Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gloomy Thursday


It's not a pretty day outside.  But temperatures have lowered, so for the first time in months, the windows are open. I'm sure we'll be getting some kind of sympathy card from the electric company since we won't be burning up all those extra a/c kilowatts!

Yesterday, I spent nearly two hours in the dentist chair while he repaired a cracked tooth.  Note: eating a frozen candy bar is not particularly good for your teeth.  Okay, I've learned my lesson.  I had so much Novocain in my mouth, I felt, but didn't look, like a squirrel.  But man oh man was my jaw hurting.  Naturally, I felt a treat was in order and I was pretty sure that the treat should be a milk shake.  Eat soft foods and a milk shake is kind of a food, it you stretch your imagination a bit or a lot!

I was in no mood for cooking so I stopped and bought Jeff some chicken from Pop Eye.  My dinner was the shake and french fries, chewed very, very slowly and on the side where my teeth/jaw hurt.  It was a balanced diet - dairy and a vegetable!

This morning, as all mornings, the dogs race around after breakfast trying to tear the place up.  They find every bit of paper towel, a pair of socks (mine and I should have put them away), a magazine that fell onto the floor, etc., etc.  The house is a disaster zone and I'm glad that I'm not expecting any company at the moment.  Keeping up with the girls is nearly a 24/7 job.  The only breaks I get are when they have chewed their hearts out and take a nap.  And believe me we are going through the chewy things at a rapid rate.

I should pick a chore, any chore, to mark off my "to do" list.  The trouble is that when the girls are quiet, I don't want to be up and moving around.  If they are napping, then I try to at the very least read and/or sleep a bit.  Who says retirement isn't fun?

The only trick, if you want to call it that, is that when the girls are outside barking like mad, if I tap on the window they come running, like their tails are on fire.  Reason?  They always get a treat.  I have never allowed, if I can help it, to let my dog(s) bark unnecessarily when they are outside.  I tell them, though they don't understand, that if they bark incessantly, then I want to see the body of the bad guy!  Not sure they understand, but at least I've told them.

As I finish this up, the girls are sleeping - hence I should be napping too!

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