Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Alexa, Meditation and Filing


What does Alexa and meditation to do with one another?  Simple really.  I suffer from anxiety and fret over stuff that I don't even know is going to happen to me.  Basically, I just worry - a lot.  Anxiety is not good for me, and perhaps more importantly, the people around me!

Yesterday, I was wrapped around the axle and Jeff suggested that I go downstairs, recline in my chair and have Alixa play some kind of soothing music for ten minutes.  I asked Alixa to play ocean sounds and she did.  Once the music started, I was still in an anxious mood, but then miraculously, my head went black, or blank if you prefer, and I was so relaxed that I fell asleep.  After the music stopped, I asked Alexa to play the ocean sounds for another ten minutes.  So relaxing, when you (and I) just let the worries of the world drift away, even if it's only for just a few minutes.  Once my "time" was up, I felt relaxed and a bit refreshed.  I couldn't even remember what had gotten me so worked up!

I know some people do yoga and practice meditation that way.  They make some sounds that I can't type because I don't know the words, but perhaps it's nothing more than a bit of humming.  Here's what I do know - if I even managed to sit on the floor, and if it was possible for me to cross my legs (what a joke), then it was time to "unfold" yourself, they would have to bring in somebody who could lift my now paralyzed off the floor.  I know that being on the ground/floor whatever, means that I must have some kind of stool that I can crawl to, so that I can stand up.  That whole process is not pretty, I can tell you that for sure!

So instead of taking a mid-day Xanax, I can now let Alexa change my level of anxiety from pretty high to a much lower level, and that is surely a good thing.

I'm going to be put "to sleep" for two procedures in February.  I don't necessarily want to count backwards from ten, so that the doctor can tell if I'm asleep I guess.  Nope, I want a shot before I go into the operating room, so that everything I see and hear is a bit fuzzy.  You know what I'm talking about, the room is out of focus and people are talking and their voices seem to be loud (but in reality they are not), and then there's nothing.

Yesterday, I worked in Jeff's office, sorting papers into piles for filing or shredding.  So today, I have to go back into the office, and actually file those documents.  Jeff and I actually save most things, and some of those things are irrelevant.  I mean, how long are we going to hang onto paid utility bills?  Keeping credit card statements makes sense, so that you can go back, if you need to, and see when and how much you paid for something. In 1974, when we were first married, the filing of documents was quick and easy.  Fast forward 40 plus years, and now there's a whole lot of documents.  Argh!  How did our life get so much more complicated, paper wise?  I don't have an answer to that, I just know that it's happened.  I can't even imagine what our bills will look like, say in twenty years.  Perhaps by then, everything you receive will be electronic, and you'll have a robot (ha) who'll handle incoming paper.


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