Sunday, October 9, 2016

Peaceful Sunday


Jeff and I spent yesterday not doing much - speaking for me at least.  I did attempt to tidy up the kitchen and did a load of laundry.  Neither of these chores brings me a great deal of satisfaction - just saying.

In the afternoon, we watched a bit of television and I snoozed some.  I can fall asleep watching a tv show, but the minute the television is off, I'm suddenly wide awake.  Annoying to say the least.

Today, as always, the TV Guide for the next week arrived.  I have already circled the show(s) that I want to watch next week.  Some nights are trickier than others.  Sunday nights always requires a bit of maneuvering on my part.  Thank goodness for the premium channels, because they have multiple times you can watch a show.

Obviously, watching the debate tonight.  It should be interesting to say the least.  I'm glad to say that I live in a time when a woman is running for President and that she might win.  My political views are private and I don't share them with anyone but Jeff.  He is the holder of my secrets, dreams, and unfortunately my drama(s)!

Jeff is going to spend the day at Scott's house probably doing something manly.  I will stay home and babysit the monsters (I mean puppies).  Since the weather is a bit on the cool side, I think I will take out my new walking device and take a few loops around the circle.  It's been a long time since I've walked for no purpose, so I need to break in my out-of-shape body.  We live at the top of a hill and Jeff as well as me think that walking up the hill might be too much for me right now.

Based on the number of accidents we're still having in the house, I think I will set a timer for 30 minutes and then "urge" the girls to go out in the yard.  I have no idea how two small puppies can generate so much pee/poop!

Jeff set a mousetrap on the dining room table last night to catch Bella in her "surfing" the table and counter.  The trap went off twice scaring her but obviously not enough, because this morning she brought the mouse trap to me all chewed up.  We're going to have to step up our game I think.  While we have had dogs that were tall enough to snatch food off the counter, a few commands of "fooey" and they stopped that behavior.  This isn't working for Bella at all.  Fortunately, Daisy is too short to reach the counters and/or the table.  But, Daisy is quick to jump in to help Bella digest whatever food she has taken!

The one thing that the puppies understand is that when they're outside barking, and I rap on the window, they come running.  Why do they come running?  They get a treat.  I'd come running too if I was going to get a treat - ice cream comes to mind!

Have a pleasant day.


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