Wednesday, January 31, 2018

To Shred, Or Not To Shred - That Is The Question!


First, happy birthday Andrew.  I don't know if you read my blog, but wanted to share my love for you publicly.

Back in the day, when you received mail, you chucked any mail you didn't want or need, into the trash can.  And, while that's still an option today, it's one that most people no longer do.  We are now bombarded with things like credit card applications, that unfortunately has your name and address on the mailing label, and must be destroyed.  Hence, the shredder!

Yesterday, because I didn't have anything better to do, I went into Jeff's office to do some much needed filing.  And, because I can't leave well enough alone, made the decision to purge old paid bills, bank deposit receipts, and literally crap loads of s***t that had to be shredded.  I could have, at any point, stopped throwing everything and anything on the floor, but since I was on a roll, I continued.

When I was pretty much worn out, I scooped up all the stuff on the floor, and shoved everything in a black trash bag.  My job today is to: sift through the bag and put the contents in two piles.  One pile will be for anything that has no identifying name, address, etc.  And the other pile, which will be much bigger, is for everything that does identify us.  Now, we have a reasonable size shredder, but it will take me probably hours to shred all the documents.  When shredding a bunch of paper, you have to pause periodically to allow the shredder to cool down.  

So, as I sit in my office, and glare at the really full black trash bag, I know that there is no way out, the shredding must commence.  The shredding isn't actually that bad.  What is bad, is the emptying of the shredder.  It seems that every time you empty the shredder, and it doesn't matter if you're careful, bit and pieces of paper float to the ground.  

Not only will I enjoy that job (not really), but I also have to finish working with Jeff on the mailing of required end-of-the-year documents.  Oh, and because that's not enough to do, I need to straighten up some parts of the house before Ada shows up this afternoon.

Meditation anyone?


Image result for picture of shredding mess

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Alexa, Meditation and Filing


What does Alexa and meditation to do with one another?  Simple really.  I suffer from anxiety and fret over stuff that I don't even know is going to happen to me.  Basically, I just worry - a lot.  Anxiety is not good for me, and perhaps more importantly, the people around me!

Yesterday, I was wrapped around the axle and Jeff suggested that I go downstairs, recline in my chair and have Alixa play some kind of soothing music for ten minutes.  I asked Alixa to play ocean sounds and she did.  Once the music started, I was still in an anxious mood, but then miraculously, my head went black, or blank if you prefer, and I was so relaxed that I fell asleep.  After the music stopped, I asked Alexa to play the ocean sounds for another ten minutes.  So relaxing, when you (and I) just let the worries of the world drift away, even if it's only for just a few minutes.  Once my "time" was up, I felt relaxed and a bit refreshed.  I couldn't even remember what had gotten me so worked up!

I know some people do yoga and practice meditation that way.  They make some sounds that I can't type because I don't know the words, but perhaps it's nothing more than a bit of humming.  Here's what I do know - if I even managed to sit on the floor, and if it was possible for me to cross my legs (what a joke), then it was time to "unfold" yourself, they would have to bring in somebody who could lift my now paralyzed off the floor.  I know that being on the ground/floor whatever, means that I must have some kind of stool that I can crawl to, so that I can stand up.  That whole process is not pretty, I can tell you that for sure!

So instead of taking a mid-day Xanax, I can now let Alexa change my level of anxiety from pretty high to a much lower level, and that is surely a good thing.

I'm going to be put "to sleep" for two procedures in February.  I don't necessarily want to count backwards from ten, so that the doctor can tell if I'm asleep I guess.  Nope, I want a shot before I go into the operating room, so that everything I see and hear is a bit fuzzy.  You know what I'm talking about, the room is out of focus and people are talking and their voices seem to be loud (but in reality they are not), and then there's nothing.

Yesterday, I worked in Jeff's office, sorting papers into piles for filing or shredding.  So today, I have to go back into the office, and actually file those documents.  Jeff and I actually save most things, and some of those things are irrelevant.  I mean, how long are we going to hang onto paid utility bills?  Keeping credit card statements makes sense, so that you can go back, if you need to, and see when and how much you paid for something. In 1974, when we were first married, the filing of documents was quick and easy.  Fast forward 40 plus years, and now there's a whole lot of documents.  Argh!  How did our life get so much more complicated, paper wise?  I don't have an answer to that, I just know that it's happened.  I can't even imagine what our bills will look like, say in twenty years.  Perhaps by then, everything you receive will be electronic, and you'll have a robot (ha) who'll handle incoming paper.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Birthday and Grammies - Oh What A Night!


Yesterday, under the cover of rain, Jeff and I drove to Andrew's house (and the girls too), to help celebrate his birthday which will be on Wednesday.  Each year, I update the next year's calendar with important events, and birthdays being one.  And, I had written down that Andrew would be 36 this year - ah, minor correction - he's going to be 38.  How is it possible that I, his mother, missed a couple of years!  Maybe, I lost some years, to keep me from getting older!  Good luck with that my friends.  As surely, as the earth revolves, unfortunately so do you, it's just a fact so you have to learn to live with it.

I had written a brief compilation of Andrew's life, up to this point for him.  I read it aloud at dinner, even the "mom" gushes.  I think he liked it, and I did at the end, put in a disclaimer something like this "the old gray mare ain't what she used to be", in case I had forgotten some important milestone or memory along his journey.

Dinner was very nice and low key.  Hamburgers, fries, corn casserole and the pineapple casserole that Jeff made, were all tasty and Stacey had brownies (yummy) and cheesecake for dessert.  Ah, if you know me at all, you know that I wanted a brownie first.  Love, love chocolate!  The cheesecake was good too, and I knew it would be, so I had a "sliver" (okay, maybe just a bit more than a sliver) just to make sure!  I don't know about you, but I never say no to a dessert!

While we were eating and talking about this and that, the "girls" were outside, more or less, playing and running with Andrew's three big dogs.  When you're sitting at the table, his dogs are tall enough to actually put their heads on the table.  Our dogs, not so much.  After the girls had been running around Andrew's enormous yard, it was a very quiet ride home.  They were all tuckered out.

Once at home, I had already scheduled my week's television shows on my Tivo.  The usual Sunday night shows were pre-emptied (is that a word?) by the Grammy's.  Jeff and I gave up listening to what we call new music a long time ago.  As teenagers of the 60's, when lyrics could be understood, find the current music of today, not worth listening to.  Remember: this is just my opinion, so don't send me hate mail.  (smiley face here).  The only name I recognized, and I don't particularly know why was Bruno Mars.  What kind of songs he sings I have no idea.  I've just seen his name pop up as a guest on late night talk shows.

Since Jeff and I wouldn't be watching Madam Secretary, a favorite show of ours, I had to get creative about our Sunday night line-up.  I firmly believe that I'm the Queen of the Tivo, and knew that I would find some show to fill up Sunday night.  And, I, of course did.  Ah, but some of those shows are cooking shows, which makes Jeff crazy!

In an effort to keep my anxiety levels under control, I have Alza (or however you spell it), play sounds of the ocean while I was sitting in my chair.  While listening, I let my mind go black and before you can count 1 to 3, I'm so relaxed that I fall asleep.  I'm embarrassed by the fact that some days I don't actually get dressed until noon.  But, my argument with myself is that I'm not expecting any company, and I'm certainly not going anywhere, so in reality what does it matter?

This week is going to be a quiet week, as far as appointments go.  Starting next week, I have several doctor and dental visits that are going to chew up time on the calendar, before my surgery on the 27th.  You may notice a brief period of time after the 27th, where I might not feel up to blogging.  But, don't worry, if I miss a day or two.  I'll get back in my chair just as soon as I can.

Today is gloomy, so I turned on my SAD light to try and keep me upbeat.  Winter time is not my friend.  I need sunshine all year round.  If I don't have "x" amount of light, either natural or man made, I can get a "wee" (actually more than a wee) bit cranky.  And, nobody wants to see me cranky, not even myself.

Today is fold up laundry day, which I really don't like to do.  But, leaving clothes in the dryer, will solve nothing.  Eventually, the clothes have to come out, or Jeff and I will not have much, or anything, left to put on.  And, that my friends is not a pretty picture, I can assure you.

Checking on the Internet, and find out that today is "National Puzzle" day.  I am not a puzzle putter-together kind of person, unless the clues are really simple, like "The capital of Maryland, for instance is ?)  Kudos to all of you who are successful in putting these kind of puzzles together.

Okay friends, I'm going to have to leave you now.  I hope the sun is shining where you are, and that you are or will have a good day.



Sunday, January 28, 2018

Getting Hip?


My "fashion plate" days have been over for a very, very long time.  Kudos to the person who invented elastic, and a further thank you to the companies who started making clothes with elastic waists.  Yipee.

I know that the new fashion trend, and perhaps it's more than a trend, is for tunic tops over leggings.  I have been against tunic tops, because they encase, if you will, a major flaw, which is to say my bottom.  

And, although everybody wears leggings, and perhaps some people shouldn't, I decided to buy a pair.  I opted for plain black leggings in a size larger than I wear.  I didn't want my leggings, when I wore them outside of the house, to show off my "dimples" or any other unattractive adjectives used to describe my body!  Okay, the leggings arrived yesterday, and I put them on - not too bad.  They are not skin tight, which is a good thing, but their not saggy/baggy either.  And, yes I broke down and bought some tunic tops.  I believe that you should accent the positive, and particularly the bottom half of me, isn't really a positive!  Just saying.  You can always rely on me to write the truth, or the truth as I remember (sketchy memory getting involved in remembering).

Jeff and I, along with the girls, are going to Andrew's house today for a birthday party for him.  His birthday is actually on the 31st, which is in the middle of the week.  So, we could party before or after his birthday. For Andrew's birthday, I have written a compilation of some of the events of his life. I am fairly certain that I have forgotten some events, but I did my best.

We're bringing a pineapple casserole.  Jeff is making the dish, because I tend to not always get the recipe right.  He measures correctly, and I don't always. So, at the moment, Jeff cooks and I clean up.  I am eternally grateful for the care Jeff gives me.  Prior to surgery, he'll make sure that we are stocked up on pre-made meals. 

It's raining outside, but not cold.  When it's raining, I can tell if the girls actually went outside - wet paws!

Time to put myself together.  Happy Sunday everyone.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood!


It's Saturday, which is always welcome, but today the sky is super blue.  A good day for a top down ride.  Jeff is going to the airport to do something with the plane.  Afterwards, he'll do some grocery shopping.  We are really trying not to keep buying stuff that we already have.

For instance, one of my casserole dishes calls for corn flakes on top.  Okay, when you go to the store, there are no small boxes of corn flakes, so you have to buy a big box.  While trying to organize the pantry, which is a huge feat, I found three boxes of flakes!  Argh.  When I went with Stacey to Target, I bought a huge glass jar, that is super heavy.  I was able to get two full boxes in the jar and most of the third box.  Now, I am happy knowing that I do have corn flakes, and that they are in a glass jar.  I don't know about you, but sometimes when I store something in a plastic container, after awhile, the food begins to taste/smell like plastic.  Jeff tells I'm nuts, and of course, everybody knows that, but I swear I can tell.

A slow day here at the hacienda.  The girls and I just had a short snooze, so now I'm refreshed (not really) and raring to go!  Laundry and a bit messy kitchen are calling.

Tomorrow, we're going out to Andrew's house to celebrate his birthday.  Stacey had to remind me (and I know that's sad), how old he is going to be on the 31st.  Both Scott Andrew and Benjamin are growing up faster than I want them to.  Cuz you know the older they get, well let's just say I'm not getting any younger!

My friend told me that there is another book about Trump coming out on Monday.  I have pre-ordered it for my Kindle. I would like to have been able to buy the book, an actual hold-in-your hand book, but these days my ability to see written things, is getting to be a problem.  I know this loss of vision has something, or maybe everything, to do with my cataract.  But, there's only just so much I feel I can do in one year.  I'll probably have my vision checked next year.  I have bought enough magnifying glasses, to have at the ready, whenever I need to read something smaller than I can readily see.  God, I hate growing old.  It's not so much the calendar flipping over each year, as much as it is, the "stuff" that's breaking down.  Joints start popping, random spots start appearing, and you wonder where have the spots been, before showing up on your skin! Gray hair that refuses to cooperate, and scraggly hair that grows on your face.  Yuck.

I've been buying some loose-fitting tunic tops to wear after surgery.  I also have bought myself a pair of leggings.  There is a lot wrong with my bottom half, but I see big women in the store wearing them.  I've ordered a bigger size than I think I need, so we'll see what happens when they arrive.  If nothing else, I might get a good laugh, when I look at myself!  And, if you can't laugh at yourself, then there's a problem.

I am scheduling appointments for the early part of February, so that I feel "pretty".  I'm going to have my hair cut short and get a pedicure and some waxing.  The last thing I want is after I go to sleep, that somebody should say (and I know they won't), good grief look at her chin hairs!  Horrors.  And, for all you guys out there, including you Jeff, women really do fret about such minor details.

Here's what I do know for sure: I will be sore (ya think?) after surgery and will most likely have to wear a back brace for some period of time, so I want some soft and rather flowy (and yes I know that's not an actual word, but it should be) tops.  Said tops are not going to be particularly figure flattering, but I've reached the "what do I care" attitude when it comes to clothes.

Okay, "ancient and old") woman signing off.  Dirty clothes and dishes beware, because I'm coming for you!


Friday, January 26, 2018

Information - Then and Information - Now


There was a time, long, long ago, and some of you will remember this, that when you needed to gather information on a subject for a school paper, you used the dreaded ENCYCLOPEDIA!

When I was a teenager, there was a variety of encyclopedias to buy: Britannica, World Book and the much dreaded by me: Collier's.  Some encyclopedia salesman (in those days people did actually sell door-to-door, convinced my Dad that the best encyclopedia was Collier's.  First, they were heavy and difficult to use.  The history of Collier's started in 1950-1952.  Originally, there were 20 volumes but in 1962 (about the time I would have used them) were expanded to 24 volumes. Collier's last edition was in 1997, and in 1998 Microsoft acquired the company.

I wanted to use World Book encyclopedias whenever I had to do a paper for school. My friends had World Book encyclopedias, and whenever I needed to do research, my first choice was World Book.  Never mind that the Collier's encyclopedias was sitting on bookshelves in the house, I didn't like using them.  

And oh, how the times have changed! 


With the birth of the internet, and where have you been all my life, researching became easier.  Google happened, and now you can research and receive information on just about any subject that you want.

How much does person "x" make?  Where did someone go to school?  What's happening in the world? You can even Google yourself, if that's your thing.  Google is basically an encyclopedia at your fingertips, but getting the information you need/want is as easy as 1, 2 and 3.  Google made it's first appearance in 1998, and nothing has been the same since.  While it took me a moment (okay, more than a moment), to come to terms with using Google, which is now my friend.

I wasn't born in the computer age.  The personal computer (PC) launched in 1981.  It was as foreign to me as if I had just landed here from Mars.  I remember vividly when Jeff bought an IBM computer and put it on a desk and plugged it in.  While he was at work, I would stare at this machine, and my attempts to use it failed.  In those days, it was used more as a word processor, because the internet had not yet arrived.

Through trial and error (many times), I began to be more comfortable, particularly when these computers started showing up in offices.  Soon, mostly gone were the days of the typewriter, and you as an office worker had to basically sink or swim.  

And, then the internet came along, it launched the World Wide Web in 1991, and nothing has been the same since.  Something new to learn, and I did eventually get there, but it was a bit of a struggle.  It seems as if the older I get, the harder it is for me to learn and/or master some devices (cellphones, for instance comes to mind). 

I'm happy to say that I now consider myself computer savvy, at least as much as I need to be.  Luckily, for me, I have a husband and two sons that can and have bailed me out when my computer (or more likely me) aren't working right.

Disclaimer: if I have gotten dates/names incorrect, I did my best to be accurate.


  Image result for picture of ibm personal computer

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stuff and Nonsense


Boy, the 'ol calendar "clock" is ticking away toward the end of January.  And, we had so much fun this month (kidding).

Yesterday, Stacey and Benjamin came over in the afternoon.  The last time Benjamin was here, he dumped out all the toys in a spare room.  Yesterday, I asked him to pick up the toys, and he did a wonderful job of getting his things put away.   

Benjamin was cleaning, Stacey and I went to Target, a favorite store of mine.  I returned a Christmas gift and it's a good thing I did it yesterday, because the return was only good up to January 24.  I initially didn't notice that, but I'm glad that I did.  I don't know about you, but I can't get out of Target without buying something(s)!!  For me, Target is like Walmart on drugs.  The store is clean, well stocked and enough people around on the floor, to help you if you need assistance.  And, believe me I don't need any assistance in picking up and buying stuff.  Maybe (ya think) too much stuff?  Nah, show me a woman in a store that has no early idea what to buy - probably not going to happen.

I bought two tunics, which I have never worn before, for me to wear after surgery.  I tried them on when I got home, they were both home runs - and that's good news.  Now, all I have to do is buy some leggings, and I'm not sure that the world is ready for that, to wear with these tunics.  One of them is bordered on the hem with a lacy pattern, it's very pretty.

The paper today was filled with so many stories, it was hard to know where to begin.  Just kidding,  I always know where to begin - anything having to do with the White House and the folks inside.  There is so much going on, it's hard to keep up!

Starting today, I have to swish and rinse some kind of liquid oral mouth wash, which Stacey has had to use in the past, and she confirmed that the taste wasn't all that good.  I was already suspecting that would be the case, so I can hardly wait for my first swig.

Last night, getting up to use my porta-potty (I know that's not a word, but it makes sense), that is close to the bed, but I lost my footing somehow, and ended up hitting the carpet with my knees and hitting my head on the nightstand.  It's interesting for me to note, that whenever I'm in trouble, I immediately call out to Jeff using his name.  Other folks, I suppose, might holler shit or something, but for me, I call out for my best friend.

Today, I gave the girls each one of those really hard bones that is filled with peanut butter.  Bella immediately jumps on her bone, but Daisy on the other hand, lays down on hers.  Bella knows there is another bone on the floor, and she wants it.  Not because she needs it, but she doesn't want Daisy to have a bone.  

By the way, while in Target, I bought a small loaf of french toast bread, from the same company that makes raisin bread.  Stacey had toast when we got home, and while the bread is in the toaster, I could swear that somebody was cooking french toast!  You need to try it, you'll love it.

Time for me to go.  I try to be dressed by noon, and I have mere minutes to accomplish that.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday Weather and Other Things


This morning, as I write, outside my window, is gray and gloomy.  Definitely need the "SAD" light today.  It's hard to be upbeat when Mother Nature, and she can be stubborn, gives us a day like this.  But on the upswing for the day, Stacey and Benjamin are coming to visit me this afternoon.  I have something to return at Target, and because Stacey and I like the store so much, we'll probably wander around a bit.  I would also like to go to Barnes and Noble bookstore, just so that I can be in the presence of so many books!
And, of course, Ada comes today, so the house will be all cleaned up.  Happy Wednesday.

Jeff and I watch a reality television show, "The Curse of Oak Island", and the two brothers, Rick and Marty, have spent untold amounts of money trying to find the hidden treasure.  Is there hidden treasure?  Seems doubtful to me, but so far Jeff and I haven't missed an episode.

I decided to poke around today to see how the two brothers earn their money.  Rick, the older brother is a retired postman, and I'm pretty sure, if one exists, that any retirement money can't amount to much - but I could be wrong.  A search for how did Rick come to have a $2 million net worth, proved futile.  Both brothers receive a "salary" of $500,00 for appearing on the show.
 Rick's younger brother, Marty, has a net worth of $40 million and owns a vineyard in Michigan.  Somehow, I can't get my head wrapped around a vineyard in Michigan, but he appears to be successful, so I guess you can.  There was a time when Marty was an engineer, but he gave up his profession, to manage the family vineyard.

I'm pretty sure that the show is wrapping up, but from a personal point of view, I would watch the show pretty much forever.   With every hole they dig, and every tiny piece of evidence that turns up, you are secretly wanting to see "real" treasure.  You know - the gold kind, even if it's a tiny piece of gold!

I've been recording the show "Gun-Smoke", and some of you may remember the show, and younger readers might not even know what I'm talking about.  The show is in black and white, which takes a few minutes to get used to.  But, what I really like is the tamed down action.  This show, by comparison of an equal modern show, about bad and good guys, is absolutely G-rated.  To be sure, bad guys are killed, but how do I say this, it's a "gentle" kill.  That might not make much sense, but there is very little, spilled blood.  A kinder show about cowboys and the law.

This is the last week free of doctor's appointments.  As I move into February, my "dance card" if you will, is filling up fast.  Pre-op this and pre-op that.  The surgeon wants to know if my ticker is healthy, and that makes good sense.

I hope the sun is shining where you are.



Tuesday, January 23, 2018

When Is A Dog Just A Dog?


Today's paper had an article about having service dogs and/or emotion support dogs in the cabins of airplanes.  Apparently, on a recent Delta flight, a "service" dog, behaved badly. If you have a service dog, for instance, that dog has been trained how to behave in public.  These dogs provide a service to blind people, for instance, and allows these people to be mobile without having to use a cane.  Delta is going to tighten up it's rules regarding service and/or emotional support dogs.

Then, there is the emotional support dog.  This type of dog, for some people, reduces their stress level.  Daisy, could be an emotional support dog.  When I'm in my chair, more often than not, she gets in my lap.  While I'm sitting, I find myself petting Daisy without even realizing I'm doing that.  Daisy provides comfort to me, and anyone who knows my roller coaster ride through my mental state, knows I need all the help I can get!

If you take an animal out in public, then you'd better know how that animal is going to act in all situations.  For instance, a service dog, doesn't bark in public, unless there is imminent danger to his/her human.  Bella, walks on a leash beautifully and knows that when she is out for a walk, if Jeff stops, she sits and waits.  Bella isn't quite as big as I would like her to be, but could likely be trained to stand still, if I needed a bit of support when I lose my balance.

And then there's Daisy.  Emotional support animals aren't allowed in public places, but are allowed to be in the cabin of an airplane.  In the article I read today, a lady brings her canary (really?) along for emotional support.  I'm positive that for this woman, the canary is helpful, but taking the bird out of her cage, could spell disaster in so many ways.

It's true that the public in general, would really like to be able to travel with their, let's say, dogs.  You can buy a vest for your dog, and get the "appropriate" certification documents online.  And, likely you would not be questioned if you don't go through the proper channels, to make your dog a service dog.  However, questions that can be asked of you, are: Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? And, what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? You may not ask these questions if the need for the service animal is obvious. Examples include when a dog is guiding an individual who is blind or is pulling a person's wheelchair.

It's a shame that people, who are not disabled physically or mentally, are misusing the right to take a dog out in public and pawn him/her off as a service dog.  It is likely that this kind of person, is also the person who believes it is alright to park in a handicapped parking place.  As a person who has a lot of trouble walking, I am really offended when Jeff and I see a car that is not showing their placard.  That's just my two cents!

Very gray day outside.  So, while I sit and write, I've turned my "SAD" light on, so that I can have pretend sunshine on my face.


Monday, January 22, 2018

A Shutdown?


The papers, and all the television news shows, are today talking about the impending shutdown of the government.  I believe that the rich, if the government does shut down, will likely cause only a ripple in their lives.

Ah, but then there's the thousands and thousands of people whose lives cannot withstand the financial burden a shutdown will have on their lives.  It's true that the people, who will be affected most, will be government workers.  And some of those government workers, live from paycheck to paycheck.  A shutdown for these workers, as well as for some non-government workers, could or would be a financial disaster.

Does the government that makes rules, and who wield a lot of power, truly care about Mr. and Mrs. Average American?  Of course, they spout concern, and we hope it's genuine, about those average Americans, who voted them into office in the first place.  But, I can't help thinking that the politicians, who are, or appear to be, on a higher rung on the ladder, than you and me, only feign concern.  It's entirely possible that these politicians, are looking beyond a government shutdown, and might be worrying about their next run for office.

I don't see a shutdown having much of an affect on us.  I believe, and I could be wrong here, that Medicare recipients, such as myself, will continue to receive their benefits.  I worry for the many people, who need a regular paycheck.  In my first life, I was poor, and I don't mean a little poor - nope - real poor.  When I would go to the grocery store, and only had double digits in my checking account, I had to carefully decide what food items I could afford to buy.  It's true that dented cans as well as out-of-date baked goods, for instance, was a financial blessing to my income, as a single mother. 

If I don't have all the facts straight - apologies - I do my best.

So there you have it - Cuzilu's rants from her soapbox today.  I hope I didn't offend anyone, because if I did, that was not my intent.  Sometimes, a person just needs to emote their feelings about a subject, and that person today was yours truly.

Having gotten all of this off my chest today, I'll find something definitely more pleasant to write about tomorrow.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quiet Sunday


A peacefully quiet day in the Bassett household.  And, this is a good thing.  The dogs aren't barking, no laundry needs to be done, and the dishes have been washed.  It's possible that Jeff and I will tackle Daisy so we can give her a bath.  She is itchy on her tummy, and some medicated shampoo might help.

Dinner tonight has two options.  Chicken soup with whatever other ingredients he wants to add.  Or, beef stew, which I always enjoy eating.  Either way, I know that dinner will be very good. 

I've sat in my chair and programmed the Tivo to record the shows for the week.  There are one or two new shows that we'll watch to see how we feel about them.  Every show deserves a chance.  Sometimes when I watch a television show, I mentally disagree with how the script is being played out.  In my mind, I can visualize different scenarios, I'm not saying that mine would be better, it'd just be different.

I'd love to stay and chat, but it's time to get moving doing something.  You know, work a little, sit a little and eventually nap a little!

Have a good day.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Getting Things Done


It's Saturday, and Jeff and I are feeling a bit smug, since we did our weekly shopping yesterday afternoon.  Prior to going to the store, I took inventory of what was in the pantry.  It seems as if when we go to get groceries, we are buying the same foods over and over again.  But not anymore. 

Yesterday afternoon, I dragged a chair over close to the pantry.  Now, our family would tell you that if food was ever rationed, then our house is the place to be.  I counted the number of pasta and rice "meals" we had.  Turns out we had more than a few of these - shocker!

I also took out all the crackers, and decided that we didn't need crackers this week or probably next.  Soups - got 'em.  Rotels (tomatoes and chilies) for including in dishes - got 'em.  In one particular dish I make, I put crushed corn flakes on top.  The trouble is, every time I make said dish, I buy another box of corn flakes.  In the pantry, I have three boxes of corn flakes!  Insanity.  And, I can never find a small box of corn flakes, nope the boxes are big.  

When I took inventory of the pantry - no easy task - I wrote down how many of "x" items I had.  This list was very helpful last night.  I said no to crackers, no to soups, and no to most frozen food items.  Jeff and I are going to try and live out of our pantry and freezer, whether we like the food we're eating or not.  If, you keep adding new food in the freezer, then the food way on the bottom, never stands a chance of being eaten.

We did buy a Cosco chicken, which will be a dinner and then made into soup.  We also bought stew meat, so that Jeff can turn that meat into a yummy dinner too.  I'm not doing very much cooking these days, mostly because I have to keep stopping every few minutes to rest, because my back pain kicks in really quick.

Once we got home last night, Jeff took the few freezer items we had bought and if the food remaining didn't need to be put in the fridge, they are sitting on the kitchen table, to be dealt with today.

I am continuing my quest to keep the basement floor clean, even if it kills me.  I'm pretty sure that the culprit that makes the messes in the basement, is Daisy.  Our last terrier, like Daisy, found it too much trouble to go outside and potty, even though the doggy door is in sight!  Terriers are stubborn dogs.

It's time for me to get moving.  I think we're going to try and give Daisy a bath today, and that should be interesting.  I will say that Sam loved the bathtub and was always very happy to jump in.  One time, when I was in the bathtub, he jumped in!

Have a great Saturday.


Friday, January 19, 2018

A Rant


For years, I literally wasn't all that interested in the news.  Most of the news then, and more so today, is depressing.  But I know that I can no longer live in a shell, surrounded by "nice" news.  Is that even a thing?

This year, in particular, has brought around a lot of bad/sad news.  Men physically harassing women.  For me, working in the 60's and 70's, I was subjected to emotional abuse.  Then, like now, it was mostly brushed under the carpet, and women, were overstating what was happening to them.  One company that I worked for, in 1968, we had to ask our supervisor if we could go to the bathroom.  How embarrassing that was.  And, you had better not take too long in the bathroom, or else somebody would come in and check on you.  Heaven forbid if you took a minute or two to enjoy peace and quiet.

Over the years, I have had a stapler thrown at me, dealt with a drunk and often out of the office boss, mean supervisors, and in one office I worked in after high school, flowers that I had brought in for my desk, were snatched away to go to a partner's desk.  Complain?  Don't even think about it.

Anyway, I see that Woody Allen is the next one to join the illustrious list of men accused of sexual assault, and the charge came from his own daughter.  Really, really sad.

Locally, a couple built a tree house for their daughters. Unfortunately, the tree house extends about 20 feet over a u-shaped alley, and was built three years ago.  First, they were ordered to take down the tree house and were fined $2,000.  The couple, who feel strongly about their right to keep the tree house, have now filed suit in District Court.  I don't know about your neighborhood, but here in the East, there is a "I'll mind your business, as well as my own."  Or, not in my backyard mentality.  Jeff and I know of this personally, because 30 years ago, when we put up our fence around the backyard, we consulted with all the neighbors who would be impacted once the fence was built.  Years and years went by, and then suddenly a neighbor complained.  Why?  Because they didn't like the "ugly" side of the pickets facing their house.  In the dead of winter, Jeff and the boys, had to literally dig up that portion of the fence, and turn it around.  

We have a large generator in our backyard.  Before, we installed "Jenny" in the backyard, we obtained all the necessary permits and wrote to the HOA that we were going to install this generator.  We received the okay from the HOA, but that didn't keep one neighbor from reporting their dislike of having to see Jenny from their deck.  How I long for some of the tried and true fences of southern California, which are six feet of concrete blocks. It's hard to offend your neighbor, if they can't actually see what's going on in your yard.  A fence like that makes for good neighbors!  That's all I'm saying. 

The next door neighbor, has a young son.  They put up a portable basketball hoop in the circle of our street.  The basketball stand, if you will, is set up and probably extends a foot or perhaps less into the street.  One of our neighbors, who winters in Florida every year, will probably have a cow when he returns home and sees the basketball stand.  I feel it shouldn't matter to him or any of the other neighbors.  But, given enough time, it will annoy somebody I'm sure.  And, more than likely, the HOA will get involved, and I think that's sad.

Over the years, Jeff and I have become more "Eastern-like".  We have learned when to put out our trash cans, and how quickly to get them back into the garage, and this pertains to recycling too.  A neighbor behind us, asked if he could cut down a few trees in our backyard, and we told him to knock himself out.  To date, he hasn't done anything with the trees.  We know that the trees, which are 30 years old, have long gone past their prime and do need to come down.  Scott was given a smaller chainsaw for Christmas, and one of these days, he'll come and take down the trees and perhaps trim some other ones, which have a few dead branches.  Our problem, after the trees are taken down, that we will be able to look directly into said neighbor's kitchen!  We put up the Leland Cypress to keep us less visible to the neighbor.  And, once the trees are down, we'll have to decide what to put in their place.  I think a row of holly bushes might be nice.  We have a holly bush in one corner of our yard, and it's huge.  Another bonus about a holly bush, is that the girls won't go near it!

There you have it - my rant for the day - and now I feel much better! 😄

Have a good day and a great week-end.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trying Hard to Relax


A lot of you know, that I can't seem to relax completely.  I am in a few words "tightly wound" pretty much 24/7.  And, in case you're wondering being nervous, on edge, or whatever else you want to call it, is exhausting!

When I watch television, I have to have something for my hands to fidget with.  I now have two fidgety devices that consist of multiple rings with a bit of elastic inside each ring.  When I get dressed in the morning, I put my "fidgets" in my pants pocket, so that I have them all of the time!

I am also a worrier (shocker), and I even worry when I don't have anything to worry about, and that's wearing as well as unhealthy.  Since my short term memory is pretty much shot, I ask Jeff the same questions over and over again.  And he gives me the answer, and an hour later, give or take, and I have already forgotten what he told me.  If I write stuff down, I can't even where I put the paper down.  Sad really.

Yesterday, I went down to the basement (ugh), and armed with rags and concrete cleaner, worked on the basement floor (double ugh).  One of the dogs, and I'm pretty sure it's Daisy, because Sam like Daisy is a terrier, thinks the backyard is for play, and the basement is for getting down to potty business. After I had the floor cleaned, to at least my satisfaction, I kept the girls from going into the basement without an escort - me.  Now this morning, during an unsupervised trip to the backyard, there is a new puddle, or more like a river, to clean up.  I just took the girls outside, and was successful with Daisy, which is much more important to me, than making sure Bella gets down to business.

I bought on Amazon (is there any other place to shop?), a liquid concrete cleaner.  The cleaner really does work, but it's most effective if you clean the floor initially, and then follow that exercise up with a clean, wet rag.  Sound like a lot of work?  It is, but while going up and down the stairs is a bit hard on me, I know I have to have the upper hand on keeping the basement clean.

Jeff is really enjoying his "commute" to his office this week.  After breakfast, he heads upstairs, and is on the phone and computer until a lunch break, when he comes down for a few minutes to eat.  The end of his day, is somewhere around 5:00, when he makes the afternoon commute.

Jeff has been taking Bella out for a walk the last few evenings.  They go around the block, and Jeff says that Bella does very well walking on a leash.  I'm proud of him for exercising, and I have suggested that occasionally he should take Daisy, who hasn't been on a leash very much.

Ada (cleaning lady) came yesterday, and because I did so much shredding the day before, (it was a planned event), there were bits of shredded paper pretty much everywhere.  The paper sticks to the bottom of your shoe or pant leg.  Anyway, my shredding is complete, for the moment, and the carpets are shred-free again!

I see the oral surgeon today for a consultation with an implant to follow soon.  I absolutely hate having this hole in my mouth, which unfortunately, is near the front.  No smiling for me.  Today, is my last appointment for the week (yeah!). After the appointment, we're heading out to do our weekly grocery shopping.  We're going to buy less frozen food, because we need to eat what we already have in the freezer - and we have a lot of food in there.

Happy Thursday.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Let It Snow!


Well, the weatherman got the forecast right for today.  It did snow last night, but the snow is only sticking to the grass.  The road in front of the house is clear, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not slippery.

I think Jeff is liking his new job.  I know that he's loving his commute - 12 stairs up and 12 stairs down.  Since I know he's at work, I tend to my chores and am trying, rather successfully I might add, to leave him alone.  The girls enjoy having him here, because they can go into his office and sleep.  The girls are still not allowed in our bedroom during the day - I just can't trust Bella.  She will take something very random, run it outside, and then Jeff and I come behind her, and pick up the pieces of the now unidentifiable object.

I made zucchini bread yesterday.  You should try and make it.  The bread comes out super moist, thanks to the pineapple.  Half a dozen ingredients, stir and put in a loaf pan.  Later, for a snack, you heat it up and put butter on top.  

Yesterday, I did the purge, merge and shredding of old bills, receipts, and stuff like that.  I filled up two large plastic bags with the shredding.  I wanted to shred yesterday, so that Ada can vacuum up the bits and pieces of shredded paper, that tends to drift (how is that even possible ?) throughout the house.

Today, I have another large folder that I'm going to go through.  I'm pretty sure that the documents in this folder, are very old and no longer relevant.  I get such a good feeling, when I've gotten rid of old paper.  And, who doesn't love shoving paper into a shredder?  It's almost as cathartic as when I unintentionally dropped a bowl on the ground.

Stay warm today.  See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Technical - I'm Not!


Apologies my friends for the lack of a blog.  Your truly, through some upgrades to my computer, found I couldn't open up my blog in my usual way.  Now those is the know, would say my problems were due by user error, and likely they wouldn't be wrong.

So many things these days confound me.  Putting in batteries on devices. Oh, I can put batteries in, it's just that I can't figure out how to open up some device.  It's not just the little things that trip me up, but sometimes larger things as well.  I can always ask for help, but would like to be able, at least occasionally, figure out things on my own.  And, my past history has shown that it's safer and less time consuming to call in the cavalry (i.e., Jeff)!

Today, is day two of shredding.  Ada comes tomorrow and the business of dumping the shred bin into large plastic bags can get quite messy.  I, will of course, get my vacuum out and pick up some of the loose shredding pieces, but I'm sure there will be more bits and pieces to vacuum up tomorrow.  

Went and had my head "shrunk" yesterday.  Jeff was able to take the time out of his workday to drive me to my appointment.  No waiting around for Metro Access was wonderful, because their pick-up windows for an appointment can be quite large. For instance, yesterday had I used Metro Access, my appointment to get me to a 1:00 doctor visit, was 11:02 to 11:30.  If, that's the only way I can get around, then I just have to pull up my big girls' panties and prepare to wait in the doctor's waiting room.

I'm seeing an oral surgeon on Thursday, so that I can begin the process of getting an implant put in.  I am super uncomfortable having a tooth missing.  And, at my age, the tooth fairy doesn't even visit me!  An implant is expensive, but you do what you have to do.  Most dental plans make you wait a year after enrolling, before they will pay for an implant.  Well, guess who's not waiting a year.  Yep, you guessed it - me.

Stacey and Benjamin are coming to the house tomorrow for a visit.  I always enjoy spending time with both of them.  We're going to go to Target to return something that was bought for Jeff, but I know he'll never use.  Who knows what else we'll get up to.  One thing for sure needs to be done - toys in the spare room, need to be picked up - by someone other than myself.

After this week, I am doctor free until I get to February.  I have two pre-op  appointments and lab work that needs to be done before the 27th, which is my surgery date.  I can't tell you how much I'm dreading the surgery.  I've already had back surgery 20 years ago, and I don't have any fond memories!  At least, Jeff is working from home now, so I can call on him within reason.  By the way, he's loving his new commute - up and down the stairs!  I'm loving that since he's staying home, finding food for his lunch, is no longer a big deal.   Since, I know he's working, I am making an effort not to bother him.  I pretend that he's not actually upstairs working, and that helps.

Have a great day.


Image result for picture of shredding mess

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Bright and Sunny Sunday


It's cold out today, but at least it's not windy.  And, the sky is such a very pretty shade of blue.  On such a pretty day, almost wants a person to be outside.  Almost being the optimum word here.

After breakfast this morning, Jeff and I retreated to our respective recliners.  Fireplace is on, Jeff and the girls are asleep.  Me?  Writing to you guys (duh) and going to do some more shredding, which always makes such a mess when you try and empty the bin into a trash bag.  Have no fears, my vacuum stands ready to suck up any stray pieces of paper.

I do shred incoming junk mail, and these days, our mailbox is stuffed with unwanted mailings.  Because our name and address appear on these envelopes, I take the mail out of the mailbox and head to the shredder.  If, you shred mail as it comes into the house, it doesn't take up much time.  But, if you use a small trash can for papers that need shredding, then it becomes a big job!  Unfortunately, the shredding that is in Jeff's office, fills an entire trash can - think semi-large plastic.  The trash can is now so heavy, that I can't bring it downstairs, so Jeff will have to do that for me.

Since Ada has been cleaning our house once a week, I no longer use, except for shredding pieces of paper, my vacuum or a mop.  It's amazing how quickly a person can get used to having someone clean for you.  Ada also empties the kitchen trash can, and I'm super thankful for that.  I cannot for the life of me, get the plastic bag to fit.  Jeff can and Ada can, but unfortunately, not me.

Jeff starts his new job tomorrow.  Since he'll be working remote, no more office shirts to wash, not that it was a big job.  No more plastic boxes to wash out, since he'll no longer need to pack his lunch.  Because he's working, I'll try to have as few interruptions during the day as possible.  The team Jeff is joining tomorrow, have morning conference calls, I think he said three times a week. If that's not true then it's simply fake memory!  I have two appointments this week, and since they are both in the afternoon, and relatively short, Jeff will take me.  And, for this, I am really appreciative, because the pick up window for Metro Access to take me to my appointments, can be long at either end of the appointment.  Example: I have an appointment tomorrow at 1:00.  Pick up time? 11:02 to 11:30.  After you make a pick-up time, IF you want to try and get a better time, you HAVE to cancel the first pick-up time and take your chances that you will get a better time.  Problem with that is, obviously, that while you're screwing around trying to get a better time, your original pick-up time could be given to somebody else.  I'm not willing to take a chance, because I'm generally not that lucky!

I see the oral surgeon this week to get my implant process started.  Implants are pricey and if you enroll in a new dental plan, they won't cover implants for a year.  I'm not willing to wait a year to fix this gaping hole near the front of my mouth.  I know I'm getting older, and I accept all the spots, bags and sags of my body, but I'm for damn sure not going to go around with missing teeth.  I mean a person does have to make a stand somewhere!

Jeff and I are not "draining the swamp" (whatever that really means), but we are trying to "drain" the large freezer in the basement.  When we go shopping, we always put the new food on the top.  Trouble is, that means we never get around to eating the food near the bottom of the freezer.  We're trying to make this year's resolution be that we should eat what we have on hand.  I'll let you know later how well that resolution is holding up!



Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Beautiful Saturday


Dear friends, it's Saturday and a Winnie The Poo kind of day - blustery. While it's windy and rather cold outside, the sky is beautifully blue.  But, since it's cold, I'm planning on staying inside today.

I got up with the dogs this morning, so that Jeff could sleep in.  I know he's tired, so it's entirely possible that he will take a short snooze this afternoon.  I'm sure it will take a few days for both his body and the girls to acclimate to the new schedule. 

This morning, Jeff and I watched a couple of episodes of "The Dog Whisper".  Every time we watch an episode, it gives us more helpful information in handling the girls.  Just when I think, we're going in the right direction, I turned around this morning, and Bella had her front paws on the kitchen table, getting ready to snag a paper plate!  I would really like to take the gates down, but just can't trust her.

Yesterday, I took all of the containers that Jeff took in his lunch box, washed them, and today will find a new home for them.  Because Jeff got up so early, and made his breakfast, I kept containers on the counter for the items he used on his oatmeal, nuts, sweet'no low (actually, don't know how to spell that) and dried cranberries.  I have decided that he'll be eating breakfast now at a more normal time, so the containers don't need to be on the counter.  I don't like a lot of clutter on my counters, so anything that I can put away, I do.  A little "OCD" ya think?

Off to get dressed and really "start" my day.  Drinking coffee and eating a bagel, while I watch television, isn't what I consider starting my day!


Friday, January 12, 2018

Wet Friday


It's Friday - yeah!  It's raining - ugh.  Rain is good for the ground, but the mud that is tracked in by the girls, is messy, although on the plus side, I know if they've been outside!  Snow would be much cleaner.  

Today, is Jeff's last day of working as a contractor for a county government in Maryland.  His new job starts on Monday.  He will be a contractor to a contractor, and ultimately be back working for IBM, as a contractor - hope that all made sense.

For the past three years, he has gotten up with the chickens, packed up his lunch, fed the dogs and flew out the backdoor.  The work wasn't difficult for him, and at times I think he was bored.  What he didn't like was the commute.  The early morning commute was tolerable, but coming home in the afternoon, was a nightmare.  Starting on Monday, Jeff will get at least 2 extra hours back in his day, because he won't be commuting. Okay, technically he'll be commuting from upstairs to downstairs and then back upstairs.  

What's in it for me? A happier man, and that's huge.  No more work shirts to wash, although that wasn't much of a chore, but my focus is on what's going to change come next week. No more plastic lunch containers to wash, and time permitting, Jeff will be able to take me to my doctor's appointments.

We probably won't kill each other during the day, because he'll spend I think most of his time at his desk.  I will continue to do my "thing" - dishes, laundry and guessing prices of items on the Price Is Right!

Plus, after I have surgery, Jeff will be home and again, work permitting, be able to take care of me.  I dread the surgery, but know that I cannot continue to live with my back pain any longer.  I tried wishing the pain away, and that didn't work, so next up is some kind of repair, probably fusion to two discs in my back.  Yippee.  

I hope all is well in your world and that the sun is shining.


Closing Up Shop

7/3/3021 Dear Friends and Family, I've decided to, for the present time, turning my blog off. Over the years, I've had faithful foll...