Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's Wednesday - So What!


As I sit here at my desk with my "SAD" light on (definitely need it today), outside is very gray and foggy.  If you were into murder mysteries, this is the kind of day when one would occur.

The most relevant thing that happens on Wednesday is recycling day, and that's kind of sad.  Because once I bring it back into the garage, I'll just start loading it up again with newspapers, magazines, boxes and the like.  

I am spending my "free" time during the day collecting up clothes that I don't like, don't wear or won't fit.  Unfortunately, I have more clothes in that last category than the other two categories combined!  Oh, I could keep them hanging up in the closet, hoping that I would someday (and we know that ain't gonna happen) be able to fit back into them.  So, it only seems right to donate my clothing to people who really need and will appreciate them.

So far, I have filled up two large garbage bags and have one closet left to rummage through.  Over the years, I always had nothing to wear, hence the need to keep buying more clothes, which still left me with nothing to wear.  I guess the desire to have new clothes or shoes takes over our side of the brain that is screaming - you're out of closet space - so stop!

I am tossing out most of the clothes that I used to wear to the office.  I'm not sad to see them go.  They remind me of a time, a different time where I was actively involved in my work.  A time when my brain was functioning at it's maximum (which might not have been so much) capacity.  And now the memory portion of my brain no longer works as well as it once did.  

Men are the hunters and providers.  They go to work to provide us with shelter, food and the necessities of like - like cable television!  Women are gatherers.  We like things around us and often times have way too many things gathered.  Just count the pairs of shoes that you own or purses.  A lot of my shoes are either ones with ties or buckles.  I now find it nearly impossible to be able to reach down and tie or buckle a shoe.  Velcro on shoes is a wonderful thing.

I basically have eight hours in a day to do things around the house.  And even with that much time on my hands find that I'm not all that interested in staying on task.  There is always something more fun to do, like reading or doing jigsaw puzzles.

Today is Christmas Card Day.  I've already gotten my cards finished and mailed.  My dining room table looks like Santa's workshop, filled with Amazon boxes.  Is there really any other place to shop besides Amazon?  I don't think so.  I'm very good (at least I think I am) at finding gifts for people.  What I'm not good at, and actually almost hate, is wrapping those gifts.  Argh.


Image result for pictures of amazon boxes at home

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