Friday, October 21, 2016

A Wonderful Thursday


Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came to the house.  It's always nice to see both of them.  We went to see the movie "Storks", which is understandably about storks delivering babies.  And then the storks don't want to deliver babies anymore, they want to deliver packages.  Think Amazon here.  The factory floor looked like a maze of a finely put together puzzle.  Eventually, the storks went back to delivering babies.  It was a feel good movie and Benjamin enjoyed it very much.  I bought the tickets and Stacey bought popcorn and soda.  

After the movie we went to the Party Store.  Initially, because it was still afternoon, we could actually move through the aisles.  Later, the place was packed and people were stepping over each other to order the costume of choice.  Benjamin wanted to be a Ghost Buster but even though the costume fit, he didn't feel like a ghost buster, but more like a janitor or the equivalent.  We left the store minus a costume and I reminded him that Stacey is very creative and could probably make him a great costume.  But before she could do that, he would need to decide what he wanted to be!

After the costume hunt, we went to Michael's.  I love this store and helped Stacey pick out a few things for Benjamin's home school Halloween party.  Benjamin, who knows a soft heart when he's near one, had me buy him a book about Pokemon.  I still have no idea what this is and while he tried to explain, I still didn't have a clue.  But, he was happy with the book, and in the big scheme of things, that's all that mattered.

Last stop Cold Stone for ice cream.  We all bought the cake flavored ice cream.  Stacey went into the store and brought back three cups of "to go" ice cream.  Once we were home, Jeff made scrambled eggs for Stacey and Benjamin.  Jeff has for all of our 42 years, made the absolute best scrambled eggs I've ever eaten.  I also fixed a few french toast sticks for Stacey and the evening was polished off with ice cream.  Their ice cream is so rich, that I only ate part of mine.  The rest I'll have tonight.

The day was a lot of fun, but by the time we got home, my left hip was screaming "you're a fool" for walking (actually more standing) than I could tolerate.  I hate to take pain pills, but sometimes you're just forced to.

Today is a quiet Friday.  The girls have each found a chew that they like and so, for the moment, the house is quiet.


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