Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Tornado Named Ben!


A Tornado Named Ben!

Who would have thought that a 40 pound boy could create so much havoc in a small amount of time.  This evening he moved into my "formal" living room, his kitchen, his chairs, all his play food, his record player, trucks, cooking utensils, dolls, blocks and bowling set.  I'm sure I'm leaving some toy(s) out but I know that we'll need to have a light on to navigate if we get up in the middle of the night! 

Earlier tonight we played with the bubbles, washed all of his water toys, and got out the sprinkler to fill buckets and dump them over and occasionally on someone!  Later he asked for the nozzle to better clean the driveway and he discovered the art of making rain.  You all remember - you shoot the nozzle high in the air and the water comes down much like rain does.  Ben thought this was a lot of fun and he showered himself and anyone and anything around him until dinner time. 

After dinner and before bedtime Ben and I shared a bowl of popcorn while we watched an episode of Hi-Five which he loves and most adults wish that the show had never existed.  Ben loves the high energy and the music from these shows and for certain songs (The Robot song for sure) he will get up and dance quite well.

Bedtime - he grabs ALL the books I keep in the bedroom and we compromise on 4, including the story that I wrote for him which we read first.  It did my heart good when he laughed out loud when I got to the part about him sticking all the books in my bed (when I wasn't looking) and then I get in bed and complain about how lumpy and hard the bed is.  The laugh was genuine and is by far my favorite sound.  

At the moment Ben, Sam and Maggie have all settled in our bed for the night.  Of course, later Jeff and I will have to carve out enough space for ourselves - but that matters not.  What matters is that for tonight the three of us sleep close together which makes all of us very happy.  Well maybe not all of us -the dogs have to do there own jostling for position and when Ben stays over, they lose their favorite spot, which is in the middle between Jeff and I.


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