Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Dentist Today (Ugh)


This afternoon I get to spend time (a lot of time) in the dentist chair.  I broke off a part of one tooth by biting into a frozen candy bar.  Won't make that mistake again.  The visit will be long and I'm not looking forward to it.  After getting novacin (however you spell it) shots I always feel like Joan Crawford in the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".  While your mouth doesn't look much different, it feels as if you have injected collagen into your lips!  And drinking looks more like dribbling.

This morning I looked outside and noticed that the girls are literally eating the generator.  They have started ripping into the metal and are making good progress.  Not sure how we're going to stop this behavior.  

Lawn people came by yesterday and with their mowing removed 90% of the fallen leaves.  Yippee.  I hate picking up leaves.  I know it's intentional exercise, but not an exercise I want to do.  Come to think of it, I don't really like any exercise!

Watched a new show last night "No Tomorrow".  I enjoyed the show.  It's about people predicting the end of the world, but not in a fatalistic way.  It's lighter than that.  Check it out.

Time for me to get myself dressed and start my day.  Even if I'm not going out, I get dressed every day.  If not, then I'm not much better than a sloth.


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