Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trying Hard to Relax


A lot of you know, that I can't seem to relax completely.  I am in a few words "tightly wound" pretty much 24/7.  And, in case you're wondering being nervous, on edge, or whatever else you want to call it, is exhausting!

When I watch television, I have to have something for my hands to fidget with.  I now have two fidgety devices that consist of multiple rings with a bit of elastic inside each ring.  When I get dressed in the morning, I put my "fidgets" in my pants pocket, so that I have them all of the time!

I am also a worrier (shocker), and I even worry when I don't have anything to worry about, and that's wearing as well as unhealthy.  Since my short term memory is pretty much shot, I ask Jeff the same questions over and over again.  And he gives me the answer, and an hour later, give or take, and I have already forgotten what he told me.  If I write stuff down, I can't even where I put the paper down.  Sad really.

Yesterday, I went down to the basement (ugh), and armed with rags and concrete cleaner, worked on the basement floor (double ugh).  One of the dogs, and I'm pretty sure it's Daisy, because Sam like Daisy is a terrier, thinks the backyard is for play, and the basement is for getting down to potty business. After I had the floor cleaned, to at least my satisfaction, I kept the girls from going into the basement without an escort - me.  Now this morning, during an unsupervised trip to the backyard, there is a new puddle, or more like a river, to clean up.  I just took the girls outside, and was successful with Daisy, which is much more important to me, than making sure Bella gets down to business.

I bought on Amazon (is there any other place to shop?), a liquid concrete cleaner.  The cleaner really does work, but it's most effective if you clean the floor initially, and then follow that exercise up with a clean, wet rag.  Sound like a lot of work?  It is, but while going up and down the stairs is a bit hard on me, I know I have to have the upper hand on keeping the basement clean.

Jeff is really enjoying his "commute" to his office this week.  After breakfast, he heads upstairs, and is on the phone and computer until a lunch break, when he comes down for a few minutes to eat.  The end of his day, is somewhere around 5:00, when he makes the afternoon commute.

Jeff has been taking Bella out for a walk the last few evenings.  They go around the block, and Jeff says that Bella does very well walking on a leash.  I'm proud of him for exercising, and I have suggested that occasionally he should take Daisy, who hasn't been on a leash very much.

Ada (cleaning lady) came yesterday, and because I did so much shredding the day before, (it was a planned event), there were bits of shredded paper pretty much everywhere.  The paper sticks to the bottom of your shoe or pant leg.  Anyway, my shredding is complete, for the moment, and the carpets are shred-free again!

I see the oral surgeon today for a consultation with an implant to follow soon.  I absolutely hate having this hole in my mouth, which unfortunately, is near the front.  No smiling for me.  Today, is my last appointment for the week (yeah!). After the appointment, we're heading out to do our weekly grocery shopping.  We're going to buy less frozen food, because we need to eat what we already have in the freezer - and we have a lot of food in there.

Happy Thursday.


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