Saturday, January 13, 2018

A Beautiful Saturday


Dear friends, it's Saturday and a Winnie The Poo kind of day - blustery. While it's windy and rather cold outside, the sky is beautifully blue.  But, since it's cold, I'm planning on staying inside today.

I got up with the dogs this morning, so that Jeff could sleep in.  I know he's tired, so it's entirely possible that he will take a short snooze this afternoon.  I'm sure it will take a few days for both his body and the girls to acclimate to the new schedule. 

This morning, Jeff and I watched a couple of episodes of "The Dog Whisper".  Every time we watch an episode, it gives us more helpful information in handling the girls.  Just when I think, we're going in the right direction, I turned around this morning, and Bella had her front paws on the kitchen table, getting ready to snag a paper plate!  I would really like to take the gates down, but just can't trust her.

Yesterday, I took all of the containers that Jeff took in his lunch box, washed them, and today will find a new home for them.  Because Jeff got up so early, and made his breakfast, I kept containers on the counter for the items he used on his oatmeal, nuts, sweet'no low (actually, don't know how to spell that) and dried cranberries.  I have decided that he'll be eating breakfast now at a more normal time, so the containers don't need to be on the counter.  I don't like a lot of clutter on my counters, so anything that I can put away, I do.  A little "OCD" ya think?

Off to get dressed and really "start" my day.  Drinking coffee and eating a bagel, while I watch television, isn't what I consider starting my day!


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