Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things I Miss on the Side of the Road

Things I Miss On the Side of the Road.  

Cassette tapes.  No not the actual cassette tape just that little ribbony thing (probably called tape) that was always on the side of the road.  You'd drive by and the tape would be glistening in the sun and reminded me of tinsel on a Christmas tree.  When was the last time you saw that along the highway?  Um how about almost forever.  

That naturally brings me to another point or perhaps my original thought.  Apparently, I have too much time on my hands and/or I worry too much about random silly things.  (You should bet on the latter).   How did the tape get out there anyway?  I always wondered about that because you never saw the actual cassette, just the tape.  So I'm betting that somebody was driving down the road (really?)  listening to the cassette and either (a) hated the next song so much that that the cassette wasn't worth saving; or (b) the cassette became unusable (and that happened a lot - remember having to put a pencil or pen in the hole trying to rewind the tape) and in a moment of complete rage, pulled the tape out of the cassette and then because we weren't too "green" back then, just tossed the tape out the car window?  Which brings me to another thought - where did the cassette go? 

I'm not sure which scenario was considered proper tape tossing etiquette. Was it better to toss out the whole cassette and wait for somebody to run over it and set the tape free, or float the tape out of your own window and hope it didn't end up on the windshield of the person behind you! 

Ever see a CD by the side of the road?  Let me know if you have because I certainly haven't.  Maybe they don't get tossed out because that wouldn't be very "green" but they sure would be sparkly.  You already know about the sparkly thing because you have occasionally driven behind someone who has a CD or equivalent handing from their rear view mirror and when the sun shines on it - it's brilliant - and in your eyes.  I think the real reason they don't get tossed out is because unlike their predecessor CD's generally don't get wonky.   

Signing off for now and giving you lots to think about.


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