Saturday, August 29, 2015

House Anniversary


Cheesy I know, but today is the 29th anniversary of our moving into the house.  When we originally moved in, we worried that we didn't have enough furniture to fill all the rooms.  I can assure you that time has altered all of that.  We have two spare bedrooms, but only one qualifies as a guest room and the only person who sleeps in it, is Benjamin.

The other spare room has a steel shelving unit and it's full of manuals, tapes, three ring binder for our old battery business.  We also have boxes of things, like personnel files for our drivers, that can be put in the basement now.  

After ending the company abruptly in 2013, we received mail for the company for most of 2014.  I'm happy to say that nobody is looking for us anymore and that's a relief.  We have one more year on the warehouse lease.  Once the lease has expired, we'll be truly finished with the battery business.

Our basement, in the beginning, had a little playhouse that Andrew wanted and quite a bit of space.  The basement runs the full length of our house.  As the boys became teens, there was a surge of computer stuff (some of it junk I think) that invaded the basement.  We have built a room in the basement and it holds some computer equipment - big stuff - like racks.  There is also another rack in the main part of the basement.  I'm a computer novice, and I like it that way.  I think the racks hold servers, but I could be wrong.  

Here's what I do know: I have the largest, nicest computer monitor available.  I have fast internet, which has always been important to me - and - my computer never (or almost never) fails.  Both Scott and Andrew know the value of a well-run computer system, and the system here at the house is definitely well-run.  I have no complaints.

One day, and who knows when exactly that will be, Jeff and I will probably sell this house.  Don't know where we'd go, but maybe to a smaller one story house.  No stairs would be lovely.  When that day comes, there will have to be some soul searching about what goes (i.e., sell or donate) and what stays with us.

I am prepared, I think, for the day that will come and I realize that I probably won't be able to take all of my beautiful wood furniture (I have a lot) with me.  I would also have to look long and hard at all of my glass pieces (yup I've got a lot of them too)!

But until all of that happens, we'll just keep on putting stuff in the basement.  As Jeff always says "someday we might need 'x' (whatever "x" is).  

On the day we moved into our house, Jeff and the boys tied the porch up in yellow ribbon, and he carried me across the threshold.  I will always remember that day, it's a very good memory.  And, it's been a very good house.


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