Monday, August 31, 2015

The Sky is Falling!


The sky isn't really falling, just feels that way.  We have very large oak trees in the front and backyard.  Those trees are a haven for the squirrels who just happen to love acorns.  I would be happy if the squirrels just took the acorns, but apparently that's not good enough for them.  Nope, they bite off the leaves too, which makes for a very messy yard.

Fall is several weeks away, but already the driveway is dotted with acorn tops, which if you happen to step on barefooted, you'll never make that mistake again - I promise!  Some say you can tell what kind of winter we're going to have by the amount of nuts that the squirrels collect.  Unless I count acorn tops, I don't know how you'd be able to tell.

Fall will also be bringing the "raining" of the leaves!  Oak trees are beautiful all year, except for the dead of winter.  As we approach cooler weather, the trees will begin dropping leaves everywhere.  You absolutely can't get them picked up quick enough before it's time to start gathering up piles of leaves and start all over again.  This process, unfortunately, takes time and it's hard work, bending down and scooping up the leaves.  I seem to be the one bending and scooping!  Jeff gets to use that blower thing that puts the leaves in one spot.

While I look forward to cooler weather, who doesn't like to have to put on a sweater when going outside, I know that after the cooler weather, we move to cold weather.  I'm not such a fan of cold weather.  Of course, I don't work anymore, so I don't have to fret about commuting in bad weather, which is a relief.  And, I assume my fellow drivers appreciate that I'm off the road when there's snow and ice!


Image result for picture of oak leaf

Saturday, August 29, 2015

House Anniversary


Cheesy I know, but today is the 29th anniversary of our moving into the house.  When we originally moved in, we worried that we didn't have enough furniture to fill all the rooms.  I can assure you that time has altered all of that.  We have two spare bedrooms, but only one qualifies as a guest room and the only person who sleeps in it, is Benjamin.

The other spare room has a steel shelving unit and it's full of manuals, tapes, three ring binder for our old battery business.  We also have boxes of things, like personnel files for our drivers, that can be put in the basement now.  

After ending the company abruptly in 2013, we received mail for the company for most of 2014.  I'm happy to say that nobody is looking for us anymore and that's a relief.  We have one more year on the warehouse lease.  Once the lease has expired, we'll be truly finished with the battery business.

Our basement, in the beginning, had a little playhouse that Andrew wanted and quite a bit of space.  The basement runs the full length of our house.  As the boys became teens, there was a surge of computer stuff (some of it junk I think) that invaded the basement.  We have built a room in the basement and it holds some computer equipment - big stuff - like racks.  There is also another rack in the main part of the basement.  I'm a computer novice, and I like it that way.  I think the racks hold servers, but I could be wrong.  

Here's what I do know: I have the largest, nicest computer monitor available.  I have fast internet, which has always been important to me - and - my computer never (or almost never) fails.  Both Scott and Andrew know the value of a well-run computer system, and the system here at the house is definitely well-run.  I have no complaints.

One day, and who knows when exactly that will be, Jeff and I will probably sell this house.  Don't know where we'd go, but maybe to a smaller one story house.  No stairs would be lovely.  When that day comes, there will have to be some soul searching about what goes (i.e., sell or donate) and what stays with us.

I am prepared, I think, for the day that will come and I realize that I probably won't be able to take all of my beautiful wood furniture (I have a lot) with me.  I would also have to look long and hard at all of my glass pieces (yup I've got a lot of them too)!

But until all of that happens, we'll just keep on putting stuff in the basement.  As Jeff always says "someday we might need 'x' (whatever "x" is).  

On the day we moved into our house, Jeff and the boys tied the porch up in yellow ribbon, and he carried me across the threshold.  I will always remember that day, it's a very good memory.  And, it's been a very good house.




Since most of you that I know work during the day, you are not inundated by calls looking for either a donation of $$ or clothing.  I have neither of those things to share.  After my retirement in 2013, I gave away almost all of my office clothes, I simply don't need them anymore.  Oh, I still have one or two pieces of nice clothing, but primarily I live in pants/shorts and tops.  Dressing in the morning is frankly a breeze.

As for solicitations, while I may internally support your cause, I'm not in a position to give you money.  Retirement is great, but sometimes there's not a lot of money to throw around.  I hate having to get up to answer the phone, only to find it's a computer generated message, someone who hardly speaks English, or please support us by sending money.

Jeff says that I shouldn't bother to get up when the phone rings, just let it go to voicemail.  But, like Pavlov's dog, there's something about a ringing phone that makes me feel it's vital that I answer.  I suppose I keep hoping that someday the phone will ring and I'll have won a prize worth zillions of dollars.  But, since I don't play the lottery or enter the Reader's Digest contest, that's not likely to happen.  

I know that some people put a message on their answering machine that says something like "if you're calling to sell me something, hang up."  I am always trying to be polite, even when it's somebody trying to sell me something.  It was just part of my upbringing to be polite and even at 65, find it hard to break out of that mold.

Years ago when we lived in California, we would frequently get calls asking us to get a subscription to the LA Times.  This is a big paper and my answer was always that the paper was too heavy for me to lift off the driveway!  They stopped calling.


Friday, August 28, 2015



Jeff sent me a message yesterday that my car was ready to be picked up.  Said I could pick her up at noon.  I was at the body shop at noon.  Trouble was my car wasn't.  I'm beginning to be a "tad" more assertive in my old age.  I asked the front desk lady why wasn't my car there.  Oh, she explained we took it to one of our other body shops.  This other body shop is about 20 miles away from the house, as opposed to the one I originally went to, which is about 3 miles from the house.  I asked for an explanation and her reply was "oh we just do that when we get busy down here."  

She told me that I would probably have to wait 20 minutes or so for my car to arrive.  At least they have nice trashy (who's doing what to who in Hollywood) magazines to read.  I finally saw my car pull up and I immediately went out to see her.  The repairs to her "boo boo" looked great.

I went back inside and told the nice lady again that I wanted to pay for my rental and be on my way.  Oh, you'll have to wait another 20 minutes or so for the Enterprise lady to come over.  

At this point, I'm internally screaming in my mind "are you kidding me"?  While I may be beginning to be assertive, I haven't reached the point of raising my voice or stomping my feet - that wouldn't be ladylike at all.

Finally, I pay the Enterprise lady.  I owed 85 cents for each day that I had the rental, a price I could certainly handle.

Yeah, I'm finally in my car.  Now as I told you yesterday, I have my radio preset for 50's, 60's and Elvis.  This is the only music I'm interested in listening to.  So after I started my car, the radio started up with some head-banging new kind of music.  I pushed the 5 button - nothing; the 6 button - nothing and finally 7 for Elvis.  Nothing.

Once home I programmed my favorites back in and then I called the insurance company.  I explained that the car had been driven around 40 miles without my knowledge; and, that whoever was driving my car felt the need to fiddle with my stations.  I know it's not a big deal, but as I explained to the lady it's my car.  If you don't like my music while you're driving my car, turn the darn radio off, but don't futz with my channels.  

After getting that all off of my chest, I felt some better.  But the day of waiting and confusion over what do you mean you moved my car to another location, took it's toll on me.  I'm not the most relaxed on a good day, and yesterday's events made me very anxious.  If you don't suffer from anxiety, then you might not understand how subtle differences in your routine can mess with your emotions.

In the end all is well.  And, I promise I'll never try to run over a parking barrier again!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Picking Up My Car


My car is supposed to be ready this afternoon.  I can hardly wait.  I can't really find fault with the rental car.  It's full-sized and has some pep, but nothing compared to my car.  I know in my car and I step on the gas, I'm going to have no trouble getting up to speed - quickly!  Not quite so sure about the rental.

Bad news is that Jeff overslept today, and likely won't be with me when I pick up the car.  I'd be counting on him coming, but it is what it is, and I do want my car back - today.  I do believe that things seem to go smoother if companies are dealing with a man.  Just thinking about my run this summer with the air conditioning company.  Once Jeff stepped in, things started happening!

I've probably driven the rental car maybe ten miles, fifteen max and used very little fuel.  I am not going to put gas in the car, because I don't know how.  After 40+ years of marriage and three sons, I have never pumped gas.  Didn't have to.  And before you all throw stones at me, never needed to learn. because there was always somebody to take care of this for me.  Okay, I'm spoiled and admit it.  

The body shop may charge me for the thimbleful of gas I've used this week, but I know it won't be much.  After all, I still have to pay 85 cents a day for tax on the rental car, so think I can afford to pay for a little gas. 

You don't realize what you miss, until it's gone.  I knew I would miss my car with the oldies channels all programmed for me - 50's, 60's and Elvis.  Who wouldn't love that mix of music?  But now that it's been gone most of a week, I do realize how wonderful my car is and can't wait to pick her up today.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We've Got a Hangar


Yesterday, Jeff received the very good news that beginning on September 1st, our plane N874T will have a hangar!  Jeff has waited six years to get a hangar, and he is very excited.  This means several things: one we'll be taking the plane off the line at the flight school (i.e., no more student pilots and/or people who rent the plane but don't take proper care).  The plane will no longer have to sit outside in the winter covered in ice and snow.  And, as an added bonus, we can/could store some things (they would have to be rather small) inside the hangar as well.  I'm thinking of possible things like the booster seat that we use when I'm going to be in the plane.

Jeff's final wish regarding the plane is coming true.  Jeff was left some money from his mother's estate, and he had always wanted to fly.  He took the lessons, lots of lessons and earned his pilot's license.  That was step 1.  Step 2 was ordering and buying a brand new plane, and that was super exciting.  I have to admit that I'm still a bit embarrassed when I tell people that we own a plane.  I know they're imagining something much bigger than the plane we have, so I have to assure them that it's not a jumbo jet!  Although, if we could afford a bigger and faster plane, I think we would do so in a heartbeat.

Step 3 will occur on the 1st of September and Jeff can hardly wait to put our baby inside protecting her from the elements of weather.  There will be no more taking the snow off the wings, or worry that there is too much snow on the wings during winter.  No more de-icing necessary.  Of course just because our plane won't be covered in winter weather, doesn't mean it will always be a good day, weather wise, to fly.

I'm so excited for Jeff.  He has accomplished everything he has set out to do. Perhaps if I ever get something I've written and earn more than a $1.50, I would definitely buy a bigger and faster plane for him/us.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015



Jeff and I have been married almost 41 years (next month to be exact), and over the years we have experienced some fundamental differences.  Nothing earth shattering, but little things we do differently.

Toothpaste is the first thing that comes to mind.  When Jeff uses the toothpaste he squeezes from the bottom.  I don't and probably never will.  When the toothpaste is getting to the very top and the rest of the tube is empty, Jeff will be able and does continue to squeeze life out of the tube.  Me?  I get a new tube of toothpaste and squeeze from the top!

When the toilet paper comes to the end of the roll, I lazily just plop a new roll on top.  Why don't I remove the old tube?  Don't know.  I may not remove the old roll, but I do remember to always make sure there is extra toilet paper in the bathrooms.  

I like a clean kitchen, who doesn't, but I'm not one to put away my appliances - coffee maker, toaster for instance.  I/we use those things every day.  Now my large Kitchen Aid mixer is stored in a cupboard, because it's been a long time since I've done any baking from scratch.  If I were to make Aunt Ruby's pound cake for instance, you must use a big mixer because you have to beat the ingredients for a very long time.  The end result is a very good pound cake that doesn't even need to be iced.

What I don't particularly like, is things on my counter (guy things) and I don't know what to do with them.  While I'm not the best at practicing, but in theory, I believe everything has a place and I'm pretty sure it's not on a kitchen counter.  Raising Scott and Andy, they were and still are all things computer related.  So the occasional hard drive might be found in the kitchen!  

Emptying the dishwasher is another thing that I don't do well.  The dishes are clean and I hate putting the dishes away. Even if I do empty the dishwasher, I always leave something inside - a measuring cup, dog food lid, stuff like that. 

 I hate having to fold clothes after they're dried.  I do fold them and then I have to remember that they go upstairs.  Perhaps I'm just lazy or putting away dishes and clothes just doesn't rank high up on my priority list!

So as soon as I'm through writing, I'm going to go into the kitchen and empty the 
dishwasher - sort of!

Have a great day.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Cuzilu Repairs


This morning, I turned in my beautiful, but slightly damaged, car to the body shop.  The Cuzilu is my license plate ('cuz I Love You).  I was given the choice of a Fiat, mini van (absolutely not) or a Malibu.  I took the Malibu and it seems like a nice enough car, it's just not my car.

I've been very proud that I've handled the claim on my car by myself.  Although I admit that while I was waiting for a rental car, the urge to throw up was pretty strong.  I love my car and other than the zippy "z", haven't driven anything else in years.  And, I know it takes time to get the hang of a new car.  

Luckily for me, I have a doctor's appointment today and tomorrow.  Otherwise, I really have no place I need to go.  I put Jeff on the rental agreement, so that he could drive the car also.  I'm really hoping that my car will be ready by week's end (fingers crossed)!

When I made the arrangements for the rental car, I told the representative that I didn't want a "clown" (tiny) car.  I was used to a big vehicle and wanted a full-sized car, which is what I got today.

There have been a few minor hiccups along the way to getting my car fixed.  But surprising to me, and everyone else, I told the USAA guy that I was "old and cranky" and wanted my way (for a change).

Now that I'm home, I have some time to clean up things before my doctor's appointment.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Talk Show Hosts


Since I've been spending some time watching game shows (for mental health only!), I began to wonder just how much do these television hosts make.  Folks, the numbers are staggering.

Let's start with Steve Harvey who originally comes from West Virginia.  Well he's a long way from there now.  Apparently, he makes about $44,000 an hour, which is more than some people's salary in a year.  He gets $12M for hosting Family Feud.  That has to be a nice gig, because he has such a good time listening to some of the answers, and can't control his laughter (frankly, neither can I).

He also wrote a book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" and received a $5M publishing deal.  Not too shabby.

Alex Trebek from Jeopardy only gets a measly $10M.  I love Jeopardy because he helps me stretch my mind - or at least what's left of it.

While Jon Stewart no longer has his Daily Show, which Jeff and I enjoyed very much, he made good money doing so - $25 to 30 M to be exact.  It's good to be rich!
I have to believe that while the money is good for television hosts, they probably like/love what they do.   And we like/love watching them.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?


I stumbled across this television show during a break between chores the other day.  Here's what I discovered: some people just don't know much about anything.  Two of the contenders one day had to ask the audience on the first question.  This is not a good way to start a game with an eye on the $1,000,000 prize!

Some questions I admit stumped me, but others were so obvious, that I began to "talk" to the television.  If the contestants had to come up with the answer to the questions, that would be one thing.  But, they are given four answers to choose from, which gives the contestants a fighting chance.  I've yet to see anyone walk away with any significant amount of money, but I still enjoy the show.

To help me with my short term memory issues, which may remain with me forever, I enjoy Jeopardy, Family Feud and now the Millionaire show.  It gives me a good chance to work my brain.  Sometimes the answer is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't retrieve it.  That is maddening.

What I do know, particularly with Family Feud, is when the answer given by someone is definitely not going to be up on the board.  I assume that most people on the show are probably nervous which may account for some of the silly and way out there answers.  I know if I was a contestant, I would likely have a brain freeze on coming up with answers!

The other thing that I do daily is play Jigsaw World on Facebook.  While I don't have to answer any questions, I do have to try and find the right pieces, and that can and generally does take me a long time.

So while I'm not setting any records for memory retention, I'm at least plugging away and trying to make progress.



Friday, August 21, 2015

Dentist, Teeth and Me


Just returned from having my teeth cleaned.  It has only been four months since my last cleaning and I have three cavities!  I take a lot of medicine which causes dry mouth and the dentist believes that is a contributing factor to cavities.  That, and the fact that I just have lousy teeth!

In January 2014, I had a crown put on one of my eye teeth and it's ugly as sin.  Nope this is not an exaggeration, it's a fact.  The crown that the dentist originally put in is white and it sits in my mouth with it's neighbors who are not white, but a bit darker (probably because of coffee, but who knows).   

In an earlier visit this summer, I asked the dentist's assistant if the color of my crown could be changed to something more similar to my teeth.  She immediately pulled out a little box of "teeth" ranging from really white to darker colors.  She pulled out one tooth and we held up against the rest of my teeth, and it matched.  

I never stand up for myself, but today I did.  I told the dentist how much I hated that crown because the color was so off from the rest of my teeth.  I also asked him if I could have some kind of discount on the new crown and he assured me we could work something out.  Hurrah!

His office manager told me she wouldn't be surprised if he gave me the new crown - and that would definitely be worth celebrating.  If the off-colored tooth was not in the front of my mouth, then I just wouldn't care.  But it's not and I've become rather self-conscious about it.  Definitely looking forward to getting that fixed.

I don't spend a lot of money and/or time on make-up - I'm just naturally beautiful!!!!  (Insert laughter here).

Looking forward to having a new front tooth.


Thursday, August 20, 2015



Now that I don't work - for pay - I'm the errand girl.  I go to the bank, post office, UPS, drop off cars, pick up cars and anything else that needs to be done.  When you work, as I did for over 40 years, you have to arrange all the "to do's" around the schedules of your coworkers.  I can't tell you how lovely it is to make my appointments when I want, rather than around others.  

Course, there is no money (or not as much) in retirement, but you do get to get up when you want, go when and where you want.  You can even decide to do housework, or not.  My mood generally goes to the "not" on housework.  I try to keep the kitchen cleaned up and I make the bed, but after that I really have to decide whether I want to dust and/or vacuum.  The answer is more than likely going to be no.  After all I'd just have to do it all over again tomorrow!

Since I now have my little nerve stimulator, I do try and take on one chore that I could easily overlook, like put books that I've read away, rather than leave them on the stairs.  See I can get lazy pretty quick!

If I ever get bored, and that's not likely to happen, I could always put new shelf liner in the cupboards - but pretty sure I won't bother.  Once you fill up the shelf with food or dishes, there is no liner to be seen.

I have just finished putting my kitchen in order.  I did laundry yesterday, so after I finish writing to all of you, I'll probably grab my Kindle and read.  I do need a rest after all!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Halloween Already?


Yesterday, I went to K Mart and shouldn't have been, but was surprised and/or shocked to see the Halloween stuff out already.  Retailers we haven't even started school yet, so do we seriously need to see costumes and plastic pumpkins lined up on the shelf?

I know that retailers always feel that they need to get a jump on each upcoming season - back to school, Halloween, etc., but I think the stores get started earlier each year.  I don't know about you but when it's 90 degrees outside, I'm just not in the mood to look for coats and boots!  Maybe that's just me, but I doubt it.

As much as I love Christmas, by the time it rolls around every year, I'm pretty tired with all the up by Thanksgiving decorations, hanging everywhere.  Poor Thanksgiving must feel like the red-headed stepchild at a family reunion because it's all but forgotten.

I will admit that though it's months away, I've already thought up a few gift ideas for my family.  And, if they ask, I have a few gift suggestions for me as well!

So for the moment, I'll just have to grin and bear it when I go into a store and find premature (in my humble opinion) seasonal items.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I'm Older and Need (Require!) Pampering


Yesterday, after successfully handling all of my insurance claim business - by myself - which is huge for me, I decided that I needed just a tad bit of me time.

Some of you who read this are older and will understand what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about bags under the eyes - every day, saggy skin, age spots, gray hair and the ever frustrating business of facial hair.  Ugh.

I took myself off to the salon yesterday to get rid of the facial hair.  There is nothing, in my humble opinion, nastier then hair on your chin.  I have been waxing for over 30 years, and yet that darn hair grows back time after time.  You'd think my body would recognize I don't want to grow a beard and would just stop sprouting hairs.  But nope, still happening.

Once I was sufficiently hair free, I allowed myself to be talked into a mini facial.  The lady that I see at the salon is so good, she should be selling used cars.  The nice part about a facial is that you don't have to talk.  The room is darkened, soft music is playing and all you have to do is lay there and relax.  I don't relax well.  I'm like an over wound clock, pretty much all the time.

Since I don't have any control over how old I am, I don't think it hurts for a woman to occasionally indulge herself in a bit of pampering.  All I know is that I drove home in a much more relaxed state, and that's a good thing.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Handling My Insurance Claim


While it was very hard to tell Jeff about the accident, and he was understanding, I decided to try and handle the business of reporting the claim by myself.  And I did.  Not only did I report it to the insurance company, but I also have now arranged for an inspection of the car tomorrow.  And, I've also arranged for a rental car while my car is in the shop.  Luckily, our policy pays for a rental car.

The damage, in the big scheme of things, is fairly minor - but, I love my car and I need her to look her best all the time.  We have a small deductible and USAA has a one accident forgiveness, which I will use up with this claim.

I've been driving since I was 25 - I was a late bloomer - and haven't had an accident in years.  I did, while a novice driver misjudged where the pole was in the parking garage of my apartment building, and hit it.  Luckily for me, I worked for an insurance company at the time, and my boss took care of the claim and handled everything for me.  

So I'm not really familiar with the in's and out's of handling an insurance claim.  I'm glad that the "accident" didn't involve another car - just a parking barrier - which survived to prevent traffic another day.

Knowing that I have some memory limitations, I am always happy when I can do something on my own.  Actually, it's knowing that I can do something on my own, and not screw it up!

While my car is in the shop, I'll have some cheap, tiny little car to drive.  When I get my car back, I'll be in heaven.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Programming the Programmer!


On my best day, I have a lot of difficulty following instructions and/or directions.  Because of this, it is always helpful to have Jeff, if he can, come with me to appointments.  I believe at least one of us should be able to understand and the real biggie remember what is being said.  So, without Jeff, I'm alone to try and remember things that a doctor says.

Last week, I met with the representative from St. Jude's to program my programmer that runs the nerve stimulator in my back.  I listened intently, I really did, to everything that was being shown and told to me.  And I had it - sort of.

The representative set up three different programs for me, but for the life of me I can't remember what each program is supposed to do to which part of my body.  Once at home, I am eager to try and find one of the three programs to see if I could do it for myself.  Problem was - not so much.

I knew which buttons to press, but clearly forgot the sequence of pushing buttons. Last night I gave up trying to select program 2 or 3 and was happy to just get the basic program running!  You can increase or decrease the stimulation, but you can't be around any electrical (i.e., the computer) to work the programmer.

I'm 65 and you would think that by now I would be able to follow, what looked like, very easy steps.  Sadly, with my short term memory issues, I couldn't keep the instructions straight in my head.  Tomorrow, I'll put out an "SOS" to the St. Jude's representative and ask for a refresher course.  Till then, I'm happily buzzing along on the default program.  It's good enough for now.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Selling on Craigslist


In the past, I haven't had much luck selling things on Craigslist.  The theory is good, and there are lots of things to buy.   I have in the past bought some lovely wood furniture from Craigslist.

Here's where things tend to bog down for me - selling something.  When I try to sell something, like a car seat, I price the item fairly.  It's used after all.  The last transaction was in fact for one of Benjamin's car seats and I think I priced it at $100.  The price seemed fair to me since originally it cost nearly $300, and the car seat was in excellent condition.

The buyer contacted me and was anxious to see the car seat.  She came to the house, loved the car seat and then the dreary negotiations began.  The buyer said the car was used - duh - I said that in my listing.  Then she thought the price was too high, there was after all some light fading on one side that always sat closest to the window.  

I could quickly see my chance of getting $100 flying out the window.  The thing is, if I've taken the time to take a picture and post my listing, then I definitely want it gone!  I can't remember how much we settled on, but it was nowhere close to $100.  But, the car seat was gone.  

I have one more car seat to sell.  It's a Britax, which makes a very good car seat.  But, when they're not in use anymore, they are really big and heavy and take up space.  I tried to take pictures of the car seat yesterday, but knew they weren't too good and Jeff has offered to take better pictures for me.

Like last time, I will try and sell the car seat for $100, but will likely settle for less.  My theory is that I could cling to my $100 price, and not sell the car seat.  Or, I could accept the reality of things and barter the price down.

Wish me luck.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Paid Parking Lots


I absolutely hate those paid parking lots where the little arm lets you enter or depart.  One reason is because I have short arms, and always have to get out of my car to either grab a ticket, or pay with a ticket.  

Two weeks ago I wrote about getting lost and turned around in one of those paid parking lots.  I had my little ticket to insert into the machine, which would then cause the arm to lift.  Only it didn't. I got out of the car, pressed the button for help and nothing happened.  It was definitely not a good day for me.  I was shaky and extremely anxious.

Once the arm didn't lift, I decided that if I collapsed my mirrors, I could probably go around the arm and be on my way.  I definitely was able to get around the arm, but unfortunately there was also a large yellow plastic barrier between the arm and the street.  I clearly wasn't thinking clearly that day because I did collapse my side mirrors and went around the arm, but had miscalculated how near I was going to be the yellow barrier thing.  I hit it.  I didn't stop to see if I had caused any damage to my car - I just wanted to go home - desperately.

Today, while out running errands, I happened to see the right side of my car.  There are a couple of dents in the panel behind the right tire and a hole in the plastic of the running board.  By the time I got home I was just sick about the damage to the car.

I took the car to the mechanic that we use and he looked at the damage and said it would be better for me to take the car back to the dealer to have the damage fixed.  Luckily, we only have a $250 deductible and our insurance company forgives the first accident.  

I am so mad at myself.  I have a beautiful car and now it has some damage - not a lot of damage - but enough to make me feel very guilty and angry at myself.

As they say **** happens.


Errand Day


Benjamin is now back at home and today I have defined chores as well as chores that need to be done.  Seriously, there is a difference.  Defined chores for me today are to: go to the bank and deposit checks; go to the jeweler and have a missing diamond in a ring replaced; and, last but not least, off to the grocery store to buy some bagels for me!

The need to be done chores is to put the house back together.  Benjamin plays all over the house when he visits, and I love that he's so comfortable doing so.  I always opt to put away all the toys after he leaves - since I'm retired - what else should I do with my time?

Benjamin loves to play store.  He has an child's cash register, that has a cash drawer, a slot for swiping the plastic "credit cards" and a microphone to announce sales, etc. to the public (i.e. me).  I save empty boxes of toothpaste, fiber bars, etc., that he sells to me.  Yesterday, a bottle of imaginary milk set me back oh about $3,560,900.00!  I bartered with the grocer and he accepted ten cents, which is all this shopper had on her.

Benjamin has a very vivid imagination and he reminds me of myself as a child.  I used to cut out ladies in the Sears catalogs (remember those) and pieces of furniture and my "ladies" would have tea in their living rooms.  I kept my dolls in shoe boxes, and I made sure that I had ladies in their house coats (robes for the rest of you), as well as dressy going out clothes.

Benjamin will be home schooled this year and last weekend, Jeff and I took out a desk and bookcase for his classroom.  Stacey has already sanded down the furniture and I know that when she's finished, the furniture will look brand new!  She does amazing work.

I'm off to get dressed and start my driving around town.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Plus Size Clothing on Petite Size Women


I got two clothing catalogs in the mail yesterday.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love looking at catalogs, but after browsing both finally realized what the problem was.

Both catalogs show models who obviously prefer cauliflower to cookies are modeling leggings, skin tight jeans, etc. on their size 2 or maybe even a 4 model.  Pretty hard for us who have larger than model thin bodies, to even imagine what leggings would look like, oh let's say a size 20 or more.

Pretty sure that the catalogs don't want to use plus size models and I think that's a shame.  I know there are beautiful plus size women out there; and, it would be refreshing to see clothes on an actual real size plus woman.  

I understand that it's got to be easier to sell clothes to thin women, because everything looks good on them.  When you're a bigger woman, you have to take into account, how certain clothes would look on you.  For me, I wouldn't be caught dead in leggings, because I'm pretty sure that my body would look ridiculous in them.

Climbing off my soap box now.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Well Baby Check


Today, I'm going back to see the surgeon.  It's been two weeks since he permanently implanted the nerve stimulator in my back.  I have to turn off the device to drive, but know that I will instantly miss the near constant buzz (for lack of a better word) in my back and legs.

Of course, being the kind of patient I am - an impatient one - I have already taken off the gauze pads that were surrounding both incisions.  Since I can't really see those areas very well, Jeff checked them out for me and said they looked good.  Also, looks like instead of stitches, the surgeon used some kind of glue to hold the incisions together.  

The representative of St. Jude's will be at the appointment and he will show me or help me program my remote.  With various programs I can select the best program for what I'm doing - walking, sleeping, etc.

While I'm feeling pretty good, I'm sure I'm not ready to dig a trench just yet!

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.  I know I will.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Waiting on the Man


Because the company who installed our new air conditioner and furnace didn't do everything they were supposed to, the county re-flagged the install.  The contractor has come out and fixed all the issues, but now there has to be another inspection.

I am expecting one inspector this morning and another one on Thursday.  When I asked what time I could expect the inspector today, I was told sometime between 7:30 am and whenever!  I set my alarm and got dressed so that if he did show up at 7:30, I'd be ready (more or less).

Since it's now 8:15, and the inspector is nowhere in sight, I guess he's not going to show up at 7:30.  If the window of his arrival was a tad (or a lot) more specific, then I would know whether I had time to take a shower.  Needless to say, I merely threw a dress on (think mu mu style) and guess I'll get my shower after the inspection.

If this inspection doesn't go off without a hitch, then I'm sure Jeff and I will have our heads spinning.  I know you're thinking that since I'm retired, what's the big deal about waiting for the inspector.  Some days I'm glad I'm retired, because the ease of scheduling an appointment with a doctor, etc., or even an inspector would require major planning to take time off from work.

When we were kids, my Dad smoked.  In a restaurant if he wanted the bill, he lit up a cigarette and like magic, the bill appeared.  I don't know if the bill arrived just because he was smoking, but it worked every time.  

Now it's 8:25 and I'm still waiting - sigh!


Monday, August 10, 2015

A Morning in my Life


Now I'm not expecting any sympathy from my friends who are still working; but, my morning thus far has been spent on the phone, either on hold listening to tinny music, or a pre-recorded message that says to stay on the line.  Okay, I stay on the line, and though I would like to go get a glass of water to drink, I don't dare get off that phone.  It's hard enough to get in the queue and there is no way I'm going to the back of the line.

Today's calls were to find out about a replacement CPAP machine for Jeff.  This required checking with the provider and then the insurance company.  After waiting on hold with both companies, then I send an email to Jeff to relate my findings.  

Oh, and because the people who installed our new furnace and air conditioning unit had their installations redflagged last month, I had to call and schedule a re-inspection.  The best guess the offices would tell me that someone would be out between 7:30 and noon.  I know that tomorrow if I don't get up early, then I might still be walking around in my bathrobe when the inspector comes - and I want to avoid that.  The anger issue is that if the installation company had done an excellent job, then I wouldn't have to go through a second inspection!  It's true that the inspections don't cost me anything but time, which I have lots of, but I also like the freedom to come and go as I please.  A small perk of retirement.

Now that I've taken care of all my secretarial duties for the day, I can now move on to more exciting stuff - like cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming!  Of course, what I really want to do is get on the Kindle and read, but sometimes work just gets in the way.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Day with Benjamin


Yesterday, Jeff, Scott and I went out to Andy's house to (a) see the new puppy (he's cute); and (b) pick up Benjamin to come and stay a few days with us and Auntie Kim.

We also brought Stacey a desk, bulletin board and bookcase that we had sitting in the basement.  I told her that since the furniture was now hers, she could paint/stain, etc. to each piece.  My theory is - once it leaves my house - it doesn't come back!

Benjamin showed me where his home school was going to be down in the basement.  While Stacey has a few days Benjamin free, she says she will use the time to get the school area set up with supplies, etc.

Scott, meanwhile was pulling cables from Andy's basement to the upstairs.  It was a project he started when Andy's house was built, but work on his own townhouse, took priority over cabling for at least a year.

While the men were doing their cable work, Benjamin, Stacey and I were sitting watching movies.  They have a lot of movies I've never seen before - but if during the watching - Benjamin became disinterested - we found a new movie!  I saw a lot of partial movies, but not one all the way to the end.

We didn't get back to our house until 2:00 a.m., and Benjamin who had been sleeping in the truck, wanted to know if he could have a story.  Since I was very tired, I told him the story would have to wait until he comes back to our house on Wednesday.

Today, I will do some house wifely type chores and maybe a bit of a snooze in my new recliner in the den.  It's not really called napping, if you just happen to fall asleep watching television.

Have a good day, whatever you are or are not doing.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Getting Ready for Benjamin!


Benjamin is coming to stay with us on Saturday night.  He will also be spending Sunday through Wednesday with Auntie Kim.  Once he's good and tired, he'll come back here for quiet time with Mom Mom and Pop Pop.  

I am going to bake a purple cake (that should look lovely on the teeth and tongues), with purple frosting and bits of black, purple and blue decorations on top.  He'll love it.

I have a bookshelf in the den that houses all of Benjamin's favorite movies.  Trouble is, Mom Mom doesn't think she can sit through yet another viewing of Shriek.  If she does, she might Shreek!
I have bought a few new movies to watch with Benjamin.  Now he may have already seen them, but I haven't.  It will nice to watch something new for a change.

During Benjamin's last visit, it was a bit of a tussle to get him to sleep in the spare room.  I bought him a snow globe that changes colors - until the batteries wear out.  And, he knows we're either downstairs or across the hall, but he would prefer to sleep with us in our bed.  We loved having him in the bed, until he started to grow up and suddenly he was all arms and legs - and he was everywhere.  We already share the bed with the two dogs, so we just can't add a squirmy young boy to the mix.

Benjamin seems to know that when he's at our house, it's quiet play, books, sitting together and watching movies.  When he visits, he gets the best of both worlds.  All action and adventure with Auntie Kim and wind down time with Jeff and I.

Time to put my purple cake in the oven.


Thursday, August 6, 2015



I've long said that I'm fine with outside varmints living - as long as they live outside.  Once you come into my house, then you're fair game.  Last night while watching television, there were two flies landing on the screen.  I guess they were going to the "light".  Don't really want to kill them on the screen, because then I'd have something else to clean.

However, this morning waiting for my coffee and bagel to be ready, two flies announced their presence in the kitchen - and all bets were off.  I grabbed the flyswatter and began to to duke it out with the first fly.  He landed in the sink, but was only wounded - but by the time I got through with him, he was mortally wounded.  

The other fly was perched on a plastic jar - I aimed and hit him and what luck he landed in the jar.  A hole in one shot I would say!

I've done everything reasonable to help rid the house of small barely visible bugs that hover around the dog's kibble and the recycling bin.  The kibble was easy.  I bought a container guaranteed to keep critters out, and it really does.  I didn't want to buy a plastic trashcan with a flip lid, because I knew that wouldn't keep out anything.  So I now have one of these fancy containers for both the dogs' bones and another for kibble.

I have left the flyswatter on the counter as a subtle warning to all flies - land and prepare to die.  Dead Eye Dick/Jane is on patrol!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

An Early Anniversary Present


For a number of years, Jeff and I have had a leather manual reclining sofa in our den.  In the beginning, which I think of as our honeymoon years, the sofa was wonderful.  The leather was soft, the recliner was easy to use to recline as well as put the recliner back in its "original upright position".  

And then age set in.  Like all things that you use daily, the sofa began to show it's age, a bit of a tear on one arm rest, and scratches (not that we cared) from the dogs.  But in the really big problem, for me not for Jeff, was that I wasn't strong enough to put the recliner back into a sitting position when I was done watching television.  It became a sort of war between me and the sofa, and most of the time the sofa won!  And I was tired of the fighting.

I wanted a power reclining chair, which would require no more exertion for me than pressing the power button.  I don't want to say I nagged, but probably I did, and last night we went to Costco and Jeff bought two power recliners.  I was/am in heaven.  We are keeping the old sofa in the room so that the dogs have a place to sleep.  Horrors if they had to sleep on the floor, like - well - like dogs!

I told Jeff that I considered the recliners a perfect anniversary (next month) and Christmas present for me.  Since the recliners recline completely flat, Jeff can get some much needed "zzzzz's" while I'm watching cooking shows!

Since I now have these lovely recliners, I don't really think (although give me time) I have anything else to nag about!!!

Now all that is left for me to do is to list my chaise on Craigslist and find it a new home.  


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jeff's Jobs!


When Jeff and I got married, a long time ago, we both had defined roles.  I was to take care of the house - the boring stuff - laundry, dishes and occasionally dusting.  I was also supposed to take on the job of keeping track of bills owing and filing the paid bills appropriately.  

Jeff's jobs, besides earning much more money than me, was to dispose of rodents (all kinds), take out the trash, yard work (now done by a company, since neither of us want to work in the yard anymore), change light bulbs and take care of all things mechanical or electric - or pretty much anything else.

Jeff has been and still is very good at his job.  I don't have to dispose of dead mice, although I can and have.  He's good at replacing burnt out bulbs and is super patient when I fail to understand how something works (even if he's explained it to me before).

Another one of Jeff's nearly constant jobs is keeping the vacuum cleaners sucking.  Maggie has hair that just wafts through the air when she walks by, so you could (but I don't), vacuum the carpet downstairs every day.  The problem with the vacuum is that eventually there is so much dog hair that the vacuum doesn't suck!  This is where my knight in shining armor comes in.  Last night, he took a long stick and pulled out enough hair from the vacuum hose, to build another dog.  And I was grateful, because now the vacuum sucks in a good way - not in a bad way!

In theory, it would probably make more sense to just vacuum Maggie!  Now how Jeff knew last night that the vacuum cleaner wasn't working again, I don't know and I don't care.  So many thanks to my slayer of dragons (anything flying or crawling around the house), my champion for helping me more times than I can count, from having a meltdown over trivial matters.  And for making sure that I have everything I need before I even know I need it!   


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Leave Your Dogs At Home


Stepping up on my soapbox this morning.  There was yet another story in the paper about someone who was only going to be in the store for a "few minutes", so she left her dog in the car.  The police were called to rescue her dog - she received a $500 ticket and a broken window that will have to be replaced.  Small price to pay for being so stupid and selfish.

I love my dogs, but when I'm running errands, they stay home.  I see no good reason to take along your dog (it never seems to be a cat) and then roll down the windows a wee bit and go shopping.  Why bother to do that?  Trust me and I'm not a dog or a cat, but I can tell you that if given their opinion, the pets would ask to stay home.  Where it's cool.  Where there is water.  Where there are pillows and beds to sleep on.

I am always aggrieved when I hear about an animal being locked in a car, particularly in the summer.  It makes my heart hurt and makes my head spin round!  If you want your dog with you all the time, invest the time and energy to make your dog a therapy dog, and then he/she can go with you anywhere.  

Sam, our little Westie, would make a wonderful therapy dog, but he's old and it would be difficult to train him to behave appropriately in a store.  The next little dog I have, I would like to use as a therapy dog.  I don't need a therapy dog physically, but emotionally it would be wonderful to have a dog around to pet when I'm anxious.

Climbing down now.  Have a wonderful Sunday.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Showering Without Getting Wet


Since the stitches in my back won't be coming out until the 12th, and I'm not supposed to get them wet, I had to come up with a way to take showers.  I don't know many people who want to go 12 days without showering, but I know for a fact that I'm not one of them.

While resting this morning, I came up with a plan.  A good plan I think.  If I wear my raincoat in the shower, I can wash all the essential parts of me while keeping my back dry.  Ingenious don't you think?  Somehow when I wash my hair in a sink, it never feels as clean as it does when I do it in the shower.  Then again, that could just be in my mind!

So today, I'm going to try out the raincoat idea.  The only other solution is to cut a trash bag and tape it around the incisions, but that seems like a lot of work and a waste of trash bags.  I had assumed that I would be seeing the surgeon next week to have the stitches or bandages removed, and I would be go to go.  

Since that's not going to happen, I'm taking matters into my own hands, and I know will feel better, at least mentally, once I've taken a shower.  I'm not up to doing much around the house, and that's okay, because I'm not expecting company.  And, dusting should be one of my first chores when I'm feeling better.

Somethings are just damn inconvenient when you're recovering!


P.S. the raincoat totally worked!

Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...