Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Yesterday, Stacey called to see if I was home.  The answer was of course I was.  She had to take in a car for service and wanted to stop by.  Absolutely I said.  Dusting is over-rated and any excuse to "play" was always welcome.

After our "gourmet" lunch at McDonald's, we headed for Tuesday Morning.  I don't know if you have one of these stores in your area, but they generally have some nice things at discounted prices.  Our local store was closing, so thinks were really discounted.  What fun.  I bought two cotton rugs that have cotton on the reverse side, so washing them doesn't dissolve the usual rubber backings!  And, I found a cookie sheet that says it will never need oil, etc.  Too good to be true?  I guess I won't know until I use it, but I have high hopes.

I had mentioned that Daisy, who should be named Houdini, was able to jump our fence and could get in the neighbor's yard, but couldn't get back.  Obviously, this wasn't make the neighbor very happy.  We stopped at Lowe's and bought two iron panels that would normally be used to put around a flower bed.  We added some zip ties and hurried home.  And, surprise, surprise, Daisy was in the neighbor's yard AGAIN.  Stacey was able to unlock their gate and Daisy took off for a long distance sprint.  Benjamin was a good sport and even though I told him he didn't need to chase her, off he went.

Meanwhile, Stacey and I are in the backyard, which thanks to the girls no longer resembles a backyard at all!  They have destroyed every plant, weed and even tore off the insulation that covers the copper tubing for the air conditioner!  But I really appreciated Stacey going out into the backyard, both of us knowing that our shoes and perhaps pants would be dirty by the time we finished our chore.  Stacey and I turned the panels upside down, so the pointy bits that would normally be in the ground, were now on top.  She successfully tied the two panels to the very low spot in the fence.  Pretty sure that Daisy isn't going to try and get over them.  In the spring, when I still had hope for a nice(er) backyard, I had bought two iron trellises and we moved them from their location to yet another low spot in the fence.  Keep in mind that the fence is now 30 years old and like it's owners (Jeff and I) are showing some signs of wear and tear!  When Daisy does her Houdini act, I'm left with her crying in the neighbor's yard and Bella barking in ours!  Hopefully, with the new fence configuration, the madness will stop!

If Daisy continues to be able to jump the fence, then Jeff and I will have to go and buy more iron flower bed panels.  We've never had a jumper before, so this is new territory for us.  We've had diggers who managed to get UNDER the fence, but never over.  Bella, for instance is just too heavy to try and jump the fence.  I'm trying to be a good neighbor and keep Daisy contained.  When I'm home, which is most of the time, she is happy to be in the yard and then come back inside.  It's when we're AWAY that she, for whatever reason, feels the need to jump.  

I don't believe Daisy is going to be a big/heavy dog.  She has very tiny almost dainty legs and is probably by now full grown.  If she were a big/heavy dog, then I believe the jumping problem would correct itself.  Bella, on the other hand, is a heavy dog who likes to counter cruise.  As much as we hate fence jumping, we really hate counter cruisers.  I have bought gates (notice the plural) and have them put up around the kitchen as well as to keep them out of the living room.  I mean once you've paid to have the carpets cleaned, why on earth would you let the dogs back in?  And, since the yard is muddy, there's a second good reason.  

Bella wasn't paying attention the other night, and one side of a gate was open.  You guessed it.  She got her paws up on the counter, but failed to notice Jeff.  That was a big mistake on her part.  He managed to get a good correction in.  I'm not fooled into believing that one correction is going to "cure" her of her desire to check out the counters.  But, it's a start.

My mantra continues to be ..... they'll be dogs someday and ..... hopefully good ones!


My new panels aren't quite as fancy as these, but you get the idea.

Image result for picture of flower bed panels


  1. I don't mean to scare you, but hearing about those pointy things on top, (and I don't know what size they are), but it reminded me of (warning, this is horrible)the dog Kay and Daddy had which tried jumping their fence and got caught and hung itself. Hopefully, your fence is keeping her from jumping and not as dangerous. We can attest to how hard it is with puppies, we, like you, learned we always had to stay a step (or more) ahead of them and try to imagine what they might try next. Lots of funny memories of that time, funny now, but not then. Hang in there! Ruthie

  2. I did think about the pointy tops, but I believe (or hope) that Daisy will not challenge that portion of the fence. I have freestanding gates keeping the girls out of the living room and kitchen, and so far they haven't even attempted to push on them!


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