Sunday, October 16, 2016

Catching Up


I've been on hiatus for a few days.  Apologies for my absence and hopefully you noticed!  Jeff took Thursday and Friday off and those extra days away from work have given him some much needed down time and relaxation.

Jeff used the leaf blower and got all of our leaves, at least at that particular time, in one pile.  He then helped me do the pick-up and shove the leaves into appropriate containers.  We could, if we so desired, and we don't, pick up leaves every day until we get our first frost.  But, we're not going to do that.

There is going to be a book club meeting in our neighborhood next week, and I thought I would check it out.  I don't read what I call "heavy" books (i.e., tomes that are deathly boring).  Nope, give me a nice "gentle" murder mystery or some other type of peaceful read and I'm all in.  I will bring a list of authors that I enjoy(ed) in the past.  Due to the high cost of books, I don't generally read anything on the bestseller list.  Even on Kindle, those books tend to be a bit pricey.

Took my walker around the circle yesterday and made seven trips - up from five!  Slow progress, but progress still the same.  We live at the top of a hill and I haven't quite gotten up the nerve to try and walk up the hill.  Baby steps I guess.

I think Jeff is going to the airport today because the new tires for the golf cart have arrived.  You can't really use the cart with flat, leaking tires!  I'll stay home to watch over the girls and try to keep them out of trouble.  That is no easy task mind you.  They do know that when they are outside barking and I rap on the window, they get back inside double quick.  Why?  Because they get a treat every time they come inside.  I don't want to be the neighbor that lets her dog(s) just stand around in the yard barking at everything.  If you've found a body in the yard or caught a burglar in the basement, then it's okay to bark incessantly.

Scott was here yesterday and upgraded my computer with new Windows I think.  I don't pay much attention to this stuff.  All I want is a working computer, all of the time.  How it gets to be a working computer is truly beyond my interest level.

Time for me to get myself moving in one direction or another.  Have a great Sunday and I hope it's sunny where you are.


Image result for picture of picking up leaves

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