Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Day in My Life - June 22th


A Day in My Life -.June 22th

Let me tell you how my day started and how I believe it’s going to end.  Exciting.  I arose (don’t you just love that word, sounds so much better than I got out of bed) at 5:00 as I am wont (another lovely word from a different time) to do.  First things first – feed the dogs so they’ll settle down and then get coffee which needs to be zapped about 40 seconds in the microwave for my required large gulp temperature.  Who wants to spend all their energy blowing and sipping coffee.  It should go down the hatch quick and easy.

Around 6:00 Jeff gets up which he normally is not wont to do.  He agrees with me that the downstairs air conditioning which has been running steadily since yesterday afternoon isn’t producing much cold air.  Yesterday some part on the outside unit was replaced; but, the tech didn’t come into the house to check the inside..  Guess who’s coming into the house today?  Yep, the a/c man.  Jeff will be flying so it will be up to me to stress the importance of my being cold in the summer.  And you all know how assertive I can be, so this will be a cakewalk!
Yesterday the work window was from 1-3.  Today, it’s sometime today, which is a very large window of time.

I made the supreme sacrifice to stay home – and on a Friday at that.  What a woman.  I have turned on classical music, drinking orange juice w/ice (and no there’s no vodka in it - it is morning after all) and getting ahead of myself in writing.  I feel so bad that I have to stay home - not.

I figure while I'm home I can do my homework from my online class “Beginning Publishing”.  The assignment today is to write a letter to the Editor of the Washington Post disagreeing with something in the “A” section of the paper.  Trouble with that assignment is twofold: (1) I don’t actually read the “A” section; and (2) have no opinion(s).  Guess I’ll delay my assignment until I can find some big news that I disagree (or pretend to disagree) about.

The a/c man shows up in the early afternoon and looks at the unit downstairs, loves that the filter is nice and clean (thank you Jeff), touches pipes, venting and other mechanical devices.  He comes up from the bowels of the basement and tells me that the unit is working fine - it's just been so hot that the system hasn't quite caught up with itself.  I remind him that in 24 hours the a/c hasn't cycled off ONCE and has only been able to bring the temperature down from 85 degrees to 80!  He assures me this is all NORMAL.  Now logically I don't think so - but he is a professional after all.

Now if I could write an article about how much I disagree with the findings of my a/c man - then I'd have lots to say.  Hold on now because I'm going to give you a glimpse into the future ......Sunday June 24th.  The a/c continued on Saturday to rise rather than lower the temperature in the house until we just turned the stupid thing off entirely.  I won't be home on Monday (thank goodness) when the a/c man is called back to the house AGAIN. But I'm betting he won't be leaving until the a/c is actually producing cold air.


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