Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cuzilu Buys a New Car


 Cuzilu Buys a New Car

Ever bought a new car?  Or even a gently used new car?  Of course you have and so have I.  The last car I bought was a very emotional experience for me.  In actuality I tend to be an emotional person over just about everything, which may come as a surprise to some of you.

Here's my thoughts about buying and selling a car.
When I get to the dealer, I see her immediately.  She’s hard to miss sitting there in the sunlight dazzling everyone who passes by.  Do cars flirt?  Perhaps they do.  Ever notice how one just catches your eye when you’re shopping and you know instantly that it’s the car for you.  You want the car enough that you are willing to engage the salesman in the buying/selling (or back/forth) dance ritual.  Unfortunately, for me – and perhaps you too – there are ups and downs to buying and selling a car.
The salesman has done his job.  He's told me all about the new gadgets, the safety features and the cool but not necessary bells and whistles (i.e., things that will break down and need fixing).  Okay, so I'm sold - where do I sign?   But wait, Jeff now wants to know about that boring stuff - tires, engine size, things like that. My take on tires is that they are round and only come in black - good enough.  What do you need to know about an engine?  From a woman's point of view what's under the hood either works or it doesn't.  And, if it doesn't work then that is definitely the man's problem.
Finally, the dance is finished and papers, keys and tags have been exchanged.  The new car belongs to me (and the bank).  It’s time to transfer my belongings to the new car.  Okay, here’s where the downside of this process comes in – at least for me.  I find it emotionally difficult (because I’m a softie) to move from one car to another.  It’s hard for me to leave a faithful friend in the lot waiting for a new owner to love and care for her.  Maybe I’m alone with this level of emotion and devotion to an inanimate object, but I don’t think so.

After a brief tutorial on how to make everything work inside the car I put my foot on the brake, select drive and ease my way out of the driveway.  I allow myself one last glance at my old friend and hope that her next owner appreciates and loves her like I did.  Then with the sound of the 50’s coming from the radio, my headlights shining bright and the new car smell surrounding me I head for home and new adventures.

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