Monday, January 1, 2018

Getting Into Closets


Certainly difficult to remember to write 2018.  Guess it'll take me some amount of time before I stop writing 2017!  Truth be told, I'm glad that 2017 is over, because it wasn't the best year for me.  Sending positive thoughts to my brain that this year will be better.

Benjamin has been with us two days and he and I stayed up until midnight yesterday. Okay, big deal for both of us, then off to bed.  I'm pretty sure there is a nap going to be scheduled for Benjamin and I later today.

When Benjamin is here, he plays all over the house.  And, much like I was when I was young, he went into the closets in the two spare rooms, and the next thing he brings down is our slide projector.  Where in heavens name did he find that?  No worries, I simply put it on the dining room table, for Jeff to put away later.

As a little girl, I was looking for shoes in Grandma's closet, that I could put on and "walk" around - the word "walk" is overstating what I was actually doing!  The neat part of being a Grandmother, at least for me, and my Grandmother as well, we have our the years built up a large tolerance for children playing.  Benjamin pretty much plays all over the house, except for our bedroom, which is off limits to him.  Right now, he has spread an afghan on the floor in the living room.  There is an "office" by the front door as well as an assortment of toys, and things found, being played with in the dining room.  Benjamin does know that my glass pieces are definitely off limits.  Other than that, there isn't much that he can do to hurt our furniture.  As a toddler, Benjamin used to take toys and bang on the coffee table in the living room, so a few more scratches doesn't bother me at all.

Benjamin, like myself as a child, has a vivid imagination and creates "worlds" for himself.  I used to talk to myself while I played and to some extent Benjamin does as well.  

Jeff made a wonderful sweet 'n sour one pot dish last night.  There was rice, water chestnuts (which truthfully I could do without), chicken and pineapple.  It was yummy.  Benjamin didn't like the look of his dinner, so I scooped out the extra things, and left him with chicken and pineapple, which he enjoyed very much.

Today or tomorrow, Jeff is going to make beef stew.  I am grateful to Jeff that he, for the most part, has taken over cooking dinner.  I am, unfortunately, unable to stand or walk for more than a few minutes, which makes cooking a big deal for me, and I need to sit down in the middle of cooking.

It's a New Year, filled with endless possibilities.  I don't have so much of a resolution, as I have a plan.  Get the back surgery out of the way, put an implant where my tooth fell out, try to walk with Jeff around the neighborhood (I'll use my rollator so I can sit down), so that he builds up his endurance.  Goal?  Get Jeff to be able to walk 9 minutes on the dread mill, so that he can get meet the requirements to be able to fly again. If Jeff could get up in the air again, I know that would make him very happy.

Well, my friends, have a very Happy New Year.  Also, happy birthday to my brother!


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