Saturday, August 1, 2015

Showering Without Getting Wet


Since the stitches in my back won't be coming out until the 12th, and I'm not supposed to get them wet, I had to come up with a way to take showers.  I don't know many people who want to go 12 days without showering, but I know for a fact that I'm not one of them.

While resting this morning, I came up with a plan.  A good plan I think.  If I wear my raincoat in the shower, I can wash all the essential parts of me while keeping my back dry.  Ingenious don't you think?  Somehow when I wash my hair in a sink, it never feels as clean as it does when I do it in the shower.  Then again, that could just be in my mind!

So today, I'm going to try out the raincoat idea.  The only other solution is to cut a trash bag and tape it around the incisions, but that seems like a lot of work and a waste of trash bags.  I had assumed that I would be seeing the surgeon next week to have the stitches or bandages removed, and I would be go to go.  

Since that's not going to happen, I'm taking matters into my own hands, and I know will feel better, at least mentally, once I've taken a shower.  I'm not up to doing much around the house, and that's okay, because I'm not expecting company.  And, dusting should be one of my first chores when I'm feeling better.

Somethings are just damn inconvenient when you're recovering!


P.S. the raincoat totally worked!

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