Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve


It's the night of the big ball drop, and maybe somehow Jeff and I will manage to stay up that late.  But, if we don't, we know that the new year is going to start anyway.

Tomorrow, people everywhere will be making their New Year's Resolutions.  Typically, those are: going to lose weight, stop smoking and/or drinking, get organized, spend less, save more (good luck with that) and enjoy life.

I know myself well enough to know that the lose weight resolution only lasts about as long as it takes me to eat a raw carrot.  Obviously saying, that the resolution is very, very short-lived.  Jeff would be in favor of the spend less resolution.  And, I promise that I try, I really do.  But you know that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and spending less is a good intention, but well ......

Benjamin is staying with us until Tuesday.  I'm now tasked with coming up with activities for him.  It's too cold to play outside, and I'm hoping against all hope, that he doesn't want to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants!  I thought sitting through countless hours of Shrek movies was bad, they are nothing compared to the horrible voice that is Sponge Bob.  I actually feel sorry for the person who has to be Sponge Bob!  I just checked and the voice of Sponge Bob is Tom Kenny and his worth is estimated at $14M.  

I have a mix to make oatmeal raisin cookies, so perhaps Benjamin and I will undertake the making of Pop Pop's favorite cookie.  But, more likely I will do the baking and Benjamin will be the "taste testing" man!

Keeping this short for two reasons (a) I don't have much to say (I know that sounds positively impossible) and (b) need to be monitoring Benjamin.

Happy New Year.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Now It's Friday!


And you ask yourself, how do I know this?  Ah, the answer is simple.  Friday is trash day and the truck has just come around our street.  The weather is going to be more on the normal side for this time of year.  But, next week they're predicting we'll have a temperature of 60 degrees early in the week.  Maybe, Mother Nature is waiting for January when everybody will go back to work, to blow icy winds and/or some kind of "s" weather our way!

Jeff went to Costco and WalMart yesterday and said that WalMart was super crowded and not all the shelves had been restocked.  He brought back a Costco pizza for dinner - yum!  At least I know what I'm having for lunch today.  We gave the puppies their first taste of pizza crust, and surprise, surprise, they loved it,  

Jeff is enjoying having this week off.  It gives him extra time to rest, which he definitely needs.  I think Benjamin is coming to our house tomorrow to stay the night.  But, the plans haven't been finalized just yet.  I doubt that Jeff and I will find a reason to stay up until midnight, we seldom do anymore.  Guess we're getting old(er).

Jeff bought the ingredients to make cream of jalapeno soup.  It sounds tasty and looks like it's pretty easy to make.  Jeff is the official soup maker in the family, so I'll see if I can get him to make it today.

As you can see, not much happening on the home front, consequently, not much to report.

Have a great Friday.



Thursday, December 29, 2016

What Day Is It?


For some reason, and it may be because Jeff is home, that I've lost track of what day of the week it is.  I know in the big scheme of things, what's the problem?  I suppose it's a minor problem, but a bit troubling to me.

Jeff is enjoying his days off.  After breakfast, he heads for his recliner for a short nap, which may or may not include one or both of the puppies.  Daisy, in particular, loves to sleep on a lap, and she's not partial who's lap she's on.

You know they say that deaths come in threes.  Well, not in threes, but we do have issues in the house.  We've got two slide out shelves that need new brackets, which are on order.  The ice maker, for no apparent reason, has taken a nose dive.  I don't know about you, but I love ice in my cold drinks.  And, I'm confident that Jeff will be able to diagnosis the problem, and I think he already knows what the problem is, and be able to fix it.  Jeff can fix just about anything.  About the only thing he doesn't do anymore, if he can help it, is getting on a ladder.  Oh, and he doesn't do roofs either.  When the solar people installed our panels, the workers were all over the roof, and seemed so comfortable up there.  

On a whim, Jeff bought two cans of jambalaya.  I cooked kielbasa, added the contents of the can, put in some green chilies, added frozen shrimp, stirred and dinner was served.  For something coming out of a can, it really was quite good.  I was skeptical about how the jambalaya was going to taste, coming from a can.  I'll tell you that it was good enough to buy again.

Gloomy, gray day outside.  Looks like snow, or some other kind of weather, but there's nothing being predicted.  

Yesterday, I took my vacuum and used it to clean up the "calling cards" of our resident mouse(s) in the pantry.  In doing so, if I see any new "cards", I'll know that we still have a rogue mouse or two.  And, no I don't believe in mouse rehabilitation.  If they stay in the garage, I'm okay with that.  But, if you come into the house, your life time is going to be shortened.  The only good thing about having to take most things out of the pantry is that is it becomes a forced clean-up.  I'm not a germaphobe (or however you spell it), but once I see evidence of little teeth nibbling on the corner of a box or bag, I dump the contents.  Yesterday, for instance, I tossed out several sleeves of crackers.  

Have a great day, whether you think it's Thursday or Friday!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Last of the Leaves and Other Stuff


This morning, the recycle people came and took away our last two bags of leaves.  With colder weather (perhaps sometime this winter!), very few leaves remain on the oak tree.  And, I'm okay with that.  When the snow and ice come, the tree will be beautiful draped in it's winter coat, and it will be beautiful.

Yesterday, I went out and had a pedicure.  I'm impressed with I see men in the salon having their feet worked on.  But, I haven't as yet, seen any guy getting polish on their toes, it's more about keeping their feet callus free I suspect.  Since I can't reach my toes, I only have clear polish put on, because when it wears off, nobody will ever know.  Bright red polish would be a completely different matter.

Jeff and I mopped the kitchen and hallway floors yesterday, and they're all nice and clean, for the moment.  If it doesn't rain anytime soon, I can avoid having muddy paw prints all over the floor.  The girls have done an excellent job of making our backyard pretty much barren.

It's definitely a shorty pant kind of day.  I feel like I'm back in Southern California.  I believe colder weather is coming later this week, and while it has been very refreshing to have some windows open, we're used to colder weather now and through at least February.

I watched the news yesterday, and at several malls across the country, teenagers were actually fighting.  Have we lost our minds?  I know that there may be some jostling to get the last sweater in the correct size, color, but reducing ourselves to fighting is definitely over the top.  There is nothing that I want so much, that I would be willing to do battle for it.  Apparently, the season of peace and goodwill is now officially over.  How sad.

Book review.  Jeffrey Archer, an author that I have always read has a new series of 7 books out.  I have just finished the first one "Only Time Will Tell", and it was excellent.  Books 2 and 3 are now loaded on my Kindle and I can't wait to delve into them.  Dusting can wait, but reading is an absolute necessity for me.

I have noticed that the girls are having more quiet moments during the day.  A sign of maturity?  Hope so.  They still, at least once a day, have a "sisterly" row, but it's short lived and then they go back to their respective corners and take a nap.

Puppies are only puppies for so long and both girls are in or approaching 6 months. It's hard to determine when you don't actually know when they were born.  But, they were adopted in July, so they were likely born sometime in May or early June.  As energetic as they are, Maggie, on the other hand, is slowing down.  She's 11 now and labs as they get older, seem to always have trouble with their hips and back legs.  Maggie is now hopping up and down the stairs, which is not a good sign.  She will no longer jump on the bed.  Jeff has to pick her up every night.  The good news is that the girls play with each other and for the most part leave Maggie alone.

Time to get my hinny in gear.  Have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Getting Back to Normal


Much like being on an airplane, when the stewardess says to put your seat in the upright position and fold up your tray tables, the days following Christmas feel a lot like that.

While most everybody had yesterday off, the employed masses will return to work today.  Trash gets picked up today, mail will be delivered and the pull of after Christmas sales has dimmed.  Now everybody is ready for the new year to begin.  When you enter a new year, it's filled with possibilities and resolutions that nobody keeps!  Just saying.

I always vow that I'll stop, okay that's too definitive of a word, lessen might better, to stop eating so much sugar.  Mind you that resolution never makes it much past the 2nd or 3rd of January, before I have indulged in a cookie, or perhaps two!

I would like to be able to keep my depression, or the blues as some people call it, at bay.  I don't for a second believe that I'm going to wake up one morning, hear a chorus of angels, and I'll never be bothered with depression again.  Winter is a particularly bad time of the year for those of us who suffer from "SAD" and the shorter days.  Like Cinderella, who had to leave the ball at the stroke of midnight, I have to be off the road BEFORE it gets dark.  Reason being is that I have a cataract which makes nighttime driving particularly tricky.  Are there two or four taillights in front of me?  For the safety of all concerned, I am home, or being driven by someone, after dark.  Unfortunately, my cataract must "grow" larger before I can have it removed.  Just another hazard of getting old.  I once thought being pregnant and delivering a baby was tough, but that pales in comparison to growing older.

You sag, your body becomes a bit wrinkly and age spots appear everywhere.  There's no use calling them beauty spots, because they are so not beautiful, just another thing that happens.  I won't bother writing about some of the other "disadvantages" of getting older, since this is mixed company.  Pretty sure that the women out there no what I'm talking about.

Today, I'm off to have a pedicure, which is a delightful experience.  Your feet always look so nice after they've been massaged and scrubbed.  I don't get polish put on my toes, because I can't really reach my toes to remove the polish!  So clear polish it is.   Afterwards, with my toes sufficiently prettied up, I'll be like Cinderella, scrubbing floors!  Oh, and cleaning up the "calling cards" of the mouse or mices (my word) in my pantry.  Jeff has set out numerous traps and since most of the mess is on the pantry floor, that means that most of my food is sitting on the dining room table and floors.  I think that mice should come with a numbering scheme.  Sort of like "I'm number 1 of "x".  While we have been able to catch a few mice, it's hard to know if we've gotten them all.  So, if I clean up the mess on the floor, then if I see new messes, I'll know that there's at least one mouse on the run.  I'm tempted to get a cat, but I don't think I could handle the puppies as well as a cat.  I know my limits!

Most of you, like Jeff, have this week off.  So enjoy your free time.


Monday, December 26, 2016

Peace and Quiet


Yesterday was all about reflecting on peace and goodwill.  Today, however, will all about the after Christmas sales.  The stores will be teeming with people, who are either in the store to (a) exchange and/or return a gift(s) that didn't fit or they didn't like; and (b) people who are really interested in wrapping paper, etc. being sold at ridiculous prices. 

There was a time when I "thought" about buying wrapping paper after Christmas, but I stopped short of actually purchasing any, because frankly I don't want to have to find a home for the paper for an entire year.  And, the way my brain works, I would likely forget where I put the paper in the first place.

Tensions can run high between customers and sales people.  Some people won't have a receipt, nor are they even sure they are returning the gift to the right store.  Behind counters everywhere, will be stacked and/or tossed the remnants of Christmas past.  I don't know about you, but when I open up a package of let's say clothes, you can almost never get said clothing item back in it's original package.  Gifts upon opening them, just seem to explode, like a mini protest of not wanting to go back into the bag.  Actually, I don't blame them.  I have no idea what stores do with these opened and sloppily packed packages. Maybe there is somebody or some company that restuffs stuff.  I know it's a job that has to be done, otherwise how can they ever hope of selling said item again.

It's another dreary day.  Yesterday, my lunch consisted of taco chips and cheese, washed down with peppermint ice cream.  Nearly a perfect meal.  Jeff did brave the crowds at the local Chinese restaurant and brought home some good food.  

Based on the TV guide for this week, Jeff and I may have to talk to one another in the evenings!  Horrors.  Everybody is on holiday and that holds true for television shows.  We should see the return of our shows after the first of the year.

Jeff's going to go to Scott's house today to work on something.  Perhaps his generator.  I "may" venture out to a store, but thankfully I won't be standing in the returns/exchange line.  I stay in the house for days at a time, and then I know that for the good of my mental health, I really need to go out somewhere.  Even a trip to McDonald's would count as an outing!

Have a wonderful day and I know most of you have the day off - so enjoy, enjoy.

Image result for picture of presents being returned

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve


Woke to a rainy, very gray day.  Not exactly the type of weather that's good for someone who suffers from "SAD".  While I'm sitting at the computer, I have my "Happy Light" on which gives me I don't know how many watts (if that's even the right word) of sunshine-like light. Under doctor's orders, I use my light during the winter months every day.  If I'm at the computer, my light is on and it's uber bright.

Jeff got up with the dogs, but it's pretty hard to go back to sleep when the puppies have pranced all over your body in their eagerness to (a) eat and (b) potty outside (fingers crossed)!  Jeff is fixing his breakfast, so I take my coffee and get out of the kitchen.  I'll fix my bagel later.  Though the kitchen isn't particularly small, with the addition of the gates blocking the kitchen off, it somehow seems confining.  

It is estimated that between December 16th and January 5th, approximately 45.2 million people will fly somewhere here in the states.  Interestingly, the world's busiest airport is Atlanta, which surprised me.  Chicago and LAX were 2 and 3 respectfully.  Washington DC's airports didn't make it onto the top 5 list.  It's been so long since I've been in an airport, but when I was young, and we traveled with my grandmother, she loved sitting and waiting for the plane, because of all the interesting people she saw.  If they were interesting then, I know she would find people today in varying degrees of dress and covered with piercings and tattoos. As a child, when Dad flew from France to New York for his next assignment, I was required to wear a skirt, etc.  Since it was a military flight, we were not allowed to leave the plane until the officers had exited.  Try and explain that to a child.  And in those days, flight had no entertainment.  You actually had to bring whatever you wanted to play with and it, obviously, had to be approved by Mom.  When I think of the road trips we took, with the three of us crammed into the back seat, it's a wonder that we didn't kill each other.  Unlike the kids today, we didn't have electronic toys to play with, nor did we have the ability to sit back and watch a movie.  If we had, then our trips would have been more peaceful.

Last night, keeping our Friday dinner tradition alive, we had tacos.  Not great tacos like you would get in California for instance, but tacos just the same. Jeff is off work until after the 1st, so hopefully he'll get some extra rest, he certainly needs and deserves it.

I think tomorrow is a movie day.  There is a movie out about the coders at Canaveral, back in the early 60's.  I don't mind sitting through an okay movie, but Jeff, doesn't go to the movies often, wants to see a good/great movie.

I'll wish you all a Merry Christmas just in case I don't get to my computer tomorrow morning.

Image result for picture of peace


Friday, December 23, 2016

The Day Before, The Day Before and then Christmas


It's the day before, Christmas Eve.  Children are getting excited and parents are rushed and anxious.  I can remember many Christmases when Jeff and I would stay up all hours trying to put this or that toy together.  And always Murphy's Law came into play.  Inevitably, there would either be a broken or missing part.  This is hard to explain why Santa brought a toy that doesn't work.  When they no longer believe in Santa, the explanation if much simpler. 

And Santa ALWAYS ate the cookies and drank the milk that the boys put out faithfully every Christmas, until they no longer believed.  Christmas is a magical time and, in my opinion, best shared with children.  While my memory is a bit fuzzy about the boys' early Christmases, I can still remember the way Benjamin "attempted" to unwrap gifts when he was still waddling around.  His attention span was limited and he'd open a gift, and then abandon it when he was given another gift.  

And, you never do Christmas without a pocketknife!  Jeff has had to open packages, remove wires from the back of the package and anything else that needed some help.  Also, Santa never delivers a gift, and grandparents don't either, without the right number and size of batteries.  A toy with no batteries is a downer just waiting to happen.

We celebrated Christmas with Andy et al last Saturday.  And, at a certain age, there are few surprises left.  The boys dread the infamous shirt boxes (clothing - boring) and the rolled up sausage-like presents - socks, also boring.  I find it difficult to buy for our adult sons.  I lucked out this year because Andy has just bought a new car and I bought a heavy duty trunk liner.  Big hit.  Since I don't actually get a list from the boys, I have to put my mind in shopping mode, looking for something.  And, preferably, something original.  I like to give gifts that are "outside the box", and that's not always easy.

Buying gifts for Stacey (DIL) is much easier.  While Jeff would disagree, I believe it's easier to buy gifts for women.  I, like most women, love stuff.  Sparkly stuff and sometimes to a man, useless stuff.  And, in a last ditch effort, ye old gift card, which is a fine gift if it's for somewhere you like to shop.  For instance, a gift card for me to a local fitness center, wouldn't go over so well.  Not that I wouldn't or couldn't benefit from such a gift, it's just well you know.

This year my sizing was all wrong.  I bought both Andy and Jeff outdoor weather shirts, a size too small.  Thank heavens Amazon makes returns pretty easy.  Actually, Scott came over last weekend, and liked the fleece-lined hoody I put for Andy.  It fit him and so that one gift I didn't have to return.  And, Jeff's chamois shirt, is a bit big in the sleeves, but otherwise isn't any too big, so I've kept that too!  Don't worry, I've bought both Andy and Jeff identical replacements in a bigger size.

I could today, merely for chuckles go to a store, any store and watch the madness unfold. But, first, of course, I would have to find a parking place.  And, if I actually bought something, I'd probably have to stand in a rather long line at the cashier.  

The next worst day for going to a store is going to be Monday.  But, likely the long line will be with returns/exchanges.  I did buy Stacey a sweater this year, but I was pretty sure it was the right size, but told her that if it (a) didn't fit; or (b) she didn't like it, I'd be happy to send it back to Amazon and pick out something else.

Pretty sure Benjamin liked his gifts, as well as the accompanying batteries!  With three sets of grandparents, at this time of year, Benjamin is a very lucky boy.

Likely, most offices will allow the workers to leave early today.  They might as well, because I know from experience that when you get close to a big holiday, your body might be in the chair, but your head isn't!

Happy Friday.



Thursday, December 22, 2016

Logical Friday


Huh, you're asking yourself.  Jeff is off tomorrow and all next week, so today is logical Friday.  You don't have to say it, I have a weird way of looking at things.  It makes life more interesting and keeps people on their toes!

Last night when Jeff got home from work, he blew up all the leaves and then picked them up.  Huge thanks to Jeff for doing this for me.  Hopefully, we will get frost soon and then the leaves in the trees will stay there.

The girls got me up at 6:00 today.  I could stay in bed longer I suppose, but the sound of chewing forces me to get up.  If, and that's a big if, they were chewing on something appropriate, I could remain sleeping.  But nope, they're after shoes, slippers, socks and whatever else they find on the floor or they can reach.

I made pumpkin bread yesterday.  No not from scratch, but from one of those convenient boxes, which has everything from canned pumpkin to icing.  Doesn't get much easier than that.

I've got some books piling up on the table.  Sometimes, it's cheaper to order a hardback book than it is to load one on my Kindle.  I have reading glasses and can read, for a short period of time, a real book.  I love my Kindle and my ability to have the largest font available, there is still something special about holding a book.  The problem with books is that after reading them, I have to decide what to do with them.  Donate?  Give to a friend?  I think book buying for someone is a challenge.  The kind of books you like, may not be their "cup of tea".  In those instances, a gift certificate to Amazon or a book store would be better.

For chuckles, I have told Jeff that the Mercedes dealer is having a sale on cars!  Imagine that. We just finished paying off my car, and I put very few miles on it, so it's pretty much like a new car and she has lots of life left in her.  She just doesn't have all the bells and whistles that newer models have, but about all the driving I do is to the grocery store or nail salon.

It feels a little strange that we have already had Christmas.  The only decoration that I put up was a garland for the mantel.  So with one quick pull, my decorations will be down.  I used to really love Christmas, especially when the boys were young.  Now?  I have a bit of a ba humbug attitude.  Children make Christmas joyful.  The excitement as they open up their presents and they always say "ah" over each one.  When you are an adult, you sometimes or most times receive those dreaded shirt-sized boxes, which usually means clothes.  Or the long squishy package that is almost always socks.

Jeff jokingly told me that the puppies were my present.  I said "nay nay".  A present that requires poo scooping is not what I consider an actual present.  

Well my dears, time for me to close up my writing shop, and get some things done.  I know I say this just about every day, but I feel that today is/could be the day that I actually do some of those chores!


Image result for cartoon picture of household chores

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Another Day, Another Package


It's another day and another package from Amazon.  Today, the driver was dropping off a package for the dogs.  They put up such a racket that I'm sure he believes that Attila the Hun lives here!  Boy would he be surprised to see such relatively small dogs!  Who said that small dogs can't protect your property?  Admittedly, their wagging tails would ultimately give them away, but their barking is enough to wake the dead - or in my case - the sleeping person.

If it's warmer outside today, I think I will sweep the leaves off of the front porch.  If I was super charged up, I would also "leaf" the leaves off the yard.  I don't know if I've got that much enthusiasm! 

To keep our throw pillows and blankets safe from the puppies, I have bought a plastic container that should (fingers crossed) hold the pillows.  I know that the pillows are not super expensive, but the price adds up when you're losing one or two pillows a week.  And the fluff simply goes everywhere.

It's hard being a senior citizen for many obvious reasons.  But, I am tired of the phone calls trying to sell me, knee or back braces, as well as the "I've fallen and I can't get up" button.  It's true that if I fall, I need to crawl over to something so I can stand up.   So if I pressed the button, who's going to come and haul my sorry butt up?  

Just a few more shopping days left.  Rather than go to a store right now, I'd actually prefer to see the dentist!  And, I hate going to the dentist.  By now, anyone who is shopping is nearing desperation in hopes of finding the perfect gift for someone.  

Jeff has only to work today and tomorrow and then he's off until January.  The extra days will give him plenty of time to rest, which he really needs.  Of course, sleeping in with the puppies is still not an option.  They want up by 7:00 for breakfast.  Once fed, they are then happy to take a nap.  Obviously, by that time, we're up and might as well start our day.

Happy Wednesday.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Yesterday, Stacey called to see if I was home.  The answer was of course I was.  She had to take in a car for service and wanted to stop by.  Absolutely I said.  Dusting is over-rated and any excuse to "play" was always welcome.

After our "gourmet" lunch at McDonald's, we headed for Tuesday Morning.  I don't know if you have one of these stores in your area, but they generally have some nice things at discounted prices.  Our local store was closing, so thinks were really discounted.  What fun.  I bought two cotton rugs that have cotton on the reverse side, so washing them doesn't dissolve the usual rubber backings!  And, I found a cookie sheet that says it will never need oil, etc.  Too good to be true?  I guess I won't know until I use it, but I have high hopes.

I had mentioned that Daisy, who should be named Houdini, was able to jump our fence and could get in the neighbor's yard, but couldn't get back.  Obviously, this wasn't make the neighbor very happy.  We stopped at Lowe's and bought two iron panels that would normally be used to put around a flower bed.  We added some zip ties and hurried home.  And, surprise, surprise, Daisy was in the neighbor's yard AGAIN.  Stacey was able to unlock their gate and Daisy took off for a long distance sprint.  Benjamin was a good sport and even though I told him he didn't need to chase her, off he went.

Meanwhile, Stacey and I are in the backyard, which thanks to the girls no longer resembles a backyard at all!  They have destroyed every plant, weed and even tore off the insulation that covers the copper tubing for the air conditioner!  But I really appreciated Stacey going out into the backyard, both of us knowing that our shoes and perhaps pants would be dirty by the time we finished our chore.  Stacey and I turned the panels upside down, so the pointy bits that would normally be in the ground, were now on top.  She successfully tied the two panels to the very low spot in the fence.  Pretty sure that Daisy isn't going to try and get over them.  In the spring, when I still had hope for a nice(er) backyard, I had bought two iron trellises and we moved them from their location to yet another low spot in the fence.  Keep in mind that the fence is now 30 years old and like it's owners (Jeff and I) are showing some signs of wear and tear!  When Daisy does her Houdini act, I'm left with her crying in the neighbor's yard and Bella barking in ours!  Hopefully, with the new fence configuration, the madness will stop!

If Daisy continues to be able to jump the fence, then Jeff and I will have to go and buy more iron flower bed panels.  We've never had a jumper before, so this is new territory for us.  We've had diggers who managed to get UNDER the fence, but never over.  Bella, for instance is just too heavy to try and jump the fence.  I'm trying to be a good neighbor and keep Daisy contained.  When I'm home, which is most of the time, she is happy to be in the yard and then come back inside.  It's when we're AWAY that she, for whatever reason, feels the need to jump.  

I don't believe Daisy is going to be a big/heavy dog.  She has very tiny almost dainty legs and is probably by now full grown.  If she were a big/heavy dog, then I believe the jumping problem would correct itself.  Bella, on the other hand, is a heavy dog who likes to counter cruise.  As much as we hate fence jumping, we really hate counter cruisers.  I have bought gates (notice the plural) and have them put up around the kitchen as well as to keep them out of the living room.  I mean once you've paid to have the carpets cleaned, why on earth would you let the dogs back in?  And, since the yard is muddy, there's a second good reason.  

Bella wasn't paying attention the other night, and one side of a gate was open.  You guessed it.  She got her paws up on the counter, but failed to notice Jeff.  That was a big mistake on her part.  He managed to get a good correction in.  I'm not fooled into believing that one correction is going to "cure" her of her desire to check out the counters.  But, it's a start.

My mantra continues to be ..... they'll be dogs someday and ..... hopefully good ones!


My new panels aren't quite as fancy as these, but you get the idea.

Image result for picture of flower bed panels

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sunny Monday


After several days of gloom and doom weather, ironically it's a beautiful day - to go to work!  We're not having a heatwave temperature wise, but it's supposed to improve later in the week.  When we went out to dinner Saturday night, we had had some sleet, so the driveway and sidewalk were a bit tricky to walk on.  I guess that's just a reminder that winter is here.

After having celebrated my birthday and Christmas on Saturday, I feel a bit let down today.  Other than doing much needed chores, there is nothing that I need to do.  No cards to write, packages to wrap, stamps to buy - nothing.  I've even moved all the important dates (birthdays, etc.) over to my 2017 calendar.  Did I mention that I suffer from OCD?  (insert smiley face here).

The fleece hoody jacket that I bought for Andy didn't fit, so I've ordered him another one in a bigger size.  Jeff's chamois shirt didn't fit him either (sigh).  The good news is that Scott was here yesterday, and the hoody jacket fits him pretty well, so he's going to keep it.  One less package to return to Amazon!

Evidence of Benjamin's playtime is evidenced in the house.  Today, I will pick up the bits and pieces of his playing and put them back in their proper place, until next time he visits.  We have a large tub of foam blocks and thankfully Jeff took that tub back upstairs for me yesterday.

The girls have been outside and have returned to continue their morning "dog fight".  Once the fighting has stopped, every dog goes into respective corners and sleeps.  And, I love that they sleep.  When they're sleeping, I don't have to worry about what piece of furniture, pillow or you name it, is being chewed to bits.

For the last month or so, I've recorded every children's Christmas movie I could find.  And, while Benjamin was here, I got to watch them all!  I have now deleted them off of my Tivo, to make room for more cooking and/or reality shows!

Have a great Monday and maybe you are one of the lucky ones that has this Friday off.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Gloomy Sunday


Even though I'm now another year older, my body still feels pretty much the same, and I guess that's a good thing.  

Yesterday evening, Andy and Stacey came to the house to celebrate my birthday and Christmas.  I received some lovely gifts.  When we were at the aquarium in September, I fell in love with the jelly fish tank.  Stacey bought me a glass jellyfish and a lighted stand for it to sit on.  I can't wait to plug it in.  I also got a diary/coloring book which will be a lot of fun to use, as well as a simply soft throw blanket that I'll put near my recliner (but out of the way of those destroying teeth)!

I had bought Jeff and Andy winter shirts.  Andy's was fleece lined and Jeff's was a chamois shirt.  Unfortunately, neither of those shirts fit!  Thank goodness that Amazon makes returning things super duper easy.  I have already printed off my return labels and tomorrow will go to the UPS store and ship them off.  I was so disappointed that neither shirt fit.  This makes me wonder if the shirt I bought for Scott, which hasn't arrived yet, will also be too small.  

Last night, we went to a favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner.  Earlier in the day, I had made myself a chocolate birthday cake with white icing.  At the restaurant, for dessert Stacey and I both ordered the tres de lica (or however you spell it) cake.  I was pretty full after dinner, so I saved my cake so that I can have it today.  

I have a few of Benjamin's toys to put away today, as well as unused wrapping paper.  My bah humbug Christmas decorations consisted only of garland on the mantel, so with one quick pull, I'll  return the house to its original condition.  That's not to suggest that the house will be uber clean or anything, the floors are still littered with bones and fluff!  Though I did send Andy home with several of the really hard stuffed bones that the puppies can't successfully chew.  He has big dogs and I know they will enjoy the bones very much.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Yesterday and Today


I didn't blog yesterday because I was busy being grandma or MomMom as Benjamin calls me.  It was super cold outside, so staying in didn't even seem like an option.  We turned the fireplace on (gotta love the power of gas) and that kept the den toasty all day.

To show how good a grandma I am, I watched eposides (notice the "s") of Spongebob Square Pants!  If you haven't had the pleasure of enjoying this cartoon, I suggest you keep it that way.  Spongebob's voice can get on your last nerve from the very beginning.  However, Benjamin loves this cartoon, so last night, after Jeff had gone upstairs, I sat through too many episodes to count.

This morning we woke up to some light snow, sleet mixed with rain.  Another good day to stay inside.  Andrew and Stacey are coming this afternoon.  We're going to celebrate my birthday (it's today and I'm 67) and Christmas.  I'm not cooking dinner.  We're going out to eat and yesterday I baked a chocolate fudge cake for my birthday.  

Daisy has been jumping the fence over into the neighbor's yard.  I think she does it because she can.  Trouble is, she can't seem to jump back into our yard.  Jeff has temporarily fixed the problem by using several loops of string in the area where she makes her great escape.  What Daisy really wants, and is difficult to attain in our backyard, since it's small, is run - really run.

I fixed french toast for Benjamin yesterday and it was his first time tasting something so yummy.  He liked it very much.  Who wouldn't?  Sugar, butter, syrup all warmed up, nearly a perfect meal (kidding)!

I was going to make cookies, but somehow can't seem to get my heart into doing it.  I don't think my heart's too sizes too small, just would rather curl up in my chair and do some reading until I start dozing.  These are two of my favorite things.

It seems unlikely but it would be wonderful to have a white Christmas.  It could snow on Christmas and then melt the next day.  I don't need snow to stick around - just blow in - and blow back out.  We don't really get snow until January/February and when it does snow, I'm thankful that I don't have to brave the elements and drive to work.  The farthest I have to go is out to the mailbox, if I want.

On Friday, Jeff made gumbo.  He made it a bit spicy, which is the way we like our food.  Today, I'm going to put some in a tupperware bowl and freeze it, so we can enjoy it later.J eff makes the most amazing scrambled eggs and soup/stews.  I'm too impatient to stand and chop up veggies into bite-sized pieces.  What's the problem with hunks of veggies?

Gotta go.  Do have to get myself dressed and ready for the day.


Image result for picture of birthday cake

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Review of Wednesday


Yesterday, after a lunch of a Quarter Pounder form my favorite restaurant, Stacey, Benjamin and I went to the movies.  We saw the new movie Moana in 3D.  I think the movie was good, but frankly fell asleep midway through!  Late nights and early mornings does begin to take a toll on a person.  That person being me.  

While we were gone, Daisy managed to get into the neighbor's yard AGAIN.  I have tried my best to block her from escaping.  I think she's still small enough that she can squeeze under the gate.  A more permanent solution will have to be found this weekend.  The neighbor's will tire soon, if they have to keep putting her back in our yard.  If only she was a little fatter!

I've left Benjamin watching another Christmas movie, so that I can blog and get dressed for the day.  The weather is downright cold today, and other than to get the mail, I don't think I'll be going out.  I don't know if Benjamin is interested in making cookies or not, and if he's not, then I guess I'll make them by myself.

Benjamin is watching a Christmas movie, on a premium channel with no commercials.  Yeah for that.  I'm off to get dressed - I know it's nearly lunchtime!  Being somewhat of a sloth today.

There is some talk on the weather channel about some kind of winter activity - ice, snow showers for this weekend.  Probably a good time of the year for Jeff to make soup.  He does this so well, and it warms the tummy.

Off to get my rear in gear.  Happy Thursday.


Image result for picture of cookie making with grandma

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nearly Done!


Yesterday, I "wrapped" my presents.  Wrapped being too nice of a word for what I can do to a package!  Actually, mangling is a more accurate description.  But, it's the thought that counts, at least that's what they always say.

I have two more Christmas cards to address and then I'm done with that job too.  Now all I have to do is wait for Saturday, which is going to be our Christmas and my birthday celebration with Andy et al.

Benjamin is coming today and will stay with us until Saturday.  We're going to a movie with Stacey this afternoon.  Our Tivo is filled with all kinds of children's movies: Shrek, Toy Story, Frosty, etc.  I'm not expecting Jeff to sit and watch these movies, but Benjamin and I will do some serious television watching in front of the fire.

Yesterday afternoon, I heard a lot of barking outside.  When I ventured out, I saw that Daisy was in the neighbor's yard and she was barking her head off.  Bella, who could see but could not get to her friend, was also barking.  I couldn't unlatch the neighbor's gate, so I had to call her and ask her to come and let Daisy out.  Unfortunately, Daisy is still small enough that she can with some effort manage to get under our gate.  Desperate to keep her in the yard, I found the bottom of Emma's birdcage, which is a large piece of aluminum and I wedged that underneath the gate.  Still not satisfied that the cage bottom would be enough to dissuade Daisy, I found a really large and heavy piece of wood and dragged that over to the gate. For added measure, I took a few bricks out of a flowerbed and pushed them up against the outside of the gate.  Will all of these keep her in the yard?  It should, but I think when an animal is determined to do something, they find a way.

Tomorrow is supposed to be super cold here, so Benjamin and I will not be venturing out.  We'll stay inside and probably make cookies.  

I know this is short, but MomMom has things to do before Benjamin comes.


Image result for picture of dog digging under a gate

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Yesterday, I was a brave buckeroo.  Why?  I went to the post office!  Horrors.  All I needed was a roll of stamps and I knew there might be a line, but when I got there it was a long line.  People were holding or dragging their boxes and packages to be weighed.  The sound of packing tape was everywhere.  I don't understand why people wait until they are in the post office to try and figure out what size box or padded envelope they need.  When it was my turn, the cashier looked at me like I had three heads - a roll of stamps - that's all you need?  Yup, that's all I need.  When I was leaving the post office, a woman drove by and asked if the line inside was insane.  I assured her that it was.

I then went to KMart to buy a few things.  Gift bags because bags don't require any real effort on my part.  I know that makes me sound lazy, but you haven't seen my gift wrapping talents, or actually my lack of those skills!  Bones for the puppies was obviously on the list, pumpkin bread mix and a sweatshirt for yours truly.

The store was a little more crowded than usual.  Normally, it's just us grannies and women with small children who let it be none to everyone in the store how much they hate being in the store.  Yesterday though there were obviously some shoppers who seemed clueless about what to buy.  Men, in particular, headed for the pre-packaged gift boxes of bath gel, hand lotion, etc.  If the woman you're buying for, likes that sort of thing, then it's a great gift.  Otherwise, it might seem like a cop out. Boxes of candy were being piled into carts, as were 2017 calendars, socks and slippers.  And in the jewelry section were boxes of necklaces and earrings.  I don't believe I need to go to a store this week or next, at least I hope not.  If I thought the store was a bit crazy yesterday, by next week shoppers will be in a frenzy.

My job today is to wrap Benjamin's presents since he's coming to stay with us tomorrow for a few days.  I don't have to worry about boxes, because my office looks like the inside of an Amazon warehouse.  I have boxes stacked upon boxes, all waiting to be either used or recycled.  I have a few Christmas cards to address, and then I can check that off my list.

After I have searched and bought presents, I'd rather give them to everybody now, rather than have to wait.  Andrew et al are coming on Saturday, and we'll have Christmas then, so my wait is nearly over.
So once I've sorted the presents into either bags or boxes (wrapping may be optional!), then I'll clean up my office and put it back into order.  My OCD will be happy when the office is nice and tidy again.

Have a great Tuesday.

Image result for picture of last minute shopping

Monday, December 12, 2016



Yesterday afternoon, Jeff and I went to a friend's house for a mid-day meal.  They have just recently moved into a new house, and it is truly beautiful.  Plus, their house is on a big lot, and there are no neighbors living on top of them.  

We started our meal with Vichyssoise, which I had never had before.  I had a small serving and it was pretty good and I'm glad I tried it.  We had spaghetti and naan bread, which was also a first for me.  Jeff and I brought a bottle of wine and a Tres Leches Cake, which I absolutely love.

After our meal, the men went into the living room and Gabby and I remained at the table and talked.  We talked about many things, their upcoming vacation plans, acupuncture as well as the state of my mental health.  

By the time we got home and released the dogs from the basement, which was still intact (amazing in itself), and watched a little television, Jeff didn't get to bed until quite late.  I know that when he gets home, he's going to need a nap in his recliner.  The puppies are good nappers, so likely he'll have company in the chair.

It's dark and gray outside and has sprinkled.  I don't know which is worse - sprinkles or downright rain.  When it sprinkles, the front window of your car, or perhaps I should state it this way, the front window of my car, has to have the wipers on periodically, just the way I am.

I need to go to a store to get a few things for my gift giving.  And, I've run out of Christmas cards to send, so need to get another small box.  My office is overflowing with Amazon boxes.  I hesitate to throw any away, until I'm sure I have used some/any of the boxes for presents.  There's no need to buy special boxes, when I have so many cluttering the floor!

I will wrap the presents for Benjamin and Stacey.  The boys and Jeff - not so much.  As adult men, the element of surprise doesn't matter much and neither does the wrapping.  Essentially, put a gift in an Amazon box, seal it with packing tape and write the recipient's name on the outside.  Done and done.

Tomorrow is book club and I'm afraid I won't have much, if anything, to lend to the discussion.  I don't think I understood the book and truth be told, didn't enjoy it very much.  That maybe because the books that I read, don't actually fall into the "good literature" category.  I predominately read what can best be described as "gentle" reads.  No murders or mayhem and the characters are predictable in their behavior.  The trouble with having a book on my Kindle is that when discussing the book, the others can flip through the pages.  That's doable on the Kindle, but not as easy.

Time for me to get moving.  The day waits for no one!


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...