Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Today is Wednesday, or as it's more commonly known by working folk, hump day.  You've made it through the first half of the week, and now you're sliding into the weekend.  I celebrate Wednesdays by putting my recycling out on the curb!  It's the little things folks.

The weather has turned cooler, or for some people, cold.  In fact the weatherman last night, even used the "F" word - you guessed it - Frost!  If we get frost and low winds, then the leaves will be easier to pick up.  I picked up a marginal amount of leaves yesterday.  More of a goodwill effort to show Jeff that I was aware of the leaves piling up in front of the garage.  And, that said leaves put at the curb in the properly marked "yard trimmings" trashcan, would be thrown out today.  Speaking of leaves, I'm watching my neighbor's yard man, blow all of the leaves out of their yard and onto the common area in the middle of the circle.  Now who do you suppose is going to pick those leaves up?  Hmm.  I don't think it's very nice to pile up the leaves, just so your yard can look magnificent.  Seeing him do this, another "F" word comes to mind - Fudge (you thought you had me here didn't you?)!

I have three kinds of bathrobes.  They all have one thing in common - snap fronts.  Who wants to fuss with zippers and/or belts when there are snaps, that come apart with a flourish.  There is something very satisfying about snaps.  Most of Jeff's shirts have snaps on the front.  We're so over buttons!

I have in the summer, short-sleeved, lightweight seersucker robes.  And they are wonderful.  Then, I have the fall robe - long sleeves and flannelly (new word I just made up) and finally the winter robe.  I have the winter robe on today, floor long chenille.  When I was a patient at Hopkins in 2013, I took said robe with me and somehow it got mixed up in the hospital's laundry.  I was devastated and knew I'd never see the robe again.  Good news - through Jeff's persistence - the robe was found and was happily reunited with me!

Yesterday, I couldn't find my "mojo".  I didn't sleep well on Sunday or Monday, so by Tuesday I was feeling rather exhausted.  This means that I had no urge or even desire to be even a little productive around the house.  And, my lack of effort, shows.  You know it's bad when you don't bother to use a vacuum on your carpets and instead use a broom!  After you use the broom to pile up all the bits and pieces of debris - twigs, shredded paper, paper cups/plates and everything else they can get their paws on, THEN you can vacuum.  Today is sweep the living room floor, which is covered in the confetti-sized newspaper that Daisy shredded yesterday, while I was gone.  

I'm fixing pork chops for dinner.  Wild rice at the bottom of the dish, chops on top, covered with cream of mushroom soup and some water.  Bake and voila you have your meat and side dish all in one.  Perfecto.

Now it's time for me to put on my "work" clothes - i.e., pants and a shirt, which today will be long-sleeved, and actually do something.  It's one thing to talk about the chores you want to accomplish.  Quite another, to actually DO those chores!  Happy Days.


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