Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Smart Phones and the Game I Play


Smart Phones and the Game I Play

After much hemming and hawing I bought my first smart phone a few months ago.  Sure, I had always carried a cellphone for emergencies (flat tire, stuff like that); but, I never (and still don't) know what my phone number is.  Nobody ever called me, and they still don't, mostly because by the time I realize my phone is/was ringing, the other person had hung up.  Perfect.

Even though I didn't want to actually "talk" on the phone, I wanted those extra cool features I saw everybody else enjoying.  They were taking pictures, texting, surfing, playing games and even a few of them were actually using the phone to talk on!  What I discovered at the store is that they  really don't make a phone big enough for me to actually see much of what's on the screen anymore; but, still I wanted to have what everyone else had.  Sound like high school?  Mother, EVERYBODY has one of _______ (insert your favorite want here).

So I/we bought a phone that does everything.  I can talk to some little computer gizmo and tell  Siri to help me find the nearest ice cream store or dial Jeff (who Siri does know, by the way, is my husband). Talking to Siri reminds me of the first time I went through fast food place and had to talk into the little box (which was about 100 years ago, give or take a year or two).  I didn't want the phone to actually "talk" on - nope I wanted that extra stuff - calendar, notes and a game.  Notice I didn't say games because I only knew about one, which I now play but not particularly well.

A friend invited me to play Words w/Friends and I was so excited and felt that I was really up to the challenge.  Many games with many friends/family later I have found myself apologizing to everyone for being less than a stellar player.  Sometimes I think adding an "s" or "d" is a bold move.  And don't worry challengers, I don't care two hoots about the tiles marked "tl, dl, tw or dw". Half the time I don't even remember what they stand for and I'm not a strategic player, which all of you have figured out already.

Let's take this morning's game - and yes, for those of you keeping track it's very early (5:30 am currently).  My tiles were u,e,t,u,o,i and u.  With those tiles you can't even spell tutu.  I took a pass, who wouldn't. 

Disclaimer to my challengers I did buy a scrabble-like dictionary in LARGE print which weighs about 5 pounds so by picking it up and down to play my games, I am not only working my brain - but gaining upper arm strength too!

Here's a word my son played recently - trow.  Never heard of it.  Looked up in my 'little' dictionary and it means to suppose.  Next time I'm asked to do something, instead of saying "I suppose" I could say "I trow".  That will certainly take people back a bit.  I think trow must be a word used in oldie times when Kings and Queens threw around words like beheadeth and disobeyeth, which in a lot of cases meant more or less the same thing.  

Gotta run, my phone's buzzing telling me it's my turn to play.  I trow I'll see you all tomorrow.

Have a good day.


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