Saturday, October 8, 2016



It maybe Saturday but the sun is definitely not shining in our neck of the woods.  It's overcast and we're having some light rain.  Actually, considering the poor folks in Florida, we have nothing to complain about.

Jeff put my rollator together last night, so now all I have to do is put on my tennies and start walking.  Who knows if I walk long enough and often enough, I might lose a pound or two.  Making no promises you understand.

The girls are in phase four of their morning.  Eat, go outside, chew on something and then nap.  I like the nap part best, because they're quiet, at least for a little while.  

Our oak tree is beginning to show yellow leaves, a sure sign that fall is here.  This weekend, Jeff will blow all the leaves in a pile and then my job, should I choose to accept it, is pick them up.  I think he's got the easier job - no bending and no scooping.  You put the leaves in those brown recycle bags and you have to smush (I'm sure that's a word) the leaves down so that you can get more leaves inside the bag.  I wish we could just suck all the leaves off the tree with the blower and then sit back, relax and wait for winter.

Another presidential debate tomorrow night.  I'm pretty sure it will be just as entertaining as the first one was.  I don't delve into politics on my blog, or anywhere else for that matter.  Some opinions are best left to oneself.

I hope the sun is shining where you are.  I also hope that you are going to have a three day weekend.


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