Friday, June 22, 2012

10 Things I've Always Wanted to Do That I Haven't Done -Yet!


Ten Things I've Always Wanted to do That I Haven't Done - Yet! 
(or more likely ten things I would do if I wasn't so chicken-livered!

When you're done reading my list - why don't you start your own?

  1.  Jump out of a perfectly good airplane and see what it really feels like to fly.
  2. Drive a car, any car, around a race track as fast (perhaps pushing the envelope to 70 or 80 mph - what a daredevil they'll all say) as I can go.
  3. Learn to swim.  (I know I know - but if you're afraid of water - this can and is a biggie).  So obviously you're not going to see any diving desires hit my little list here today).
  4. Snorkel.  Having just said what I said, this doesn't require diving; but it does involve water and putting one's face in the water.  Jeff tells me that there is some beautiful fish, coral and plants under the water.  I'll take his word for it.
  5. Hmmm my "wants" are slowing down probably in part because I lead such an adventurous life already!  So this probably doesn't count in the count.
  6. Do stand-up comedy or since it's easier on my old bod to sit I would do sit-down comedy.  Same thing just a chair (definitely no bar stool) involved.
  7. Perform on stage - in front of PEOPLE.  I did this once when I was in high school but I don't think my minor role as the Swedish maid (calm down - Magda was OLD) counts.
  8. Learn to paint.  And for those of you who know me - my new "on line" painting game which is pretty much fill in the blanks but with color does not count.  All though it's a lot of fun and is relaxing.
  9. Go up in a hot air balloon, which I'm sure you're already thinking could be powered by my own "hot air" since my mouth is in a constant flapping mode
  10. Here we are number ten - wait for it.  I know I am because I'm having trouble.  See number five above.  
  11. Oh I know, write a best selling novel.
  12. Write a "so-so" novel with sales much the same.
  13. Wait I've thought of another one - write a blog - I know I'm already doing that - but to get  followers up in the double digits - perhaps as high as ten!
  14. Go to Italy or more particularly the Isle of Murano and see the beautiful glass workers up close.  And I'd have to bring along an extra suitcase - empty to tote my new treasures home.  
Okay friends, I gave you a few "extras"  because I feel I may have wimped out on number 5 and 10 - see above.  As for the novels - I'd be pretty much satisfied with my name on a comic book (do they still make those)?  So now that you have seen my list - not a bucket list people - just a list.  What do you want to do that you haven't?  You could let me know.

I hope where ever you are today that it's jeans day at work.  It is I understand also bring your dog to work day.  So if you can't wear jeans (like I can) then by all means drag the dog along.  I'm sure your boss won't mind - much.


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