeff have painted every square inch of the house, put down new flooring in the kitchen, dining room and bathrooms.  The kitchen has brand new cupboards and granite counter tops.

The only thing left to do before putting the house on the market is cleaning.  The bathrooms all need to be cleaned as well as some of the kitchen appliances.  If I was younger and able to do laborious work, without needing to stop often to rest, I'd tackle the cleaning myself.

But since I don't qualify as either being (a) young; or (b) able, that only leaves option (c) find a cleaner on Craig's List or wherever to come in and do the dirty work.  I believe that once the house has been cleaned, a realtor will be happy to put it on the market.  Since everything in the house is brand new, it will show well and hopefully sell quickly.

Since construction is now over, except for perhaps one last dump run, I can't imagine what Jeff will do with all of his spare time on the weekends!  Fly perhaps?

Keeping our fingers crossed for a quick and profitable sale.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Shoe Graveyard


Confession time - I'm a "bit" lazy, or perhaps under motivated might be a better word.  When you are no longer working, you have plenty of time to do "x" today, tomorrow or never.  And I have to tell you that it's very easy to fall into the never category.  To dust today, or not, is just one of the "big" decisions I have to make every day!  I know it's tiring to be me :)

In the den, I counted last night four different pair of shoes or slippers.  Like you, I only have two feet so you're probably wondering how so many pairs manage to all be in one spot?  Easy.  This is where the slightly lazy part of me comes into play.  

I come down in the morning with a pair of something on my feet.  While reading during breakfast, I shuck those shoes off and head upstairs to dress.  When I come back down, I am wearing yet another pair of shoes/sandals, etc.  Since I have extreme difficulty in tying shoes, everything I wear now is some kind of a slip on, which makes them also easy to slip off!

If I'm going outside to water plants, I pick a shoe (more like a ballet flat) that can be put in the washing machine.  Once my outside work is done, the shoes come off, probably because I got them wet by playing in the water.  If you're keeping count, I now have two pairs of shoes in the den.  

When I go to the store, I wear sandals, which makes my third pair of shoes in the "graveyard".  Once back home I take the sandals off and opt for a pair of Isotoner slippers (ballet flats).  I own three pairs of these slippers, and each pair is in a different degree of being worn out.  

If I'm going out and a lot of walking is part of the outing, then I put on my velcro tabbed walking shoes.  

So you can see that if an emergency occurred, as far as shoes were concerned, I've got every situation covered!


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Turning the A/C On!


Most of you by now, have already turned your air conditioners on.  Jeff and I turned on ours last night after he came home from work.

The cost of running the air conditioners (we have two) is super duper costly.  I can manage during the day with the help of fans everywhere, but oh do I love a cool (nah cold) bedroom.  If the bedroom is hot, I know that eventually I will stop flopping around and go to sleep, but initially I begin to think about winter and being snugged up in blankets!

Jeff left the a/c on today, but I have set the thermostat for 80 degrees, so it doesn't run constantly.  I think we're going to have rain or thunderstorms later today, which means I probably don't have to go outside and water my new plants.  

On today's to-do list is to put away the laundry I did yesterday and make spaghetti for dinner.  Oh and if I feel super housewifey I could dust the furniture.  Or not.  

I'm in the middle of a good book that I'm reading on my Kindle and hate having to stop reading just so I can do some chore.  For a long time I didn't use my Kindle very much and tried getting books from the library.  The problem with the library is they have a limited amount of large print books that I want to read.  And, unfortunately I can no longer read small print, so paperbacks are out of the question.  With the Kindle I have the text maximized so reading isn't a strain for me.  And, I really do love to read.

Be cool wherever you are.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pesky Bugs


We keep the dogs' kibble in the garage in a plastic trashcan with a flip lid.  It's narrow so it doesn't take up much space.  The problem with the trashcan is that every time you open the lid to get out kibble, a swarm of these teeny little bugs fly out.  And to this I say "nay nay".  I don't like bugs.  Any bugs come to think of it.  And I really don't like things that fly around my head and they're way too small to kill with a fly swatter.  They're like knats or something.

A month or so ago I was having the same problem with the dogs' bones.  And I found a solution: the Vital Vittles Vault on Amazon.  The vaults come in all different sizes, but the concept is the same.  There is a spin top with a gasket which keeps pesky bugs (ants, etc.) from getting inside.  Some of the reviews indicate that people keep their "vaults" outside filled with birdseed, etc.  Trust me dogs can't get inside these containers, or come to think of it, any other animal!  Perfect indeed.

Yesterday, I traded in my plastic trashcan full of flying bugs when the top is open, to a vault sized to hold 50 pounds of dog food.  The price difference between a vault that holds 25 pounds rather than 50 pounds, is minimal.  

I have a lot of spare time, so I started cutting and/or tearing out book reviews from the newspaper and magazines and now three hole punch them and put them in a notebook.  I don't know if that's sad or not, but it's convenient. 

When I was working, my cubby was organized.  I had a special container for paper clips, binder clips, etc.  Everything was absolutely in order - all the time.  Now that I have moved my "office" from Jeff's office upstairs, I have everything I need and within reach.  I suspect there is some "OCD" in there somewhere, but if so, it has served me well over the years!

Happy Tuesday wherever you are!


Monday, May 25, 2015



While today is Monday, it feels more like a Sunday.  Sleeping in a bit and feeling not up to doing much today.  I still have to do my Sunday chores - laundry for Jeff, macaroni salad and watering my plants.  After that, my day is pretty much open to whatever I choose or choose not to do!  

Our nighttime "critter" did not return yesterday.  Of course, we also removed everything possible from the kitchen counters, so it's possible I suppose, that he came to whatever opening he is using and sensing no food, decided to leave.  I'm okay with that.  I'd be happier if this yet to be known animal would just go away - permanently.  We have lived in this house for 29 years and there has been a doggy door in the basement all those years.  There has never been an animal, other than our dogs use that door.  But, I suppose that a savvy outdoor animal could easily figure out how to come inside the house.

I think Jeff is going to put up a camera in the kitchen, so we can see what we're dealing with.  Please don't let it be a rat.  I don't like having a strange animal in the house, but I suppose I could better deal emotionally if our "guest" is a squirrel, racoon or chipmunk.  

I do have to admire our "guests" taste in trail mix.  He wants the nuts and tosses the raisins onto the counter.  I feel much like he does.  I see no reasons for raisins either!

Well friends, it's time for me to get my heart started.  I just can't sit around the house all day, though that does sound appealing!


Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Case of the Returning "Critter"!


After having been lulled into a false sense of relief that whatever animal had been destroying our kitchen, for he didn't appear for two nights is now gone.  He returned last night with VENGEANCE!!

When we came down this morning for breakfast, it was very, very clear that this animal (fox, raccoon, chipmunk, squirrel) had a fine time in the kitchen last night.  His muddy prints were everywhere.  I had a zippy bag of trail mix, which he opened.  He, like me, apparently doesn't like raisins because they were tossed everywhere.

We had inadvertently left a piece of chicken on the counter - well we don't have to worry about it anymore - it's gone.  So whatever animal is coming into our house, uninvited I might add, is big enough and strong enough to carry around a large piece of meat.  

Jeff had set two mousetraps and he managed to spring them without being caught.  We have a baby cam and might set that up tonight, along with something tasty to eat, to see who we're dealing with.  It's obvious that a regular old mousetrap isn't going to work on this guy.  

While he doesn't do a lot of harm other than to my trail mix and any leftovers he can find, it's unsettling to me that this guy is bold enough to apparently wander around on the kitchen counter during the night.  

I am not a phobic kind of person, and I can deal with the occasional mouse caught in a trap, but the kind of damage this guy did last night leaves me feeling a bit paranoid.  So while it wasn't on my list of things to do today, my kitchen will need a good scrubbing before I'll want to cook or bake anything again.


Friday, May 22, 2015

A Day Off


I'm writing this tonight so that you guys can read it tomorrow!  Don't want to get behind in my duties.

Jeff and I are going out to Andrew's house for the day.  We're taking the truck because Jeff and Andrew have to pick up a "Gator" (think farm vehicle) from the dealer where it was to be repaired.

I'm not sure what Stacey and I are going to do, but it won't involve housework, clothes washing or cooking!  We're bringing hamburger patties and tater tots to eat for dinner.  Not a nutritious meal, but yummy to eat and easy to fix.  For health reasons, maybe we'll toss a tomato on our burger!

I'll be back in touch on Sunday.


Parallel Parking


The State of Maryland has decided to do away with parallel parking for driving exams.  Good thing too, because I don't know too many people who can do it well.  I think men, at least the ones I know, are better at parallel parking than me.  

I don't see any reason to even try to park between two cars on the side of a street.  Even if I was in a tiny car and there was enough room to park a semi, I'm pretty sure I would manage to screw it up.  And that backing up and going forward stuff until you're actually parked, is maddening.

There was a time, probably a long time ago, when the parking spaces outside of stand alone stores, before the great malls began to take over, that were at an angle.  Parking in an angled space is super duper easy - even I can do it!

Now we just have regular old parking spots, and for reasons I don't understand, even with my car, which handles beautifully, I sometimes still trouble getting in between the white lines.  I have on occasion, at least more than once, parking a bit further out in a parking lot.  Then when I come back to my car, there is a car parked right next to me.  Some kind of karma?  There's hundreds of places to park, and you have to park right next to me?  

I like parking where they are few cars because I can open up my car doors all the way, which makes getting in and out of the car easier for me.  And, as an added bonus, nobody's car door is going to hit mine!

So my car and I may be the only ones out in the "north 40" so to speak in a parking lot.  Even though it's farther and harder for me to walk, I like it that way.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Cool and Rainy


Okay, earlier this week the a/c guy came out. It costs you $119. for him to even appear at the front door, and then obviously there are going to be charges added to that fee.  Because nobody calls out an a/c man in advance of the season (guess we're all just not that smart).  Nope, we wait until the muggiest day of the year, and then we call.

Luckily, the company that I called for service is a big company and I was able to get an appointment for the very next day.  When I called for an appointment, I was dreading the news that they could see me in oh let's see - June something.  

The technician that came to the house has apparently been here before, because he remembered the a/c units and "Jenny" the generator!  He actually asked me if we had gotten a new generator, because he remembered Jenny as being bigger.  Good thing Jenny can't hear!

Turns out that our problem was low refrigerant, which just means that you're not going to get much cold air when you turn on the a/c.  Our downstairs unit needed eight pounds of refrigerant which cost $395.00.  Of course, because the stars fail to align up nicely for us, we haven't needed the a/c since Tuesday.  Obviously, for the sake of the electric bill this is a good thing.

Today, it's gray outside and mother nature is trying hard to make it rain, but it's a pretty weak attempt.  But since it's wet outside, I don't need to go out and water my new baby plants.  I don't want them to die for two reasons: (1) I paid for them; and (2) I had to dig the damn holes which was really hard.  So I'm watching over them like a mother bird over her chicks!

Next year these new plants will be "old" plants and I will worry less about them.  Next year I will plant new plants in the backyard and watch for their survival.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Doctor Visit


Yesterday, I had scheduled an appointment with a spine surgeon to see what options might be available to me to reduce my pain.  Jeff and I drove to Frederick, thankfully ahead of rush hour traffic, to find that I didn't have an appointment with the doctor.  The receptionist told me that I had an appointment with a pain management doctor - and to add insult to injury - I was supposed to be in their other office, which is closer to home.

I have a great deal of difficulty in getting mad enough to vent, but yesterday I came very close.  I asked the receptionist why I was seeing a pain management doctor?  She replied, and you will love this, because I'm in pain!  I also asked if it was the business' practice to decide which doctor a patient should see, especially if she had one particular doctor in mind.  No answer to that question.

I informed her, again politely, that I already had a pain doctor and it was he that had referred me to the surgeon. She told me that I could see the surgeon today at 5:30, but today isn't convenient for Jeff and I.  

I kept myself together until Jeff and I got into the car - and then I vented loudly.  While I've been taught to always be a lady, I'm beginning to realize that there are cases where you don't need to be a nice lady!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's Hot Outside and so is the A/C


I survived yesterday's heat with a lot of fans, open windows and multiple showers.  I managed to find something to cook for dinner that didn't require the oven - a true requirement this time of year.

When Jeff came home, he said it was time to turn the a/c units on (we have two: one for the upstairs and one for the downstairs).  After sweating, which isn't ladylike at all, all day, I was Johnny on the spot to close up the windows.  

Even after the a/c units were turned on, I didn't notice any real difference downstairs.  Neither did Jeff so he went to the basement and found out that the downstairs unit's compressor wasn't working and would likely burn up.  The a/c upstairs was working, but not to it's maximum potential.  

Jeff told me to call and schedule someone to come out and check out the units.  I called an a/c company this morning and was thrilled when they said they could come out tomorrow morning!  I was shocked.  I had been prepared to hear that the next available service date was say sometime in June.  

I don't know much about these units.  All I feel I need to know is that when I turn them on, they produce cold air and now they don't.  Somehow in the back of my mind, I'm having trouble with the scenario that it's just a little fix.  Makes me feel like I do when you take your car back to the dealer for service - there is always something wrong and sometimes more than one thing, all adding up to big bucks.  Tomorrow might be like that.

For relief from the heat yesterday, I went out in the car, where the a/c works great, and went to a couple of stores just so that I could enjoy their air conditioning.  Sad I know, and I'm spoiled, but in the heat and humidity I just wilt like a little (perhaps large would be a better word) flower!


Monday, May 18, 2015

Icky Sticky Weather


While the calendar says that summer isn't here yet, apparently Mother Nature can't read!  For the last two days, the humidity in the air leaves you sticking to leather, pleather and vinyl.  There is no uglier sound than the sucking one that comes when you try and remove your body from furniture.  

Today, it's only 9:00 with a humidity of 85%.  I have all the fans going furiously fast, but there is no real relief from them - unless I'm sitting right in front of one of them!  

I complain about the cold during the winter and how it feels like I can't ever get warm.  And today, I'm already uncomfortable and yet the heat of the day hasn't really arrived.  Our house faces east, so all the blinds and curtains are closed at the back of the house.  I don't like doing that, but with a kitchen window as big as mine, you really need to do it.

I'm going to hurry with my chores this morning and then later today, park my fanny in a chair (yes a leather one) with the fan blowing on me and do some reading.  Oh, and I'd better go outside and water my new plants.  It took so much work for me to dig the stupid holes, I for sure don't want the plants to die from lack of water!

Maybe I should buy a kiddie pool at the store and fill it with water and get in.  Oh wait, there's that little thing about needing to blow up a pool.  While it's true I'm full of hot air, I'm not full enough to breath life into a vinyl pool!  Guess I'm stuck with taking multiple cool showers today.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday Chores


It's Sunday, and like all Sundays there are certain things that have to,or should be, done - by me.  First things first.  I always check out the TV Guide for the upcoming week and set the Tivo to record shows.  Some shows are not to Jeff's liking, and that's okay, I watch them when he's not home.

Last week programming for Sunday was a nightmare, because every show we liked was on Sunday!  This week - not so much.  I will have to find fillers for the spots left empty by the shows that have had their season finale.  Wouldn't you like to work as many, or as few, weeks a year as actors do?  I would and I'd like to collect their pay too!!

Jeff and I started Letterman again last week and have enjoyed each show.  He has some great guests on as he nears his retirement date on the 20th.  Years ago we watched Letterman when he would launch watermelons and water balloons off the roof.

Once I've marked up the Guide, I will sit down and scan through my "to do" list of shows that are set to record.  I'll also add new shows that Jeff and I might enjoy. 

I've already boiled the macaroni for Jeff's salad that he takes for lunch during the week.  Initially, I added all the ingredients and left out the mayo and pickle relish, because even after 40 years, I never get it "quite right".  Now all I have to do is cook the macaroni and rinse it to cool off.  Then I'm done.  

I've got one tiny little load of laundry to do.  And, since it rained last night, I don't even have to go out and water my little fledgling plants.  

I'm in the middle of a trilogy and will look for any excuse to return to my Kindle!

Have a great day.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Critter Wars - Day Three


Jeff and I are on day three of our "war" with the unknown "critter".  Last night, we first removed everything food related off the counter.  That was step number one.  I decided, and Jeff disagrees, that said critter was coming up through the garbage disposal.  Though Jeff didn't believe me, I put the stopper in the disposal all the same.

Jeff, on the other hand, closed the basement door and then we went to bed.  When we got up this morning, there were no muddy prints on the counters - hurrah!  What prevented our unwanted guest from invading the kitchen?  Who knows.  Maybe it was the closed basement door, maybe he came into the kitchen on stealthy paws, so no food and left.  Is he gone for good?  Only time will tell I suppose, but for now the kitchen is thoroughly cleaned up before I head off to bed.

Wish us luck!



Friday, May 15, 2015

There's a Critter in my House!!!!


For the last two mornings, strong evidence, i.e., muddy paw prints too big for a mouse and too small for a dog, have dotted my kitchen counter.  And, I don't like it - at all.

The first morning when Jeff came down to go to work apparently the kitchen was in completely disarray.  We had had chicken for dinner and thinking nothing of it, but the bones in the kitchen sink for disposal the next morning.  Apparently, our critter liked the bones enough to gnaw on them before throwing them on the floor.  He also, in no particular order, tasted a bagel (must have been too tough for him to chew), ripped open up a new bag of trail mix which was on the counter.  The critter is fussy, he tossed the raisins all around the counter!  

After the first morning of destruction, I was hoping that this was a "one off" kind of visit from some vile little garden creature.  Before bed last night, Jeff set two mouse traps with peanut butter.  This guy must be quick, because on the traps was sprung, but there was no body.

This morning, I had to wash down the counter tops to get rid of the muddy paw prints.  We had also left a pork chop on the counter hoping I guess that it would lure him to the trap.  Instead, he carried or dragged the pork chop over to the window and apparently liked the meat enough to eat some of it.

I have a theory that this guy is coming up through the garbage disposal, since there are no holes in any of the window screens and there are no paw prints on the floor, just the counter.  I think tonight I will put the disposal plug in the sink and see what I find in the morning.

I frankly don't know why he's come into the house, but after the first morning he must have decided that our kitchen was like a Thanksgiving feast to him.  Some suggestions on the internet say that you should fill a bucket half full with water and have a "plank" going up to the top of the bucket adorned with peanuts.  Then the animal gets to the top of the plank and down he goes.  I suppose it could be worth a try.

Say tuned for tomorrow's exciting update on the battle between us and the "critter"!!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Getting Older and Television


When I was a teenager, my mother liked to watch two television shows religiously: Mitch Miller (if you're young you won't know him) and Lawrence Welk.  Back in the day there wasn't a way to record television, you watched it live, commercials and all.  I, of course, hated both of those shows and have to confess would try and interrupt her while she was watching.  I know it wasn't nice, but forgive me I was a teenager - at least that's a reasonable excuse for my actions.

Flash forward to adulthood, and the things have changed.  Jeff's mother would call us about once a month or so.  She never talked long because she and Forrest were getting ready to watch 60 Minutes.  Both of us would just roll our eyes at her devotion to that show.  At that point, we had never watched 60 Minutes, so we had no idea what we were missing.

Now we're old(er).  60 Minutes has a season pass on the Tivo and depending on watch they're talking about, we watch or fast forward.  Gotta love the Tivo.  Last week a son of a friend of Jeff's was on Jeopardy and did quite well on the show.  Okay, we've got a season pass to Jeopardy now.  We both try and come up with the answers for each question, but sad to admit we apparently don't know very much about a lot of things.  But since we don't seem to have a lot of knowledge about trivia, we cheer ourselves on when we get a question right!

Because David Letterman's last show is on the 20th, we have started recording his show.  We remember when we used to watch and he would toss watermelons off the roof of the building and other fun stuff. 

I guess we could start recording Wheel of Fortune and try our luck on figuring out the answer, but I think that might be stretching our capabilities!!!  Still, it might be fun to try.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015



At certain times in our life, elastic can become a mainstay of our live.  Disposable diapers for babies have elastic in the legs - wish that had been available when I was having babies!

There are a lot of people who either don't like or don't need to have elastic in their waistbands.  I, on the other hand, like elastic in my clothing.  With elastic that extra piece of candy or pie you just shoved into your mouth, doesn't cause you any discomfort, unless you have on a piece of clothing that was perhaps too small to begin with!  Women have known to be vain.

Elastic was invented in the mid 19th century, so it's been around awhile.  I don't know if our ancestors used elastic as much in their clothing as we do now.  Of course, I also believe that our ancestors were likely thinner than us, since they weren't bombarded with fast food establishments.

Elastic is mostly used for fit in clothes.  Elastic provides room for stretch ability (after you eat that pie) as well as recoverability in clothes.  Obviously, the biggest use of elastic is in waistbands,
Elastic is used in clothing as well mostly for fitting purposes. Elastic provides room for stretch ability and recoverability of clothes. The elastic waistbands are especially very much in use.  With elastic you can wear your clothes for a longer period of time - whether you gain (more likely) or lose weight.  

Because of adjusting sizes, my pants all have elastic waists.  I no longer own or wear skirts and only have one or two dresses in my closet now.  An elastic waist doesn't make you look better, just more comfortable.  At this point in my life, that's what's important.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hot Weather


Today, the temperature is to be 90+.  I don't think you need to count temperatures once the thermometer goes to 90.  Hot is hot and sticky is icky!  We have enough fans to make our living room and den mildly tolerable in hot weather, though sticking to the leather sofa isn't much fun!

Years ago our local electricity company installed a time and use meter on our house.  If you use an excess of 400 kwh, the price per kwh during winter is 0.01878.  In the summer that price jumps to 0.02732.  

With the smart meter, we have what I consider free time.  It's actually not free, but it's cheaper than prime time usage.  So the "good guy" rates are from 8:00 pm until noon Monday through Friday, all day on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

In the winter I don't pay much attention to when I do laundry or run the dishwasher, but I sure do in the summer.  Just using the air conditioner during the prime hours of the day can and does add hundreds of dollars to our bill.

Unlike most of our neighbors, we only have a minimum number of lights on in the evening.  It doesn't make much sense to put a light on in a room that isn't being used.  We obviously don't live like moles and have to run our hands on the walls to find a light, but saving bucks, even little ones, is important.

I did my laundry yesterday before noon and ran my dishwasher as well.  All I have to do today is fold said laundry - a chore that I hate for no particular reason and go outside and water all my new baby plants.

It's too hot to even think about cooking something in the oven, so it's probably microwave dinners for tonight.

Stay cool.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Gardening Part Deux


For those of you who read my blog last week about digging in the dirt and falling in the mud, you'll be happy to know that ALL my plants are now in the ground!!!!!

I've done my bit, at least as well as I can, so now it's up to the Garden Gods to make sure these plants survive.

I have planted in no particular order: a Dwarf Burning Bush, Yellow Azalea, Silver Mound Artemisia, Pink Splash Variegated Weigila  and Scotch Broom.  For those of you who may not have heard about Pink Splash, here's a picture.  I think the plant is lovely and I hope it survives.

 I don't plant annuals.  In my mind why plant something that is only going to last this year and you get to start all over again next year.  Nope, I plant what is "hopefully" going to survive and flourish each year.  

Now that I've given you my garden update, I'm heading off to the shower.  While I'm not muddy, I am dirty and when you're working in the yard, all these "no see'ems" love to land on you.

This is Pink Splash and I know you understand why I had to have it for my backyard.

Image result for pink splash variegated weigela

Mother's Day - My Way


Yesterday, I spent Mother's Day by doing pretty much what I wanted to do - except for the laundry part!

After Jeff and Scott left to go buy carpet for the townhouse, and yes we're really almost finished with the re-do, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends.  Out of necessity I bought frozen fudge bars - but to be fair - I bought the Weight Watcher ones.  Gotta cut out those calories somewhere!

After putting the groceries in the car, I then went to Popeyes and bought 2 breasts and 6 thighs.  Once I was at home I put some tator tots in the oven and when they were done, ate my chicken breast while I watched television.

What I did notice in the grocery store was that at 4:30 in the afternoon the card aisle was full.  Really people?  If you haven't bought your significant other or mother by that time of the day, maybe you should be buying next year's card instead.  Just saying.

When the guys came home, they made quick work of the remaining chicken, but there was still two chicken thighs for Jeff's lunch today.  There was a reason for picking up extra thighs!  Always thinking ahead.

Later in the evening, I made Jeff and I dessert.  Pound cake, mixed berries and vanilla ice cream on top.  It doesn't get a lot better than that I can assure you.  While enjoying our almost healthy dessert (we were eating fruit), we got in a bit of television.

Once upstairs, I am always amazed at how much hotter it is in our bedroom as opposed to the rooms downstairs.  I hate being hot and sticky and even though I had a fan on, I fussed and fidgeted for a short bit of time before falling asleep.

All in all, pretty much a perfect day.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day


Today, is one of the worst days to go to a restaurant for dinner.  The other worst days, in no particular order, are: Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Jeff and I try to avoid eating out, unless we're eating at some ridiculous early hour, like the old people we are, at 4:00!

For me, today will pass like most other Sundays.  There are clothes to wash, macaroni salad to make, television shows to record for the upcoming week and here and there books to read.

Stacey gave me a gift set consisting of shower gel and lotions.  The smell is wonderful and right after I get done writing, will head up stairs to try out the shower gel.  A girl's gotta smell right you know.

Today, is also one of the biggest day for receiving flowers, preceded only by Valentine's Day.  Disclaimer here: I love flowers, I really do - but they die - and most of the time they do so quickly.  Who wouldn't love to receive a dozen long-stemmed roses?  I can't think of anyone including myself.  But if roses are expensive the rest of the year, they are reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally expensive today.

Jeff and I don't really celebrate Mother's Day, because as he has pointed out to me for 40 years, I'm not his mother.  This is a true statement.  I also don't want him to go out and buy a Hallmark card for me under duress.  There is absolutely nothing that Hallmark could right in a card that could be better stated and understood than the fact that Jeff has never let me down.  Now, more than ever, with my memory issues, coupled with just some plain old anxiety, he is my rock.  

Some women would probably like to receive flowers, candy, and/or jewelery, I personally would be happy with just having a half gallon of ice cream in my freezer. because who doesn't like to have a "little" ice cream while watching television!

Mothers, enjoy your day and all the love and attention you receive.  You deserve it.


Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wrestling in the Mud? Or Working in the Yard?


Yesterday, I took it upon myself because I have so much endurance (not) and shocker to all of you I know, not very strong! But all of that being aside, I was determined to put my new plants in the ground, yesterday and by myself.  Sounds easy enough? Well, it would if I weren't part of the equation!

I took my four new plants into the backyard, grabbed my gardening gloves (a necessity), a shovel and a towel to sit on and a chair that I could use to either (a) rest or (b) grab onto when I wanted to get up; and or (c) sit on when I was pooped.  Who you ask couldn't make putting holes in the ground armed as I was.  The answer was/is me!

I bought two plants that were pretty large requiring deep holes. Bursting with enthusiasm, I stood up and grabbed the shovel and sunk it into the ground - oh maybe down an inch.  I had a long way to go before that hole was deep enough for the plant.  I didn't give up - nope not me - and I didn't ask Jeff because he was still at work.

So I moved around my dinky hole and could definitely make the hole wider, but bigger was looking to be more of a problem.  The oak tree has a large root stuck in the middle of the hole.  I decided that I could dig around it - found out I can't.  After what I thought was a lot of digging, I took said plant out of it's plastic container and put it in the hole.  It wasn't too bad, there was only about 3 inches of plant above the hole!  

I then decided it would be better if the dirt was wet.  It would make for easier digging, in theory anyway.  I flooded the hole and everything around it, including myself.  The shovel and I went back to work in the mud and though the ground was now soft, it made digging no less easier.  At this point, I seriously considered asking Jeff to dig holes for me, but I really wanted to do it on my own, and that was a big mistake.

I stepped backward which caused me to lose my balance and down I went in the mud.  Then I was furious.  My clothes were filthy and so was I.  The only saving grave, and lord knows I needed one, is that I didn't fall face first into the mud.  If I had, there would not have been enough swear words to adequately describe my anger. I did though manage to completely crush a Hosta plant when I fell!  It's too soon to know if the "patient" will recover from being flattened. 

I took my muddy, wet dripping self in the house and went straight to the laundry room.  I took off my shirt because it was white (originally) and wanted to put bleach in the washing machine.  So my muddy, drippy wet pants were unceremoniously plopped into the kitchen sink, waiting for the white shirt to be ready to go into the dryer.

Once I had eliminated most of the mud down the drain in the kitchen, I went upstairs and headed for the shower.  I was frankly about as dirty as my clothes were.

Where are things now?  I have three plants sitting in plastic pots waiting for holes.  I may have to suck up my pride and ego and ask Jeff to dig holes!  In case he asks, I wanted to put plants in the backyard for my viewing pleasure.  Well, that was the hope anyway.  

I am happy to report that the plants I put in the ground last year, came up this year!  Will wonders never cease. 

I guess in the next day or so, I'll have to address the issue of the plants in the Home Depot plastic pots.  I can't leave them in there forever.  Maybe if I used a great big spoon for digging I would be more successful!  :)


Friday, May 8, 2015



I have a love hate relationship with my hair - always have.  When I was young, my hair was wavy so fashionable straight hair styles weren't possible for me.  And no, I'm not going to iron my hair, partly because it's not long enough to do so.

Then I grew up and my hair wasn't as wavy as it had been.  Over the years, I've cut it really short, let it grow out, colored it to cover up my gray and permed it.  During the last few months, I've really tried to get used to longer hair, but today I'm going to change that.  My hair is quite heavy and partly because of that and partly because it's gray hair, it requires curlers or a curling iron to make myself look presentable.  I bought barrettes to hold back the hair because I hate hair on my face.  The barrettes did the job, but I ended up most of the time looking like an aging school girl!  Not a good look I assure you.

This morning, I'm going to see Angie who has been "doing" my hair since 1986!  And today, we're going to cut the hair on top of my head short(er).  I'm basically a lazy person, so after washing my hair, I just want to run my fingers and/or a comb through it and be done.  

I have never fussed over my hair and when I start spending too much time looking in a mirror trying to do something with my hair, then it's time for a cut.  

Today, I'm going to opt for a shorter "do" that requires no barrettes and very little to no fixing.

Wish me luck.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

My Vacuum Cleaner Sucks - Really!


What is it about a vacuum cleaner that sucks?  Plenty.  One of the problems for me is that it doesn't always suck - as in pick up dirt, dog hair, etc. from the carpet.  I'll admit that I probably don't have the cleanest house in the world, but I try, really I do.

Yesterday, I got out my old but trusted vacuum, and was prepared to tidy up the living room carpet.  After only a moment or two realized the stupid thing wasn't doing it's job.  And everybody and everything must do their job!

Okay, I opened up the machine and decided that I needed a new vacuum bag for starters.  For reasons I don't fully understand, except that I'm inherently vague about how things go together, I can never actually put the bag in where it's supposed to go.  I know, I know, there's a hole in the bag that fits on the hole in the vacuum and that all sounds super easy, but it doesn't work for me.  So that was problem number one for me.

Second issue was the little lint trap if you will at the bottom.  The sucker was really dirty, so I've ordered a new one and while I wait might try taking this old one outside and smacking it around a few times to see if that makes a difference.

At the moment in my living room, is a vacuum that has it's cover off, with it's bag hanging more or less (actually less) from the hole where it's supposed to go.  I also think that my hose might be blocked by debris (dog hair most likely) and today I will straighten out a hanger, and see if I can poke what ever's in there out.

I'm not into fabulously expensive vacuums.  I only want one that works and/or is easy for someone of my limited ability (i.e., talent) to fix it when it doesn't.  I don't think that's asking too much!


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco de Mayo


I'm back again because I realized too late that what I should have written about was that this the 41st anniversary of our first date!  

There were extra people involved in getting the date set-up (my dad and Jeff's sister), input from my family about what I should and should not wear.   Advice from my dad about not kissing on the first date! Shish.  

In our 40 plus years together, we have had some real highs and also some low lows.  What I do know about Jeff and I is that no matter what has been or will be thrown in our direction, we can handle it.  Our theory from the beginning is that a relationship is a lot like rowing a boat.  Both people had better be in the boat and paddling in the same direction.  

With the exception of 2013, my oar has kept pace with Jeff's.  We will in days and years to come have some great times together.  If nothing else, just watching Benjamin grow will be satisfying to both of us.

I fervently wish that I didn't have short term memory issues.  That I didn't get depressed and sad.  That I could see my glass as half-full instead of half-empty.  Perhaps in time, I'm hoping that better and sunny days far outweigh the ones that aren't so good.

As I wrote Jeff earlier today, he is and has been my knight in shining armor.  He has never let me down and knows how much I sometimes struggle with things in my life, both big and small.  

For all that Jeff has done and does for me, I am forever grateful.

Who would have thought that a blind date would have been so successful?

Love you Jeff.

Warm Weather


All winter long, when long-sleeves and sweaters aren't enough to keep you warm, we daydream about warmer weather.  Okay, the warmer weather is in the forecast for this week, and I'm already unhappy about the bedroom not being cool enough - for me!

Because air conditioning really drives the old electricity bill up, it will be saved for really, really, hot days, not just warm ones.  I could, I suppose, get in my car, crank the a/c up to a comfy level and just ride around town.  Downside? That would waste gas.

During the day, we own enough fans and get enough of a cross breeze between rooms, that it isn't uncomfortable - yet.  I know the day is coming when sitting on a leather sofa will be more like sticking on the sofa.  

When I go to bed, what I really like is a cold room.  We leave one bedroom window open all winter long.  It's not open all the way, but several inches or so to bring the cold air in.  Perfect sleeping weather.

So like I did as a child, when the temperature seemed too hot to go to sleep, I flopped and flipped around until eventually I fell asleep.  Of course, before I do, there is an internal cussing going on in my head, about a warm bedroom.  

The temperature downstairs by evening is quite comfortable.  Since heat rises, it obviously goes up to the bedroom.  Curses.  Years ago we took a trip to see Jeff's Aunt Ruby in Arkansas.  When we got to her house, the downstairs was blissfully cool.  And then we went upstairs where we would all sleep.  With each step we took, it felt like we were getting closer to hell - it was that hot.  She did have a fan, but it had steel blades and no cover, so she warned all of us not to touch the fan - we didn't.  

This morning, at least right now, is a comfortable temperature.  The back of our house, which is all window, faces west, which means that I close all the blinds before noon in an attempt to keep the sun out.  

Okay, I'm done complaining about the temperature - for the moment.  I can't promise that I won't revisit this topic when it's not just warm out, but hot and humid!


Monday, May 4, 2015

Televison Shows


As I sat yesterday programming the Tivo for the week, I noticed that several of the shows we enjoy are season finale.  There is this horrible dry spell after the finales before summer television begins.  I know that the actors and the behind the scenes producers, etc., work long hours.  And I would, and you should, feel sympathy for them, if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of money they make.

TV actors can earn anywhere from $150,000 to $1M per episode.  Mark Harmon, for example earns $500,00 per episode!

Of course, because earning money by acting in a television show isn't enough, many actors farm themselves out to do commercials.  You've seen Matt McConaugh driving a Lincoln, John Hamm has an ad for Mercedes.  

Tim Allen and Morgan Freeman earn $1M (as in million) for their ad which generally only requires one day of work!  Wish I could make that kind of money.  Other actors can earn from $300,000 to $1M for their advertising gigs.

For the "regular" people who do ads, they'll earn, which works out to about $3,000 to $5,000 an ad. Not too shabby for doing much but being the voice in a commercial.  I can talk, why aren't I in Hollywood earning big bucks?  

A dog handler in Hollywood makes $54,000 and a body double makes $33,000.  The actors do work 12 to 14 hours a day, which doesn't leave much time for them to do anything else, except sleep!  But when they do sleep, they are likely doing so in a palatial house in a really nice part of town!

So when we feel sorry for the actors, we need to just remember how very well they are compensated and chances are they don't even have to work all year.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Day After the Party


Yesterday, Jeff and I spent the morning in tandem preparing the food we were taking to Scott's birthday party.  Deviled eggs (lots) and the "cowboy" beans (also lots) and macaroni salad.  Of course, after you spend the morning in the kitchen, it tends to look a lot like a bomb went off in there.
Once I had washed or put dishes in the dishwasher, things were looking better in the kitchen.  Not perfect, but workable.

Jackie (Scott's wife) had prepared a lot of food for all of us to eat.  She had side dishes, chips and hot cheese dip for snacks.  Also had made creme bruele (however you spell it), birthday cake and jello shots.

After eating the salads and a hamburger, most of us were stuffed comfortably and dessert was served later.  Several hours later, I became tired and wanted to come home.  We packed up our "tovers" and left with two creme bruele desserts to eat tonight, while we are watching all the good shows on television.

Jeff works so hard during the week, that my suggestion for him today was to go to the airport and bore some holes in the sky.  It would be very relaxing for him, and everybody needs a little down time.  I would go with him, but getting in and out of the plane, but "arthur(itis)" in my hip makes it difficult and painful.  

For me? I'm thinking of pulling a lawn chair onto the sidwalk, catch some rays and read one of the many books I have loaded on my Kindle.  Jeff takes macaroni salad for his lunch every day.  We don't even have to make that today, because we brought enough home for him to have for lunch for several days.

Laundry is done and dusting I don't much care about, probably because it just comes back.  The good news about retirement - and lord knows we need one - is that we can put off until tomorrow to do chores!  

Our weather is warming up, so the windows are now open which allows fresh air to come inside.  It costs us a ton (and I'm not exaggerating) to run the air conditioner, so we'll try and get by with fans until it is really hot with a capital H outside!

Have a great Sunday.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Scott


Today, is Scott's birthday.  He is 37 and grew up to be a great man.  Scott is also my middle child and there have been pages and pages written about being the middle child.  I should know, I was also the middle child.

When I was pregnant with Scott, I had some health issues, high blood pressure I believe, so the doctor told me that I could pick my delivery date.  I thought that the first of May just sounded right, besides I loved the birthstone which is Emerald!

As a young boy, Scott loved lights - still does as a matter of fact.  I found him one day in his bedroom banging ten penny nails (these are huge) into the walls.  When asked why he was using nails, he replied it's for Christmas lights!  When we moved to Maryland and had a two story house, Scott was in his element.  He put lights on the roof, along the porch and into bushes.  When Scott noticed that a neighbor didn't put up lights, he offered to put them up and take them down for them.  He got the job.  The joke was always that from space you could tell where we lived - it was that bright.  And it was beautiful.

Scott also loves trains.  When he was younger, we had a small train track that ran around the Christmas tree.  As a grown up, he still has trains around his Christmas tree, the only difference being the size of the track and the size of the trains!

Jeff learned everything there was to know about carpentry, plumbing, electricity, etc. from his grandfather.  Jeff, in turn, passed along this knowledge to Scott, who today is able to repair not only his home but his friends' houses as well.  When Scott is repairing or rebuilding something, it has to be just right, or it's not good enough.  He never has and probably never will settle for second best - it's just not in his DNA.

As I write this, Scott is preparing to start a new job on Monday.  Even though there is a learning curve with all new jobs, I'm confident that Scott will rise to the challenges brought to him.

Happy birthday Scott.

Love Mom

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...