Monday, October 24, 2016



Bella is being spayed today.  Sounds simple doesn't it?  Put her in the car and drive to the vet.  It wasn't quite that easy.  I managed to get a leash on Bella, yeah for me.  But, in doing so, Daisy ran out and went on a "walk about" in the street and wouldn't come back into the house.  

So I have Bella pulling with all her might at the end of the leash, and me trying to entice Daisy back in the house with an assortment of treats.  Thankfully, the neighbor came out with her dog, and with their help, I managed to get Daisy back in the house.

Now I just have Bella pulling for all she's worth, and I need to get her in the car.  Yesterday, during "practice", we put a two step stool at the back of the car, so she could "walk" into the car.  Okay, practice was the operative word.  Bella wanted nothing to do with getting in the car, stool or no stool.  I finally, with some effort, managed to push/pull and scoot her into the car.  Okay, she's in the car, but the tailgate is still open.  I started to close the tailgate, making sure that Bella wasn't near the door.  I stayed under the tailgate until I was sure that Bella wouldn't be able to get out, and before the door hit me in the head!

The ride to the vet's office was quiet.  Just the way I like it.  They weighed her and she is now 40 pounds.  She will have her surgery today and spend the night.  I can pick her up tomorrow and the people in the vet's office can help me get her into the car.

I believe I've had enough intentional exercise for one day, but if I get in the mood, there are leaves to be picked up.

I hope that you day started off better than mine! (Insert smiley face here).


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