Wednesday, December 7, 2016

There Once Was a Pillow ......


Here is what I don't understand.  The girls have enough bones and antlers around the house to basically register us as a cemetery!  I'm pretty sure I'm the best customer Amazon has ever had.  Boxes arrive at least once a week filled with chew things for the dogs.  But if the dogs could talk, they would say "but those are old bones".  Where's the new stuff?

It seems that no matter how cluttered, and I really mean that, the floors are, they still want to shred the no-no things.  Pillows for instance.  Jeff had (emphasis on the word had) a neck pillow that he used every time he was in his recliner.  Sadly, that pillow is no more.  

I had given the girls something to chew on while I had my breakfast.  I heard the sound of chomping and it made me feel peaceful.  And, then things got quiet.  And, I got nervous, with good reason turns out.  They had taken it upon themselves to pull Jeff's pillow down and rip into it.  When I entered the den, the floor was not only filled with bones and antlers, but it had "snowed" in there as well.  

No matter where I searched, I couldn't find the exact match to the old pillow.  I have bought one that I hope will be comfy for Jeff.  Fingers are crossed here.

I have 5 gates up preventing them from going into the living room, dining room and upstairs.  Yesterday, I came into my office and Bella had gotten up on my desk and started chewing up my Christmas cards.  This act of inappropriate chewing, set me off.  I moved things around and now I close my office doors when I'm not in there.  The girls' world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Bella managed to snag something off the one side of the kitchen counter that doesn't have a gate.  I have put a skillet lid and a pan on the edge of the counter.  So far, she has shown no interest.  But, if there was any food there, that would be an entirely different story unfortunately.

I will put up with a lot, but counter cruising is a big no-no.  The dogs get fed twice a day and I'm pretty sure that Bella isn't as much hungry as she is inquisitive.

If I could catch her in the act, then I could make a strong correction.  But, Bella isn't stupid.  She comes off as an angel until my back is turned!

Speaking of dogs, it's gotten pretty quiet in the house.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that means they are outside.  When they have to stay in the basement, when I'm gone, which isn't too often, they are doing an excellent job of "recycling" pretty much anything that they can find.

Gloomy but dry day here.


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