Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lazy Sunday Day


Jeff and I are having a lazy day.  Sleeping in isn't an option with two overly hungry puppies, but once they're fed, they love naps just as much as we do!

We're invited to a friend's house this afternoon for munchies and good conversation.  We're going to bring a pie and ice cream (obviously) and some wine.  If we shop at Wegman's, which is a high end grocery store in the area, we can select a pie from the many choices.  I think apple pie is a pie that pretty much everyone likes.  Things get iffy if you buy a chocolate pie (my favorite) or coconut cream (another favorite), because some people don't like chocolate and some obviously don't like coconut.

My birthday is Saturday and I'll be turning 67 - yipee.  For my birthday cake, I'm making a very fudgy chocolate cake.  I love all things chocolate and when it's your birthday, and it's smushed up close to Christmas, I think you should get to do anything you want.  Andy et al are coming on Saturday to celebrate my birthday as well as our Christmas with them.  Benjamin is coming on Wednesday to stay for a few days, so I have two days left to get his things wrapped.  I have other presents to wrap, but the most important ones are for Benjamin, because children love the anticipation!  

"Santa" (Amazon) still has some packages to be delivered. but I think everything should be here by Christmas.  Whatever did we do before Amazon?  The answer of course is head to the malls, where we could do battle over parking spots, stand in long lines at the register, suffer through well meaning women in the perfume section, who want to spray you with the latest scent.  And, finally the stores are crowded and hot.  You wear your coat into the store, but once inside, shed the coat and because department stores don't have carts, you have to carry it around with you while you shop.  Yep, that's definitely the way I would prefer to shop - NOT.  

And the message of being of good cheer and kind to others, sort of flies out the window when you're trying to buy the latest "it" toy or the last deal on "x".  People can get really ugly when there's a gift they want.  I know you all remember when Cabbage Patch dolls were the "have to buy" gift and people would literally trample over each other to buy the doll.  Of course, many years later, you can buy these dolls on Ebay all day long, because nobody really wants them anymore.

We always paid attention to what the boys wanted for Christmas.  For many years, it was the latest John Madden football video game.  Now that they're men, their gifts come in shirt boxes, which means nothing really interesting is going to be inside.  The gift might be useful, maybe a new coat or something, but in the big picture just a ho hum gift.  This is what happens when you grow up.  Magic is for the children and we adults are left with responsible but useful gifts.  

Jeff doesn't like shopping and it's been easier when he has given me big ticket items - power recliners and large television.  When we first married, he surprised me several times by buying me antique curio cabinets.  I love the smell of these cabinets when I open the doors, which is seldom.  And he gave my father and I a two week tour of England and Wales, which was a super wonderful gift.  Not only did I get to visit England, but I got to share it with my Dad, which made the trip super amazing.

Everyone says I'm hard to buy for and that's simply not true.  I love just about everything, except clothes.  I always think it's tricky to buy clothes for someone, unless you are very sure of their size and preferences.  Worst case scenario, a gift card to Ebay or Amazon make wonderful presents.  I was just on Ebay and bought myself a pair of pre-owned shoes for a very decently low price.  The same shoe new is upwards of $135.00.  The shoes have arrived and they look brand new to me and they fit.  I knew the brand and style I wanted, and the size I needed.  Couldn't be happier with my bargain shoes.

I'd better close now, so that I can get the kitchen tidied up and another load of laundry started, before I get dressed to go out.  No sense putting your "going out" clothes early and risk a stain by messing around in the kitchen!

Happy Sunday.



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