Saturday, December 10, 2016

Chilly Saturday


I use the word chilly, but actually I should say cold.  Anytime, the temperature dips below 30 degrees, it's cold, at least in my world.  The furnace and gas fireplace are both on.  One of the best things we did was take out our original wood burning fireplace and replace it with a gas one.  It's true that you no longer have the smell or sounds of a real fireplace, but I'm okay with that.  For most of the years we've lived in Maryland, Jeff and the boys would bring home a truck full of firewood.  That firewood had to be picked up, stacked carefully and then brought into the house, where bits of wood would make their way onto the carpet.  It's true that when the boys lived at home, the above chores were made a bit easier with them helping; but, it's now just Jeff and myself, and neither of us want to add firewood chores to our to do list.

I think there comes a time in one's life, where you just want a simple, straight forward life.  We raised the boys who turned into great men, and we are proud of both of them. You know you have done a good job of raising children, when you see the end result when their grown.  

My office has turned into something like a Santa workshop.  I have Amazon boxes stacked on top of each other, tissue paper and gift bags waiting to be stuffed.  I have Christmas presents sitting on the dining room table waiting to be "wrapped"!  Everyone knows that my wrapping skills are minimal at best.  I don't do ribbons and bows.  I like boxes where I can just write the recipient's name on the top with a marker.  I know that's not too exciting, but boys/men don't really care about all the extra trappings.  I do make an attempt to wrap my daughter-in-law's gifts, but in order to do so, I require a lot of tape and would never receive an "A" for my skills.  But, it's the gift that counts, right?

Benjamin is coming to stay with us on Wednesday for a few days.  So, I must get his things wrapped before he shows up.  Every kid, whether they are young or old, love to touch presents.  Each year, after presents started showing up underneath the Christmas tree, each of the boys would in turn, pick out their gifts and put them at the front of the tree.  This maneuver was repeated day after day.  In some homes, I suspect that playing around with the presents would be frowned upon, but it was okay at our house.  

Christmas is for children.  It's a magical time for them and watching them open up their presents is a wonderful thing to see.  They ooh and ah over each gift and when they open up a present, it's the best, best thing in the world - until they open up another present and then that one is the bestest!

There are very few surprises as far as gifts go for Jeff and myself.  Last year, Jeff bought a large flat screen television and matching power recliners.  Those were great gifts, especially for somebody like me, who loves to watch television.  I don't need jewelry, unless the Hope diamond suddenly comes on the market!  Everybody says I'm hard to buy for, but my perception is that I love just about everything and there's a lot of everything out there!

My problem, okay just one of my problems, is that once I have hunted for and bought a great gift for somebody, I want to give that gift to them right away.  I anxiously await Christmas, not for what I might receive, but rather, what I give to each person.  When my gifts are opened and the recipient is genuinely happy with what I've bought, it warms up a special spot in my heart.

My book club meets on Tuesday and I have bought magnetic book darts for everybody.  Since I read on the Kindle, I don't use or need a place holder, but I thought it was a good idea for the other ladies. 
So today between chores, that may or may not get done, I'm dragging out wrapping paper, and TAPE (lots of it) and will begin wrapping and stacking the gifts on my dining room table.  I don't dare put them on the floor because one or both of the puppies will tear the packages apart!

Have a great Saturday.

Image result for picture of wrapped gifts

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