Sunday, January 14, 2018

Bright and Sunny Sunday


It's cold out today, but at least it's not windy.  And, the sky is such a very pretty shade of blue.  On such a pretty day, almost wants a person to be outside.  Almost being the optimum word here.

After breakfast this morning, Jeff and I retreated to our respective recliners.  Fireplace is on, Jeff and the girls are asleep.  Me?  Writing to you guys (duh) and going to do some more shredding, which always makes such a mess when you try and empty the bin into a trash bag.  Have no fears, my vacuum stands ready to suck up any stray pieces of paper.

I do shred incoming junk mail, and these days, our mailbox is stuffed with unwanted mailings.  Because our name and address appear on these envelopes, I take the mail out of the mailbox and head to the shredder.  If, you shred mail as it comes into the house, it doesn't take up much time.  But, if you use a small trash can for papers that need shredding, then it becomes a big job!  Unfortunately, the shredding that is in Jeff's office, fills an entire trash can - think semi-large plastic.  The trash can is now so heavy, that I can't bring it downstairs, so Jeff will have to do that for me.

Since Ada has been cleaning our house once a week, I no longer use, except for shredding pieces of paper, my vacuum or a mop.  It's amazing how quickly a person can get used to having someone clean for you.  Ada also empties the kitchen trash can, and I'm super thankful for that.  I cannot for the life of me, get the plastic bag to fit.  Jeff can and Ada can, but unfortunately, not me.

Jeff starts his new job tomorrow.  Since he'll be working remote, no more office shirts to wash, not that it was a big job.  No more plastic boxes to wash out, since he'll no longer need to pack his lunch.  Because he's working, I'll try to have as few interruptions during the day as possible.  The team Jeff is joining tomorrow, have morning conference calls, I think he said three times a week. If that's not true then it's simply fake memory!  I have two appointments this week, and since they are both in the afternoon, and relatively short, Jeff will take me.  And, for this, I am really appreciative, because the pick up window for Metro Access to take me to my appointments, can be long at either end of the appointment.  Example: I have an appointment tomorrow at 1:00.  Pick up time? 11:02 to 11:30.  After you make a pick-up time, IF you want to try and get a better time, you HAVE to cancel the first pick-up time and take your chances that you will get a better time.  Problem with that is, obviously, that while you're screwing around trying to get a better time, your original pick-up time could be given to somebody else.  I'm not willing to take a chance, because I'm generally not that lucky!

I see the oral surgeon this week to get my implant process started.  Implants are pricey and if you enroll in a new dental plan, they won't cover implants for a year.  I'm not willing to wait a year to fix this gaping hole near the front of my mouth.  I know I'm getting older, and I accept all the spots, bags and sags of my body, but I'm for damn sure not going to go around with missing teeth.  I mean a person does have to make a stand somewhere!

Jeff and I are not "draining the swamp" (whatever that really means), but we are trying to "drain" the large freezer in the basement.  When we go shopping, we always put the new food on the top.  Trouble is, that means we never get around to eating the food near the bottom of the freezer.  We're trying to make this year's resolution be that we should eat what we have on hand.  I'll let you know later how well that resolution is holding up!



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