Thursday, October 13, 2016

Day Off


We're having a beautiful fall day here and likely it will also be a leaf picking up day.  I really dislike picking up the leaves because there are so many of them and it is intentional exercise with the bending down and scooping.  I know I could use exercise, intentional or otherwise, it's never been something I've ever enjoyed.

Jeff has taken today and tomorrow off, so it was a treat for him to sleep in this morning.  He is normally up I think around 5:00 am, so he was able to sleep in until 7:00 or so, when the girls' stomachs are empty and they want you UP NOW!   It's pretty hard to sleep with a dog on your head.

Today is clean the kitchen and laundry day.  I can't put off the laundry any longer, I don't own that many clothes.  Though Jeff would say otherwise!  (insert happy face here).  

I don't read the newspaper anymore, since Jeff takes it with him to work.  But, and this is very grown up of me, do watch the news at night.  Mind you, I fast forward through the latest metro updates, sports anything and only want to hear about the weather once, not twice.  

There is supposed to be a book club starting up in the neighborhood and I've expressed interest.  Of course, Jeff would tell you, and he'd be right, that while I do a lot of reading, I tend to skim over any parts that are boring.  It has to be a really great story for me to stick around and read every word.  Unfortunately, I haven't run across many of this kind of book lately.

Time for me to get my fanny upstairs and be productive.  Or at least try to be productive.  You know the road to heaven is paved with good intentions.  And boy do I have a lot of good intentions, but sadly the follow through isn't always there.


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