Friday, June 29, 2012

Vacation Time


Vacation Time

In exactly 8 hours, give or take an hour or two, my two week vacation will start.  I feel somewhat like a kid on the last day of school, except I don't have a stinky old locker to clean out before I can go.  "Technically" our vacation will begin on Monday when we are wheels up in Frederick on our way to Illinois and then Minnesota.  But you can't fault a girl for throwing in a few extra days for good measure.

We will be away from home for one week during which time we hope that any problems at home, or more likely, the family business remain small and few.  For seven days, Jeff and I would like to be a carefree couple out on holiday as the English call it.  

Jeff is only taking a week off from work - but I am taking an extra week because I know it will that long to slog through the pile-up of paperwork, read through the mountain of mail (this is not much of an exaggeration), iron out the prior week's problems and hiccups and sort through the various boxes and packages that will be waiting for us upon our return.  But, for seven days, we're going to try reallllllllllly hard to shove all that stuff to the dark recesses of our heads and enjoy ourselves.  So here's to vacations and hope that the one(s) you take this year will be fabulous and restful. 

Don't worry I'm taking a laptop (which I don't much care for) and will do my best to be a regular and diligent blogger.  So please keep reading because I'm still writing. 



  1. I can do that for sure. I hope to have some exciting (or at least different) things to chat about.

  2. It's a deal! And if it doesn't break any rules, you may want to add an illustration or photo. Either way, I'll be watching.

  3. The pilot lets me shoot as many pics from the plane as I want - of course that means I have to stay awake. Plane rides may for good snoozing.


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