Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Another Gray Day


Looking out my window, all I see is another gloomy gray day.  This body needs to see some sunshine, because it's good for my soul.

Last night, as I reported yesterday, Jeff and I went out to dinner with friends.  We don't go out to dinner very much and when we do, we generally don't have anything to talk about.  After 41 years, we've pretty much talked about everything!

Jeff and I both had prime rib, which is a treat because I have never attempted to cook it at home.  There are just some foods that you eat only occasionally as a treat.  And, you appreciate every bite.  Unlike Jeff and our friends, I had to have dessert.  Um I have a "small" (ha) sweet tooth and absolutely love sugar.

Between the four of us, there was always somebody talking, and it was very enjoyable.  Part of going out to dinner meant that I could put on my "going to town" clothes and feel like a grown-up.  When you stay home all the time, it's easy to fall into wearing clothes that are comfy, but not necessarily stylish!  Just saying.  Shoes? Forget about it.  I've got slippers!

We joked that the last time we had gotten together was December 2014 - we really have to stop meeting like this!

I brought along a list of books that I thought my friend might like to read.  She in turn suggested a book for me, one that I will check out today on Amazon.   

Jeff took his prime rib "tovers" for his lunch today.  Tomorrow he can take mine.  I like prime rib, but not enough that I want to eat it again today.  During my breakfast, with coffee in hand, I finished off my tiramisu cake, which was delicious.  

Today is Bacon Day.  Now that's a holiday I could definitely celebrate, because everybody knows everything tastes better with bacon.

Though it's a day or two early, it's not too late to start thinking about the resolutions you're going to make on Friday, that will slip your mind by Saturday!

 Image result for picture of new year resolutions

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