Wednesday, January 31, 2018

To Shred, Or Not To Shred - That Is The Question!


First, happy birthday Andrew.  I don't know if you read my blog, but wanted to share my love for you publicly.

Back in the day, when you received mail, you chucked any mail you didn't want or need, into the trash can.  And, while that's still an option today, it's one that most people no longer do.  We are now bombarded with things like credit card applications, that unfortunately has your name and address on the mailing label, and must be destroyed.  Hence, the shredder!

Yesterday, because I didn't have anything better to do, I went into Jeff's office to do some much needed filing.  And, because I can't leave well enough alone, made the decision to purge old paid bills, bank deposit receipts, and literally crap loads of s***t that had to be shredded.  I could have, at any point, stopped throwing everything and anything on the floor, but since I was on a roll, I continued.

When I was pretty much worn out, I scooped up all the stuff on the floor, and shoved everything in a black trash bag.  My job today is to: sift through the bag and put the contents in two piles.  One pile will be for anything that has no identifying name, address, etc.  And the other pile, which will be much bigger, is for everything that does identify us.  Now, we have a reasonable size shredder, but it will take me probably hours to shred all the documents.  When shredding a bunch of paper, you have to pause periodically to allow the shredder to cool down.  

So, as I sit in my office, and glare at the really full black trash bag, I know that there is no way out, the shredding must commence.  The shredding isn't actually that bad.  What is bad, is the emptying of the shredder.  It seems that every time you empty the shredder, and it doesn't matter if you're careful, bit and pieces of paper float to the ground.  

Not only will I enjoy that job (not really), but I also have to finish working with Jeff on the mailing of required end-of-the-year documents.  Oh, and because that's not enough to do, I need to straighten up some parts of the house before Ada shows up this afternoon.

Meditation anyone?


Image result for picture of shredding mess

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