Thursday, December 8, 2016

When The "Girls" Wake You Up.....


At 6:30 in the morning.  The urge to kill is very strong.  Don't they realize that I'm retired and sleeping is one of the necessities of being retired?  Once I hear the dogs moving around, I know I'd better get up, or risk the consequences of their actions.  

Since the girls have the desire, as all dogs seem to, love slippers and shoes, I put my slippers and shoes up on my dresser.  I really don't want those things to be slobbered and chewed on.  I have standards after all.  Nor, do I want to see my underwear on the floor, that's just creepy.  I try and tell myself that they love the scent of their owners, but somehow even knowing that, doesn't make their behavior acceptable.

Once the dogs have all been fed, I grab my first cup of coffee and head to the den where I "intended" to read.  Notice the word intended.  After drinking my coffee, I turn the light off, grab a throw and recline my chair.  It's a bit cold outside, so I turn on the fireplace before shutting my eyes.  I don't know at what point in my nap Daisy climbed on board, but she seems to enjoy sleeping on top of me.  And, I have to admit that I love that about her.  Sam who was 7 when we adopted him, was not a sit or lay down with you kind of dog.  Bella will sometimes come and sit with or on me, but she's not quite as lovey as Daisy.

After I get dressed, I need to sweep the basement.  The girls have gotten hold of a lawn chair cushion and it's in a million pieces on the floor.  Jeff put a new cord on my vacuum after the girls chewed the original one off - but, there's so much on the floor (stuffed animal fluff, etc.) that it's better to just grab a broom and literally sweep the carpet.  

Yesterday, Bella, who is super fast, got up on my desk and started chewing up my Christmas cards that I had been working on.  So, as a consequence, I closed my office doors.  We have lived in this house for 30 years and I don't recall a time when those doors were closed.  But for the moment and until Bella gets some better manners, my office, like most of the house, is off limits to Bella and Daisy.

The kitchen is now protected from counter cruising by the addition of gates which blocks Bella from getting in.  Of course, this also means that when Jeff and I want to go into the kitchen, we have to move part of the gate back, shut it, then reopen it when we leave the kitchen and close the gate!  I know there will come a time - or there had better be a time - when Bella will learn to stay off the counter tops!  

We also have a gate that keeps the dogs out of the living and dining rooms.  Like in the kitchen, you have to open the gate, close the gate, etc.  The carpets in those rooms were shampooed about two weeks ago, and there is no way I'm letting the girls have unlimited access to those rooms.

There might be a nap in my future later today, but for now, it's time to get dressed and do something.  Not to worry, there are a lot of somethings I could do.  Actually do them, well that's a different thing altogether!


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