Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Getting Back to Normal


Much like being on an airplane, when the stewardess says to put your seat in the upright position and fold up your tray tables, the days following Christmas feel a lot like that.

While most everybody had yesterday off, the employed masses will return to work today.  Trash gets picked up today, mail will be delivered and the pull of after Christmas sales has dimmed.  Now everybody is ready for the new year to begin.  When you enter a new year, it's filled with possibilities and resolutions that nobody keeps!  Just saying.

I always vow that I'll stop, okay that's too definitive of a word, lessen might better, to stop eating so much sugar.  Mind you that resolution never makes it much past the 2nd or 3rd of January, before I have indulged in a cookie, or perhaps two!

I would like to be able to keep my depression, or the blues as some people call it, at bay.  I don't for a second believe that I'm going to wake up one morning, hear a chorus of angels, and I'll never be bothered with depression again.  Winter is a particularly bad time of the year for those of us who suffer from "SAD" and the shorter days.  Like Cinderella, who had to leave the ball at the stroke of midnight, I have to be off the road BEFORE it gets dark.  Reason being is that I have a cataract which makes nighttime driving particularly tricky.  Are there two or four taillights in front of me?  For the safety of all concerned, I am home, or being driven by someone, after dark.  Unfortunately, my cataract must "grow" larger before I can have it removed.  Just another hazard of getting old.  I once thought being pregnant and delivering a baby was tough, but that pales in comparison to growing older.

You sag, your body becomes a bit wrinkly and age spots appear everywhere.  There's no use calling them beauty spots, because they are so not beautiful, just another thing that happens.  I won't bother writing about some of the other "disadvantages" of getting older, since this is mixed company.  Pretty sure that the women out there no what I'm talking about.

Today, I'm off to have a pedicure, which is a delightful experience.  Your feet always look so nice after they've been massaged and scrubbed.  I don't get polish put on my toes, because I can't really reach my toes to remove the polish!  So clear polish it is.   Afterwards, with my toes sufficiently prettied up, I'll be like Cinderella, scrubbing floors!  Oh, and cleaning up the "calling cards" of the mouse or mices (my word) in my pantry.  Jeff has set out numerous traps and since most of the mess is on the pantry floor, that means that most of my food is sitting on the dining room table and floors.  I think that mice should come with a numbering scheme.  Sort of like "I'm number 1 of "x".  While we have been able to catch a few mice, it's hard to know if we've gotten them all.  So, if I clean up the mess on the floor, then if I see new messes, I'll know that there's at least one mouse on the run.  I'm tempted to get a cat, but I don't think I could handle the puppies as well as a cat.  I know my limits!

Most of you, like Jeff, have this week off.  So enjoy your free time.


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