Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Brave New Step


Good morning.  Last night, I went, along with my friend Kim, to the initial meeting of a neighborhood book club.  If you know me at all, then you will also know that I devour books.  One reason is that I seldom read every word and sometimes even sentences.  The other problem I have is that I can seldom recall after a few days what the book was about.

Kim and I went to the meeting and for a moment or two it felt like we were herding cats.  Eventually, we broke into two groups of I think 6 women each.  Our group agreed to meet on Tuesday nights at 6:30, but for the life of me can't remember the date of the meeting.

Everyone there had a cell phone, so they were able to put in the particulars of the meeting time and place.  They also took pictures of email addresses for the members of the group.  I do have a cell phone, which for the past six months or so, has been sitting on a kitchen counter.  It's unused and pretty much unwanted.  I don't leave the house often.  I would never try to carry on a conversation (hands free of course) while driving because I frankly don't have anybody to call.  I seldom initiate calls and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.  Probably not a good thing come to think about it.

We were initially supposed to bring snacks as well as some money to help pay for the class room rent for two hours.  I went out early yesterday, leaving the girls unattended, which is scary, and bought some cheese and crackers.  At the last moment, we were told that snacks and drinks were not going to be allowed.  So, I now have some pre-sliced little squares of cheese and a box of crackers to put said cheese on!

I watched the debate until near the end, when bored by all the he said, she said, I began to snooze a bit.  When my nighttime medicine kicks in, I can get pretty wobbly on my feet.  I always manage to get up to the bedroom, but am always relieved when I've gotten into bed and sleep is just a few snores (lady-like ones) away.

Today, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to visit.  We're going to see a movie and then go to the Party Store to find a Halloween costume for Benjamin.  The last time we went to the Party Store, it was later in the day, or perhaps even night time, and the store was crazy busy.  People were pulling boxes of costumes down to look at them.  When the didn't like what they saw, they just more or less dropped the box either on the floor or on a shelf.  Hopefully, there won't be such a crowd today.

After I finish my blog, I'm off to get dressed and do some much needed tidying up.  There is nothing like having someone come to your house, to push you into putting things away.  Since Bella is now able to cruise the table and counters, it's getting kind of hard to put things out of her reach.  I picked up a bunch of chewy things for the girls yesterday, and to keep them safe, they are piled up in the middle of the kitchen table.  Not ideal, but at least they are safe.

Have a great day.


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